After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1113: Song Boyan's Guarantee

   Chapter 1113 Song Boyan's Assurance

  Song Boyan's voice, Tang Li understood immediately.

This proposal,   , seems to be democratic, but in fact, it is not the case.

   However, Tang Li didn't contradict him, at least he knew how to save some face for the adults.

   Besides, she didn't intend to have a deeper intersection with Ruan.

   Remembering that Song Jingtian was still waiting for her, Tang Li had to go back tonight. After all, she was a partner who shared weal and woe, so it was not good for her to abandon her teammates at this time.

   was about to leave, but Song Boyan stopped her.

   is still a name and a surname.

   With a bit of formality, it is a unique charm.

   Tang Li was about to turn around when someone gently grabbed his shoulders.

   Unpredictably, his back was pressed against the man's solid chest, even though he was his lover across from each other's clothes, Tang Li still gave birth to a little bit of embarrassment.

   Song Boyan just like that, hugging her from behind.

  's strong arm was in front of her, and a low assurance came: "This kind of frightening thing will not happen again in the future."

   Tang Li pursed his lips, but his mood followed.

   The guarantee given by Song Boyan is naturally not an empty promise.

   is the same commitment that warms her cheeks.

  A man of Song Boyan's age, because he is familiar with weighing the pros and cons, would not promise anyone anything at will.

   Moreover, aside from official duties, Song Boyan is also responsible for the prosperity of a family, so he has a lot to worry about.

   As a wife, she should have shared his worries, not added trouble.

   So, she is not a qualified wife.

  Song Boyan of course likes her.

  Otherwise, he wouldn’t be here in person.

   In her past cognition, this kind of love was placed on the second step.

  The first step is Song Boyan's political career.

   At this moment, her cognition was overturned.

   Song Boyan's guarantee is not responsible for the rest of her life.

   This is again different from marriage.

  Marriage can be a form, and commitment needs to be exchanged.

   In this world, how many women still can't get a promise after years of being together, but now, she has.

   As powerful as Song Boyan, he naturally does what he says.

  Tang Li is the door that pretends to be calm.

   Walking down the stilt house, she met Ruan again.

   Ruan should have never left, staying not far from the stilted house.

   When Tang Li walked over, he also reminded: "This surnamed Wu should have a wife in country R."

   "Yeah." Tang Li nodded.

   Ruan mentioned this to give Tang Li a warning.

   However, Tang Li's reaction was different from what he thought.

   After all, Tang Li accepted the other's two gestures.

   "Some wealthy businessmen come to the Golden Triangle to do business, and they also like to have a small home here." Ruan said again: "When the business ends, people will never be able to find it again."

   This statement did not get Tang Li's approval——

   "I think Mr. Wu is pretty good."

   When Ruan looked at her, Tang Li continued: "It doesn't matter if he has money or not, I think he is a very attractive person."

  Ruan: "..."

   On the way back, Ruan suddenly said again: "A man of this age likes to lie to little girls. He has a chronic infectious disease. It's not a good thing to stay together for a long time."

   Tang Li did not refute this time.

   Walking under the stilted house, Ruan told her: "Tomorrow morning, if Kun asks you to come over, you can say that the progress of refining cannot be delayed any longer."

   Seeing Ruan turned to leave, Tang Li also asked, "Why are you helping me?"

again and again.

   Ruan's behavior, there are too many unreasonable places.

   If I don't ask clearly now, Tang Li is afraid that he won't have a chance in the future.

  I thought that Ruan might not answer, but before thinking about it, Ruan stopped and looked at her again, "You should be, because you look like my daughter."

   This answer was unexpected to Tang Li.

   She did not expect Ruan to have a family.

   After all, most of these drug dealers are outlaws.

   Moreover, Ruan looked only in her thirties, and her daughter was the same age as her.

  Tang Li continued, "It's very early for you to have children here."

  Nguyen seemed to have guessed what she was thinking, and added: "She is four years old."

  Tang Li: "..."

   Since she is only four years old, how can you say she looks like his daughter?

   It should be his daughter who is like himself.

  Tang Li was about to point this out, but Ruan raised his foot and left.

  Tang Li: "..."

   As soon as he entered the stilted house, he found that Song Jingtian was closing the window, and he was clearly peeping.

The little guy made sure that Tang Li was in good condition, so he took the initiative to squeeze a bottle of mineral water for her, and sat down on the bench, shaking the palm fan and knocking on the side: "Standing downstairs for so long, talking to Ruan. what?"

   Tang Li drank the water before answering, "Ruan said he has a daughter."

  Song Jingtian pouted: "What does it have to do with you?"

   "He said he looked a lot like me."

   "How similar can it be." The little guy said badly: "Maybe it's a little black girl."

   At the same time, the stilted house where Song Boyan was.

  A camouflaged micro-robot approached the stilt house, and the camera appeared from the grass. A large hand reached out and took away the small box tied to it.

   Immediately after, another micro-robot, also carrying a small box.

   After confirming that there was no one around, Yuan Qin went upstairs with two boxes.

  Song Boyan was standing in front of the bamboo window with his hands behind his back, 'appreciating' the overall layout of the village.

   Yuan Qin entered the room and put the small black box on the table.

  In the box, in addition to the walkie-talkie, there are also gun parts.

   When Song Boyan turned around, Yuan Qin had spent a few seconds assembling a pistol.

   "In the special zone, everything is properly arranged." Yuan Qin reported the news he had just received: "The periphery of the village is also prepared accordingly, and they can start the rescue when they switch defenses in the morning."

  The armed forces in the village, they had a thorough understanding yesterday.

   At four or five in the morning, the whole village was still sleeping.

   The guards responsible for patrolling and warning, no more than 30 people.

  Wait until the defense is switched, whether it is the one who stayed overnight or came to take over, the vigilance will not be too strong.

  This operation is mainly to save people.

   And, on the premise of not disturbing the Myanmar government.

   Unauthorized entry, once discovered, is bound to cause endless disputes and troubles.

   Even if the action was not smooth, they left a back-up move.

  At dawn, Kun's field in the Triangle Special Zone will have an accident. If it involves the issue of goods, even if he doesn't go there himself, he will ask his partner Ming to take someone there.

   In this way, even if the action is exposed, there is still room to turn around.

   "Ji Ming has tracked down the house where his wife and the others live." Yuan Qin handed one of the pistols to Song Boyan: "According to the plan, Ji Ming will bring his wife and second master to join you."

  Song Boyan held the pistol and explained: "All actions, a quarter of an hour in advance."

   This night, for Tang Li, was doomed to have no sleep.

  Afraid of Song Jingtian's anxiety, Tang Li didn't tell him what happened that night.

   As soon as he coaxed the little guy to sleep, the wooden door was knocked. Tang Li got out of bed to open the door and found that it was Ruan.

   Without waiting for her to ask, Ruan told him: "The surnamed Wu is going to fight with Kun Hei."

   said, he glanced into the room: "Take that child and come with me right away."


Good night.

   (end of this chapter)

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