Chapter 1117 I want to gamble

   A child as skinny as a chicken did not have any influence on the rescue.

  Because there was someone to answer, the post was not obstructed.

   However, just as everyone got into the car, there was a gunshot coming from the direction of the village.

  Kun rushed out of Wu's residence with a rifle and realized that Wu had kidnapped his 'cash cow', he was furious, "Chase! Go and chase them back!"

   If the surnamed Wu dared to tease him, he wanted to bury the corpse of the surnamed Wu Danbang!

   said, what did he think of, and glanced around the crowd: "Where's Ruan?!"

   Just then, Ming came over with a satellite phone.

  Ming's face was not good-looking, and he confronted Kun, who was also angry: "Roca called and said that Picha had brought people to make trouble in our special zone!"

  Picha has always been at odds with them.

   "He said that what we sold to Vino last week was a fake."

   This is blatant slander!

  Kun cursed.

Several cars sent to chase Tang Li have arrived at the entrance of the village. Now that he learned that Pi was looking for him, he called two cars to Ming, and he was about to go to the front car with a submachine gun, but a guard with a gun hurriedly ran away. Come: "Warehouse...Warehouse, gone!"

   "What's missing?" Kun didn't understand.

   "Money!" The guard swallowed and continued: "The money in the warehouse is gone!"

   "What!" Kun was furious.

   That's a full $100 million in cash!

   The money with the surname Wu was also put in by him yesterday!

  Kun jumped off the jeep and rushed to his vault.

   At this time, the surname Wu has long since become unimportant!

When he stood in the empty warehouse, still unwilling to believe that he had been ransacked, he bent over to pick up the 'big bubblegum' candy wrapper on the ground, he was trembling with anger, "Check! Check it out for me immediately! Who ate this? Plant sugar, I want him to die!"

  Two jeeps were driving on the rugged mountain road. Tang Li noticed that Song Jingtian was holding something in his hand and asked what it was out of curiosity.

   The little guy spread his hands, it was a squashed bubble gum.

   "It was given by the driver of the car in front."

   When the opponent took Zhang Delus Nalai away, he stuffed a piece of bubble gum into his hand.

  Song Jingtian turned his head and looked at Tang Li: "Do you want to eat again?"

   "..." What is 'again'.

  I don't know, I thought she was just robbing children for food.

  Tang Li glanced at the rearview mirror, making sure that Ji Ming and the others hadn't noticed, so he breathed a sigh of relief. His right hand, which was on the edge of the seat, was wrapped in a big, warm palm.

  Song Boyan opened his mouth: "Back to the capital, I can eat as much candy as I want."

  Tang Li's cheeks were a little burned.

   "I haven't eaten bubble gum for a long time." Although she knew it would be interpreted as a cover-up, she explained it anyway.

   Just then, the jeep in front was stopped.

  Tang Li's heart hangs high again.

   Then, she saw a man dressed in local clothes approaching.

   Yuan Qin opened the passenger car door, waited for him to get out, the man wearing sunglasses got into the car, the other party sat in the passenger seat, tilted his head and shouted "Brother Yan" at Song Boyan.

  Song Boyan had already let go of Tang Li's hand and asked him "how is the situation".

   "A checkpoint has been set up at the junction of Cochin and Tanbang in front."

"They are focusing on investigating Chinese." The man leaned on the seat and said, "Kun has always been on good terms with Pasong from Cochin State. Every time Kun's men deliver goods, they can pass the checkpoint smoothly, and it is Pasong who is giving him water. , Kun will definitely contact Pasong when he finds that someone is lost, and let Pasong help to intercept it."

   Going back to country S is not the only way.

   The purpose of using smuggling tunnels to enter and exit the country is to avoid alarming any party.

  The man pulled off his shirt, took out a few tourist visas and passports from the inner pocket and put them on the front of the car: "It's really impossible, just go to the border ports of Danbang and Hongshi, I have everything ready."

   Just this way, there is a risk of identity exposure.

   However, the situation in Myanmar is complicated, and the longer they stay, the more unfavorable the situation is for them.

   No matter how powerful a dragon is, it cannot hold back a group of desperate local snakes.

   Now it can be said that there is blocking in front and there are chasing troops.

  Song Boyan made a decisive decision: "Tell me what to do, and divert to Gongxian County."

  Gong County is the border between Danbang and S Guohong City.

  The man got out of the car and left, and the two jeeps also drove towards the due east.

Tang Li saw through the car window that the man got into an off-road vehicle on the side of the road. The other party did not follow them to Gongxian County. When the two cars passed by, she looked away and asked Song Boyan, "He is from country S. Intelligence agents in Myanmar?"

   Meeting Tang Li's bright eyes, Song Boyan felt amused: "I know what an intelligence officer is."

   "Yes." Tang Li nodded: "When filming "Operation Mi Sao River", the second male was an intelligence officer, specializing in developing informants in the Mi Sa River area, and providing information on the activities of drug lords in the Golden Triangle."

   She saw that the man fit in every way.

   "Not an intelligence officer." Song Boyan rejected her conjecture: "I used to work in a company, he retired a few years ago as an immigrant, and now he does some small business in the border area between the two countries."

  Tang Li did not refute, and was dubious.

  How would a small business person know the situation in Myanmar so well?

  Although middle-aged and elderly men get together, they really like to discuss world affairs.

   The other party's "Brother Yan" also impressed her deeply.

Song Baiyan's departure from the country is such a big thing, if the other party is not credible enough, he would not have waited by the road just now. After her layer-by-layer analysis, the identity of the other party has been roughly determined, but Song Baiyan said that he was not an intelligence officer, and Tang Li also cooperated and did not plan. go down.

   "Suddenly you don't speak, what are you thinking about?"

  Tang Li replied 'Nothing', and turned to see Song Boyan's facial features as normal, which was different from her absent-mindedness at the moment, and she never showed a trace of anxiety.

   - even if they are about to face border checks between the two countries in a few hours.

   This calmness is not pretended.

   It’s not so much a matter of knowing, but rather a strength that has been tempered by experience.

  Tang Li's mood was also infected.

   Gently stretched out his fingers and grabbed Song Boyan's left hand.

The    fingertips touched the strong bones of the man's hand.

  When Song Boyan appeared in the village, he was already a god-like existence, supporting half of her sky and keeping her away from those who were wandering and helpless.

   In the next second, her right hand was firmly held back.

   Near noon, the jeep drove into Gong County.

   A hundred meters away from them is the border trade port of the two countries.

Ji Ming and others had changed out of their camouflage clothes and wiped off the paint on their faces. Yuan Qin took a passport and got off the car to go to the vicinity of the port. After five minutes, he came back and described the situation ahead: "It's not normal, the port An extra checkpoint has been set up before.”

   "Also, next to the level, there are two military off-road vehicles."

   Yuan Qin's expression became more solemn: "Those who are in charge of inspection are not border guards. If you guess correctly, they are the local armed forces in Danbang."

   In other words, Kun found people to block them at various ports through connections.

  Song Boyan instructed Ji Ming: "Call Finance Minister Bai."

  Jiming took out his mobile phone, opened the rear door of the car in front, why did he come here with the baby soldier.

The child was lucky to survive the drug addiction attack, and his face was still pale, why did he walk to the jeep and did not relax his surveillance of the child: "Wake up and keep yelling 'Lucifer', sir, could it be their internal code? ?"


The name    was all too familiar to Tang Li.

   is not the son of the goddess in "The Almighty Goddess is a real boss".

   She turned to look at Song Jingtian.

   The little guy leaned against the seat, just glanced at her, and then turned his head.

   - He pretended to be Lucifer, of course he couldn't admit it.

  The baby soldier saw Tang Li and Song Jingtian beside her, changed his stance, and shouted a series of words in Burmese.

   Tang Li understood.

   She immediately said to Song Boyan, "He said that he knows how to get to the other side without going through the port."

   As soon as these words came out, everyone looked over.

  Tang Li didn't care about anything else and leaned over to communicate with the children outside the car.

   The child looked at Song Boyan in the car, with scruples and awe in his expression.

   But when asked by Tang Li, he still answered.

   "He said he could tell us the way in the past, provided that Lucifer promised to teach him how to refine it."

   is Lucifer again.

  Song Jingtian criticized first because of his guilty conscience: "We want to go all the way to the dark at a young age. We must not condone it, we must send him to step on the sewing machine!"

  Tang Li ignored him and only talked to the child soldiers.

   The latter nodded quickly.

  Tang Li got a satisfactory answer and turned his head to look at Song Boyan: "Like the smuggling tunnel in Cochin State, there is also one near the port. Last year, he was pulled to work. I remember the facade of this port, and now I recognize it."

   "Could this child be teasing us?" He Wei asked the doubts in his heart.

  Guck them, not impossible.

  Tang Li is also aware of the risks involved.

   She couldn't help but turned her attention to Song Boyan again.

Song Boyan stared at the child, the child subconsciously wanted to run, but there was no way to retreat, so he could only say a word with his shoulders, Tang Li also translated after listening: "He said, if he wants to harm us, he will come out at the entrance of the village. sound."

   said, Tang Li asked the other party again.

   The other party looked up at her and finally answered truthfully.

   "He has had diarrhea for the past two days, and he didn't sleep well at night. He was squatting in the grass and taking a tuba."

   Yuan Qin: "..."

  Ji Ming: "..."

for what:"……"

  Tang Li looked at the armed men with guns in front of the port. Even if the border guards of S country came to negotiate, and the other party deliberately made things difficult, they would not be able to get through, and it might even cause a major conflict, and Kun would catch up at any time.

time does not wait.

   In this situation, she couldn't help but want to try another way.

   "Want to find that smuggling tunnel?" Song Boyan saw through her intentions.

  Tang Li nodded and met Song Boyan's deep and tolerant gaze, "I want to take a gamble."

   "You can ask Yuan Qin to accompany me and bring this child." Tang Li said his plan: "I will pay attention to safety, the tunnel is near the separation wall, if he didn't lie to us."

   answered her, the hand clenched by Song Boyan——

   "Since you're looking for it, let's go together."


  I'm going back home!

   Two more in one, good night!

   (end of this chapter)

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