After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1107: Song Boyan is a dormant beast

   Chapter 1107 Song Boyan, a dormant beast

   He likes to eat jelly, and Tang Li also likes to eat it.

   He likes to watch pandaren sand sculpture videos, and Tang Li likes to brush them the most.


   His skin is white, and he matches that of Tang Li.

   Including his big eyes of Kazilan, which is exactly the same as Tang Li.

Jiang Yunxi saw that Song Jingtian was digging her fingernails and didn't say a word, and she knew that her rhetorical question had played a role, "Tang Li is close to you now, that's because she doesn't have any children of her own, and she also wants to borrow you to get close to the Song family. Years, when her child grows up, do you think she still has the energy to deal with you?"

   "That must be gone." The little guy answered.

  When the time comes, he has to help take care of the children.

  Jiang Yunxi continued: "Although I adopted Annie, you are still my most beloved child, and I will not have any more children in the future. When we reach country F, we can slowly cultivate our relationship."

  Song Jingtian looked at her: "You take me to country F, what about Meng Shu?"

   Jiang Yunxi's mouth was slightly curved.

   Last night, she got in touch with Meng Shu indirectly.

  ——It was brought by this drug lord named Ming.

   The other party promised to let her go, provided that she could not return to S country for the time being.

   Bring Song Jingtian, she proposed.

   The other party originally disagreed, but when he came back this morning, his attitude became loose. She guessed that the other party had contacted Meng Shu again, and Meng Shu persuaded him.

   As for Meng Shu's relationship with the other party, Jiang Yunxi doesn't care and doesn't want to know.

  Now, she just wants to get out of here in peace.

   The little guy kept staring at him, and Jiang Yunxi had to respond: "In a few days, he will bring Annie to country F to find us."

   "What about Tang Li?" Song Jingtian asked again.

   "Let's go to country F, don't we take Tang Li with us?"

  Tang Li, of course, cannot be brought.

  Jiang Yunxi leaned on the seat and let her body bump along with the car. The target of these people was Tang Li, and she was just a pond fish who was affected.

   They can go, but Tang Li must not.

  The drug lord dared to tie Tang Li here, but he didn't plan to let Tang Li leave alive.

  Tang Li's useful value is good, if she is useless——

   Besides, Tang Li's other half is the current president of country S.

  If the drug lord knows her identity, he will also understand the consequences of returning the tiger to the mountain.

   Tang Li is not a tiger.

   But her husband Song Boyan is a dormant beast.

   "Why don't we go back and bring Tang Li?" Song Jingtian suddenly said, "Let's go to Country F together, and the road is bustling with people."

   When he got to the airport in country F, he took Tang Li to transfer back to country S.

   Before the little guy gave a long speech, Jiang Yunxi interrupted him: "Tang Li has a task on her body, which is different from us. When she is finished, she will naturally be sent back to S country."

  Song Jingtian didn't make a fuss, he just covered his stomach and bent over: "I want to get a tuba..."

   There are no toilets on this road.

  Jiang Yunxi wanted him to hold back for a while, but the little guy made a fart.

   Jiang Yunxi: "..."

   Even if the carriage is not closed, it still stinks.

   A clear expletive from the passenger seat.

  Song Jingtian explained: "Maybe it was because I ate too much jelly last night."

   When the jeep drove over the rough road, the little guy's sphincter muscle was even more uncontrolled, releasing several harmful gases in a row.

   In the end, Ming Xian couldn't take it anymore.

   asked the driver to pull over, and he dragged Song Jingtian out of the car.

   The little guy was carried so that his left foot was lighter than his right foot, and he entered a sea of ​​poppies. Then Ming let go of him, pushed him forward again, and turned around and went back to the car first.

   Jiang Yunxi was also waiting in the car.

   Five minutes later, she glanced at the sea of ​​flowers.

  Song Jingtian was shorter than his peers, he squatted among the flowers, and it was hard to find him instantly.

   Another five minutes passed.

   Qiantou Ming has already begun to urge.

   Remembering that the little guy didn't seem to take the paper, Jiang Yunxi pushed the car door and went out.

  Wait for her to push aside the poppies and walk all the way to the place where Song Jingtian was left by Caiming, let alone Song Jingtian, he didn't even see a piece of shit!

   Ming learned that Song Jingtian had run away, cursed and took out an assault rifle from the trunk.

  Jiang Yunxi watched him load the gun, and grabbed Ming's arm: "You can't hurt him!"

   Ming shook her off and strode towards the sea of ​​poppies.

  The other two men in the car also took their guns and stepped into the sea of ​​flowers.

  Song Jingtian probably remembered the direction of the village.

   So, keep running along the southwest with short legs.

   The sea of ​​poppies stretched as far as the eye could see. He ran for a long time without getting out, and he heard someone calling him.

   He didn't respond, let alone go to country F!

   Seeing that there was an open and flat road in front of him, he was grabbed by the collar and his feet were off the ground.

   turned his head and smiled at Shangming bloodthirsty.

   "Run! Why didn't you run?!"

   Ming raised his right hand with the gun, and was about to teach this little slicker a lesson when a pickup truck stopped not far away.

   He turned his head, and Ruan just pushed open the driver's door and got out.

   When he saw Tang Li coming down from the passenger cab, he couldn't help squinting. After a few seconds, Ruan had come to him, and he asked for the chick in his hand.

   "This is Kun's order." Ruan said bluntly.

  Ming released the big hand holding the collar of the chick.

   At this moment, Jiang Yunxi also chased after him.

  Tang Li was originally waiting by the car, and when he found Jiang Yunxi, he hurried forward.

  Jiang Yunxi just approached, she was slapped on the left cheek!

   When she saw who was doing it, Tang Li had already warned coldly, "Don't think that if you are old, I will tolerate you again and again and kidnap my children, don't blame me for disrespecting the old."

   Jiang Yunxi: "..."

  Tang Li did not look at her splendid face, and took Song Jingtian from Ruan.

  Just as the little guy hugged his neck, Jiang Yunxi's sarcastic words came from behind: "If you don't mind raising a child born by your husband and another woman, you can take him away!"

  Tang Li turned his head and looked directly at Jiang Yunxi: "If you are ill, treat it quickly, while there is not much water in your brain."

   Jiang Yunxi: "..."

  Jiang Yunxi still wanted to fight for the child, but Ruan said, "Kun has explained that if you don't want to leave, you can go back together. The village does not lack food for these two people."

   Jiang Yunxi chasing Tang Li's footsteps stopped abruptly.

  Tang Li carried Song Jingtian back to the pickup truck and let him go after making sure that the little guy was not injured, but the little guy suddenly asked, "Did you and my eldest brother meet many years ago?"

   "Yeah." Tang Li nodded: "It should have been nine years ago. The first time we met was on the banks of the Mi Suo River."

  Nine years ago…

  Song Jingtian pursed his lips.

   He is eight years old this year, plus a year of pregnancy, just right.

   "What's the matter?" Tang Li asked him.

   "No, nothing."

   As soon as the little guy finished speaking, Ruan, Peng Sha and others also got back into the car.

   The moment Ruan opened the driver's door, his hands stopped for a while, and he looked in a certain direction, but only glanced, and then he looked back.

   At noon that day, Tan Palace, the President's Office.

   The phone on the desk lights up.

   is a text message.

   six words.

  [People are in the northern part of Tanbang. ]

   (end of this chapter)

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