Chapter 1114 Is he worth your risk?

   Tang Li did not act immediately.

   Hearing the words 'black eat black', the first thought that came to her mind was that Song Boyan and the others were discovered.

   Seeing Ruan crossed himself into the house to hold the child, Tang Li stopped him, "Kun, what are they going to do?"

  Ruan glanced at her and didn't hide it: "I just went back, and I noticed that there are traces of crawler pressing on the grass in the village tail. This kind of crawler width is the most common among reconnaissance robots."

   So, it was Ruan who noticed the difference.

   is not Kun or Ming.

   "Usually this kind of reconnaissance equipment is only used when squatting." Ruan said again.

   What he didn't tell Tang Li was—

   The other party can afford this kind of armed reconnaissance equipment, and it is estimated that the background is not small.

   is by no means a battle for a wealthy businessman who has just been involved in drugs.

   The other party wanted to see the No. 6 goods as an excuse, and the real purpose should be this village.

  Kun brings people back to the village, which is tantamount to bringing wolves into the house.

   Those two hundred million are probably the guiding stones thrown by the other side.

   You must know that every time the factory makes a good product, it will be shipped to the village as soon as possible.

  Excluding the 200 million goods sold by Kun, now, there are still 500 million or 600 million Hailuo Yin in the warehouse.

Before    brought the other party back, Kun asked someone to search them.

  Kun was not afraid that they would steal communication tools, because the village was equipped with shielding equipment, which could cut off all communication signals.

   On weekdays, Kun used a satellite phone to communicate with the outside world.

  The whole village is just like that.

   I thought it was foolproof, but I never thought that the other party was using himself as bait.

   When they came back, they were probably followed.

   "The village will not be peaceful for the next two days." Ruan noticed that Tang Li did not move, and explained: "There are Tibetan cellars dug in the village, you should go there for two days first."

   If his guesses come true, there must be a fight in the village.

   Continue to stay here, and you will be accidentally injured at light, or lose your life at worst.

  Tang Li didn't stop Ruan from picking up the sleeping Song Jingtian, but asked aloud, "Then Uncle Kun, do they know that thieves have entered the village?"

   Ruan picked up the child's slippers from the ground and replied, "Send you to the cellar, and I'll find Kun."

   That is to say—

  Kun they don't know yet.

  Tang Li's tight string slackened a little, and he was noncommittal about Ruan's arrangement.

  Go to the cellar, Ruan pulls the light bulb.

  In the cellar, in addition to a steel wire bed, a lot of grain is also stored.

   Song Jingtian hadn't woken up yet, and was put on the wire bed by Ruan.

   Ruan was about to leave, but Tang Li covered his stomach and leaned over.

   "What's wrong?" Nguyen asked.

  Tang Li nestled into a ball, frowning and biting his lips: "My stomach hurts and I can't stand."

  Ruan approached and squatted down in front of her. Before he could check the situation, Tang Li said with a pale face, "I just drank a bottle of water from Mr. Wu, is there something wrong with that water?"

After    finished speaking, he looked at Ruan nervously.

   If it was Hailuoyin, Tang Li would not be so happy.

   should be just some nasty drugs.

   Ruan was about to get up and take a few tablets of painkillers. Tang Li was unsteady and bumped straight at him. He reached out his hand subconsciously.

   was also this one, and the pistol that he had pinned to his waist was pulled away.

   Ruan reacted in two or three seconds.

   However, in these few seconds, in the cellar, there was a sound of the pistol being loaded.

   A pistol pressed against his lower abdomen.

  Ruan: "..."

   He didn't grab the gun with his backhand, he just raised his head and looked at Tang Li.

The    pistol was so heavy that Tang Li's wrist hurt.

   But she didn't show any tremors, and she didn't show panic on her face. When she met Ruan You's deep eyes, she only said, "I'm afraid here with my child, so I can only use this method to keep you as a companion."

   Ruan asked, "The guy named Wu called you into the house just now, what promise did he give you?"

   Because of Kun's false propaganda, the surnamed Wu must think Tang Li is a master of drug production.

   In this business, the quality of the goods is very important.

   And refining is the most critical part.

   Therefore, the surnamed Wu may not necessarily be interested in Tang Li, but may also want to win over her brick family.

  Tang Li did not expect that Ruan Hui would immediately suspect Song Boyan.

   She held the gun to the person, and dared not take it lightly: "What is the promise or not, Mr. Wu and I just can chat simply, you don't objectify me."

"Wu's surname is not a good person." Ruan's words had a bit of a seductive taste: "It will only be more difficult to fool than Kun. If you go with him and arrive at R country, he will not let him go if he finds that you don't know how to refine. you."

   "Could it be that Kun will let me go if he finds out that I don't know how to refine?"

   Ruan did not answer this rhetorical question.

  Tang Li held Ruan hostage like this because he didn't want him to inform him.

   She could not be rescued herself, but Song Boyan couldn't be trapped here.

After a long while, Ruan said: "Kun has never read any books, he can get famous and famous in the Golden Triangle, relying on his ruthlessness, if the surname Wu fails, but instead confesses you, what will happen to you? I shouldn't need to say more."

  Tang Li was not frightened by him: "Then I will tell Uncle Kun that you are the inner responder arranged by Mr. Wu by his side."

   "In this way, everyone will be neat and tidy, and no one will live alone."

  Ruan: "..."

   Ruan said again: "I heard from Kun that you are married in country S."

   "So what?" Tang Li said calmly: "Even if I have a husband, it doesn't prevent me from admiring Mr. Wu."

  Ruan: "..."

   After a long time.

   "Wu's surname is worth your risk?"

  Tang Li didn't answer whether it was worth it, but said, "Whoever made Mr. Wu erudite and knowledgeable, which woman doesn't like it."

  The words fell, and a sharp thing poked at the waist eye.

   There are only three people in this cellar.

  Tang Li was about to turn back when Song Jingtian's childish voice, which was deliberately suppressed, came: "Don't move."

  Tang Li: "..."

   The little guy's warning failed to stop Tang Li from turning around.

   As far as the eye can see, is a switch knife.

   is a size smaller than the one she was carrying.

  Tang Li didn't care to ask where he got the switchblade. Seeing that the little guy was indistinguishable between me and the enemy, he couldn't help but say, "Why don't you poke him, why do you poke me?"

  Ruan: "..."

   "Who is Mr. Wu?" Song Jingtian asked.

   In front of Ruan, Tang Li couldn't tell the truth: "Just a man."

   "You want to follow him to R country?"

  Tang Li understood, Song Jingtian was afraid that he had been pretending to sleep: "Did you hear it?"

   The little guy glared at her while holding the switchblade, "If I hadn't woken up early, I wouldn't have known that you ran away with someone."

   Almost, he turned into a tow oil bottle.

  The surnamed Wu, don't let it fall into your own hands, or you want him to look good.

  Tang Li ignored the switchblade with the length of the index finger and concentrated on controlling Ruan with the gun. He was hesitating whether to let Song Jingtian go out to report a letter, when there was an inaudible sound of footsteps above the cellar.

  Nguyen looked up at the entrance.

   The next second, the subordinate surnamed Wu appeared in the cellar.

Good night.



   (end of this chapter)

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