After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1108: Let's run away! 【Second Update】

   Chapter 1108 Let's run away! 【Second Update】

  Tang Li took Song Jingtian back to the village and didn't go to the laboratory again.

Afraid that Jiang Yunxi would say something nonsense to the little guy, Tang Li twisted the towel to wipe his face, pretending to start talking casually: "Some girls have a crush on others, and they like to imagine that they will marry and have children with each other. Fantasy mixed up."

   "Are you talking about Mother Anne?" The little guy responded very quickly.

   Without waiting for Tang Li to speak again, Song Jingtian had a heartbroken expression on his face: "The traffickers are so rampant right now, I'm almost going to be resold to country F!"

  Tang Li: "..."

   It seems that Jiang Yunxi hasn't had time to tell the little guy his life experience.

   also saves her from psychological counseling for the little guy.

  Tang Li threw the towel into the washbasin and was about to go to the river, but the little guy stopped her.

   "Anything else?" Tang Li looked at him with the basin.

  Song Jingtian hesitated for two seconds, after all, he didn't ask the words in his heart, "It's alright, go wash your things."

   Waiting for Tang Li to go out, he looked up to the sky and sighed.

what to do.

   I accidentally unlocked the ending of the script.

  According to the development of the novel, the child and the mother will not recognize each other until the last chapter. He was recorded under the mother's name in the Song family, and Tang Li must have no idea of ​​his real life experience.

   If you say everything now, will everyone be embarrassed?

   He is someone who has read "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

In the    TV series, Zhen Huan returned to the palace as the imperial concubine Xi, adding ten years to her age.

   Tang Li may have also changed his age.

  Song Jingtian lay on the bed, sighing for a while with the pillow between his hands and feet.

   In the end, he is still too good.

  If he were a little stupid, he would not have discovered these truths.

   That night, when Tang Li ate the third box of self-heating rice, the little guy was uncharacteristically, he didn't ask for the second box, and he didn't eat jelly after the meal.

  Tang Li was reading and studying the extraction method at night. Song Jingtian took the fan and sat on the pony bar, fanning the wind at her.

  Tang Li asked him to fan himself, and the little guy said, "I'm not hot."

   said, swinging the fan in his hand even more.

   Seeing his thin sweat, Tang Li stopped writing, took the palm fan in the little guy's hand, fanned him for a while, and urged him to go to sleep.

  Song Jingtian's **** was crushed on the pony, and suddenly asked, "Nine years ago, after you and my eldest brother met, why didn't you go back to the capital with him?"

  Tang Li thought it was funny: "I live with my mother, why do you go to the capital with your elder brother?"

   The little guy licked his mouth, "Then why did your mother pass away?"

"Because of being sick." Tang Li didn't expect that the first time he would talk about his mother in detail, the object was actually Song Jingtian, "She was ill when I was very young, and when I was in high school, her health became more and more severe. The worse, I took a break from school for more than a year, and after she passed away, I went to the capital."

   Therefore, it is to take care of my mother that I can't take care of anything else.

   Sure enough, there are difficulties!

   The next day, Tang Li was summoned by Kun again.

  Kun's words are beyond words, I hope she can first extract a batch of No. 5 white noodles.

The period given by    is three days.

  Tang Li was standing in front of the automatic reactor in the laboratory, already imagining how he would die three days later.

   It’s not that she doesn’t work hard, it’s that she specializes in art.

   If you give her a month and a half, maybe she can really get the Tao on her own.

   The little guy took a broom and swept it here and there twice. Seeing Tang Li staring at the device for a long time without moving, he stepped forward curiously: "Why?"

   was imminent, Tang Li no longer concealed from him: "Kun asked me to extract what he wanted in three days."

   "Otherwise?" The little guy deserves to be a fanboy.

  Tang Li turned to look at him.

  The two looked at each other silently, and everything was silent.

After a long time, Song Jingtian whispered, "Why don't we run away!"

   Tang Li is not without this idea.

   Every day she goes to wash clothes, she observes the surrounding terrain.

  There are always armed men patrolling the outside of the village, but not on the other side of the river, but there is a sentry pavilion not far away. If they cross the river, if they are found, they are likely to be shot into a sieve.

   Moreover, there is a plain across the river, so it can be said that there is no way to hide.

   Run into the rainforest, the odds of winning are obviously much better.

   The premise is to avoid armed men.

"Tomorrow I'll go outside again." Song Jingtian said again: "The little boy who stole my shoes seems to be interested in my nightgown. I gave him the nightgown and asked him to take me to a party outside the village. Son."

   It has only been a day since the little guy was captured.

  Tang Li couldn't let him wander around anymore, "I'll find a way to do this."

  The words fell, and the wooden door was knocked.

   You will knock on the door before you come in. There is only one person in the village.

  Tang Li turned his head, it was Ruan.

  Song Jingtian saw Ruan and held the broom to block Tang Li subconsciously, but Ruan ignored him, put his left hand into his trousers pocket, and then threw a bag on the table.

   is white noodles.

   Tang Li recognized it immediately.

   "This is the 4th item."

   Tang Li heard the words and looked up at Ruan.

Ruan did not explain too much, "Tomorrow I will teach you the simple refining process. After three days, you will hand over this package to Kun, and you will say that it is the first time that it is hand-made, and it cannot be refined to a higher purity. As a result, he will not urge you to extract products higher than 99.9% pure."

  Ruan's approach will undoubtedly help her escape Kun's censure.


   Doing this will not benefit Ruan at all.

   If Kun finds out, even if he values ​​Ruan, he will not let Ruan go.

Tang Li just wanted to ask why she was helping her, but Ruan added: "Just last night, a wealthy Chinese businessman, through a middleman, asked Issa for 200 million worth of goods, and it was specified that the purity of the goods should not be lower than 99.9%. "

   "And Kun, at Issa's, has always been in charge of selling goods and laundering money."

When   Ruan said this, Tang Li instantly understood.

  ——Kun asked her to extract high-purity goods, apparently to earn repeat customers.

   If you can take out two hundred million at a time, it shows that the other party has strong financial resources.

  Wool, don't pull hard.

"This businessman named Wu Jing will come to Danbang in person at the latest." Ruan tapped the edge of the table with **** of his right hand: "Kun has no shortage of No. 5 goods, you can't extract it this time. It won't matter, but next time he does business with Wu Jing again, the goods he handed over will have to come from you."


  Guess who Wu Jing is?

Good night



   (end of this chapter)

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