After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1105: Two days before the end of the mission, he died

   Chapter 1105 Two days before the end of the mission, he died

  Tang Li didn't really expect Song Jingtian to know how to refine, but the little guy's behavior of dropping the chain added a layer of frost to her already icy world.

  Song Jingtian quickly thought of a good idea: "What did they ask you to refine, I'll buy some back?"

   This is ready to overcharge.

   "Can you go out?" Tang Li asked rhetorically.

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   almost forgot that he was a hostage.

   There are no bodyguards here, no money, and you can’t even run errands.

Song Jingtian gave another suggestion, "Why don't you watch "The Almighty Goddess Is Really a Big Brother", Tang Li is very powerful, not only can acupuncture and moxibustion treat intractable diseases, but also build atomic bombs, I saw Chapter 18 yesterday, It is mentioned that eight years ago, there was a Chinese nominated for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, but because she was too young, she was eventually rejected. I now suspect that she is Tang Li!"

   said, the little guy realized that his language was inaccurate, and specifically explained: "The Tang pear I said is the pear of the pear flower, not you."

  Tang Li: "..."

  …are you polite?

   Is it interesting to add this?

  Song Jingtian sighed, and went to the box to touch the jelly again: "I don't know if we Tiger Whip have eaten breakfast now."

   There are 24 cups of jelly in a box, and 6 cups have entered Song Jingtian's stomach.

   is still an overnight record.

  Tang Li wanted to grab the cup in his hand, however, when she heard the little guy mention the tiger whip and reminded her that the little guy was caught here because he was caught, this cup of jelly could not be grabbed.

  Song Jingtian gave her a coveted look, and successfully tore open the jelly seal.

   After breakfast, Tang Li went to the next door to check in on time.

  No matter what, Kun must be shown her conscientious work attitude.

   As for refining, it can be delayed for a while.

   She and Song Jingtian disappeared, which must have alerted the capital.

   Even if the van is on a country road, it is not an intersection that has not been monitored. It will be a matter of time to find out the southern border of Yunnan.

   Yesterday Kun told her that the smuggling tunnel was exposed.

   Therefore, the ring she threw outside the public toilet while Pengsha was not paying attention may have been found.

   With Song Jingtian by his side, Tang Li never thought of running away.

   All you have to do now is to wait for rescue unscathed.

   And this drug-making village should no longer exist in the world.

   One morning, Kun did not come to the laboratory in person, but only sent one Ruan to supervise the work.

  Tang Li was afraid that the other party would see through that he didn't know anything about refining, so he thought about pondering these instruments in private first, and simply asked to rest for a day or two under the pretext of not getting used to the environment.

  Ruan didn't show any displeasure, raised his hand and rubbed the half-new device.

   After a while, he suddenly said: "There was once a man who was also good at refining the purity of goods, but in four or five years, he did business with Kun, and he also made a big name in the Mi Su River area."

  Only when Ruan wanted to brainwash himself, Tang Li also cooperated: "And then? Has he become one of the best drug lords now?"

   However, Ruan's answer was 'dead'.

  Tang Li was startled, Ruan looked back at her: "Just two days before the end of the mission, he died."

   This result is surprising.

   But Tang Li immediately thought about it and felt that it was reasonable.

   Doing this line of work will not earn you life and money.

   As for the task in Ruan’s mouth——

  Tang Li was about to ask what the mission was when there was a cramped knock on the door outside.

Tang Li went out and saw that the boy who was playing the game yesterday was slamming the wooden door of the stilted house next door. Ruan called the boy, and the boy ran over immediately. His dirty face was anxious. He pointed at the entrance of the village and said a lot. Bunch of words.

  Because he spoke too fast, Tang Li could only hear the sentence 'take away'.

   Ruan took the initiative to translate: "He said that the little fat man with you was taken away by Ming."

  Tang Li immediately returned to the stilted house, opened the door, and sure enough, Song Jingtian was nowhere to be seen.

  This morning, she asked the little guy if he wanted to go to the laboratory. The little guy rarely bothered anyone, saying that he wanted to study chemical analysis in the house.

Ruan also followed: "The boy said, your brother went to him just now, and seemed to want him to find something, but when he met Ming, Ming didn't explain anything, he took the man under his arm and left, the boy went up I stopped him before, and was kicked to the ground by Ming's men."

   "Where does Ming live?" Tang Li turned his head and asked him.

  Two minutes later, Tang Li learned that Ming drove out.

   As for Song Jingtian, he was also taken away.

  Ruan talked with the guard at the entrance of the village, and came back and told her: "There is also the woman who was brought back with you."

   Jiang Yunxi, Ming.

  Tang Li remembered the phone call Peng Sha answered the night he was tied up.

   If she hadn't intervened at the time, Jiang Yunxi would not have been able to make this trip to Myanmar.

  Pongsha is ready to release people halfway through.

   Plus this one today.

   Jiang Yunxi is probably really related to the drug lord!

   Realizing this, Tang Li immediately turned to Ruan: "That child, you must be with me!"


  Before 0:00, another chapter.

   (end of this chapter)

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