After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1104: do you really? 【Second Update】

   Chapter 1104 Do you really know? 【Second Update】

   This "Almighty Goddess is a True Big Brother" is divided into two volumes. At the end of the first volume, the heroine Tang Li's status as the leader of the Hacker Alliance is officially lost.

  The painter draws to the back, and the painting style becomes more and more sloppy.

   The first few episodes are still exquisite sketches of characters, and in the last few episodes, they are like stick figures.

  Each character, only the eyes and mouth are left.

   I don’t know what the background of this painter called 'The Fat Head Fish Who Never Turns Back’ is. This level of creation can sell the copyright and get it published smoothly. At present, comic books have been sold overseas.

   "Are you optimistic?" Song Jingtian urged.

  Tang Li returned the comic book to him and specifically explained: "This kind of setting is all a lie, just take a look and forget it, don't take it seriously."

   "You're not Tang Li, how do you know it's not true?"

  Tang Li: "..."

Song Jingtian turned the comic book over, revealing the 'follow-up notice' on the back cover, "Tang Li had a misunderstanding with His Excellency the President, and decided to leave. After five years, he returned with a gifted child. The mother and son caused a **** storm in the Golden Triangle, and everyone called them affectionately. Mother and son are Black Widow and Lucifer."

   After introducing the plot, Song Jingtian sighed: "I don't know when the next volume will be out, I'm already looking forward to it."

  Tang Li: "..."

   In order to prevent minors from being harmed, she took the comic book: "confiscate."

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   At noon, Ruan brought three boxes.

   A box of self-heating rice, a box of mineral water, and a box of jelly.

   jelly, grape and apple flavor.

  These two fruits happen to be Tang Li’s favorite.

  Tang Li couldn't help but suspect that Kun really investigated himself in detail before tying her here.

   Because Song Jingtian lost his shoes, Tang Li asked Ruan to buy a pair for him.

   In the evening of the same day, a small automatic reactor was sent to the house next door. Song Jingtian was lying in front of the window of the stilted house, eating jelly while monitoring the movement outside.

   Big gold chain Pengsha moved things, and did not forget to ask Tang Li to 'sign'.

   As soon as Peng Sha left, Tang Li immediately turned around and entered the room, rummaging through the box to find the equipment manual.

   Even if she doesn't know how to refine, she should at least be able to operate equipment.

   Otherwise, you can't even fool yourself.

  Song Jingtian's sticky little hands rubbed east and west, and finally looked at Tang Li: "This seems to be similar to distillation equipment."

  Tang Li looked at him: "You know?"

   The little guy pouted and pointed to the label in a corner: "Isn't it written on it."

  Tang Li: ...I feel like my IQ has been crushed.

   "It was imported from country S." Song Jingtian continued to circle around the device.

   After a while, he turned his head and asked Tang Li, "Why did they put this thing next to us?"

  Tang Li didn't hide it from him: "I want me to refine something."

   The little guy made a deadly question: "Then will you?"

  Tang Li: "..."o(╥﹏╥)o

   "Actually, it's quite simple to refine."

  Tang Li looked for the manual for a while, then looked up at the little guy: "You know?"

   "..." Song Jingtian was unhappy on the spot.

What is this nonsense.

   He is someone who has been exposed to C++ at the age of five, and has taken a math Olympiad class at the age of six. For him, such a small chemistry experiment should not be too small (meaning).

   Every winter and summer vacation, those interest classes are not for nothing.

   In the end, I still don’t care enough about him!

   Facing the cold eyes of the little guy, Tang Li asked again: "You really know?"

  Song Jingtian snorted.

   In order to show his strength, he decided to show his hand.

   Along with those equipment, there were a lot of bottles and jars.

   Using local materials, Song Jingtian took a bag of sugar and baking soda.

   As if he was afraid that Tang Li could not understand Burmese, all the things he sent were labeled with S Mandarin.

  The little guy poured dozens of milliliters of sugar into a glass measuring cup, and then poured baking soda one by one. Then, he put his index finger into the measuring cup and stirred it, and then brought a matchbox from the alcohol lamp.


   A matchstick with flames was thrown into a measuring cup.

  The next second, a 'black snake' flew out from the top of the 'Snow Mountain'!

  The little guy put the matchbox aside, put his hands behind his back, and didn't forget to straighten his belly, "It doesn't have much technical content. This 'Pharaoh's Snake' is a little experiment I read from the book."

   The words fell, and a basin of cold water was poured over: "This is not the same thing as refining, right?"

  Song Jingtian: "..."

  Tang Li's eyes turned from the 'black snake' to Song Jingtian: "The refining process for what they want is complicated, and I am afraid that only the top students in the Department of Chemistry understand."

   The little guy expressed his dissatisfaction and hummed: "What's the difficulty? If there is a book here, let me study it and extract it for you."

  Maybe I fell asleep and someone sent a pillow.

   In the evening, Ruan brought Song Jingtian's new shoes and brought Tang Li a few books.

   "University Basic Chemistry Experiment", "Separation and Analytical Chemistry", "Physical Chemistry", and a "Chemical Principle".

   It was only considered that Kun asked Ruan to 'review' it for himself, and Tang Li accepted these books.

   When Ruan left, Tang Li held the book and looked at Song Jingtian with earnest eyes.

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   The next day, Tang Li woke up.

   greeted her with two huge dark circles under Song Jingtian's eyes.

   The little guy was sitting at the end of the bed, with a book spread on his lap, still on the second page, holding a pencil in his right hand, his head just clicked, and he was about to fall off the bed, Tang Li reached out and supported him in time.

   It was also this moment that woke Song Jingtian from his sweet dream.

   When the little guy saw Tang Li, his drowsiness disappeared, and he started looking for the pencil again: "Where did you see just now..."

  Tang Li: "..."

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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