After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1118: She wants to hide Song Boyan

   Chapter 1118 She wants to hide Song Boyan

   Ten minutes later, next to the separation wall more than 600 meters away from the port.

  Tang Li looked at the entrance of the tunnel dug by Yuan Qin and He Wei. He couldn't believe it. It was too easy to say, because the tunnel was so close to the port.

   Is this the dark under the lights?

  Song Boyan stood above the tunnel entrance. Seeing Tang Li's thoughtful expression, he said, "The official of S country has contacted the official of Myanmar. Next, the two countries will increase the investigation of the smuggling tunnel."

   "In the end, it's still too poor." Tang Li said.

   "The prosperity and strength of a country is inseparable from the efforts of every citizen. To maintain public order and good customs, in addition to the law, the cooperation of all classes is also required."

  Tang Liming said this truth.

   She looked at Song Boyan: "So, Your Excellency must be a good leader who benefits the country and the people."

   In the words, there is some playfulness in the solemnity.

  Song Boyan raised his hand, and the back of his left hand brushed Tang Li's cheek, a gesture of affection and warmth: "No matter how self-disciplined people are, when they slack off, they still need the reminder and supervision of the person next to them."

  Tang Li remembered his own concerns, but after all, he didn't take the words.

   "Is it okay to go down?" She changed the subject and turned to look at the tunnel entrance.

  Ji Ming has gone to explore the way first.

   Five minutes later, he reappeared at the entrance.

   "The kid didn't lie, this is indeed a smuggling tunnel."

   This tunnel is about 200 meters long.

At the other end of the tunnel is an abandoned factory building.

   "I lifted the lid and looked at it. There is no one guarding it for the time being. The slide rails inside are not fully paved. This tunnel should not be built yet."

   Because there is a flashlight, there is no stumbling in the tunnel.

   The group arrived at the factory in only two minutes.

   and others all came out, Yuan Qin and He Wei moved a few bags of cement to block the exit.

   This is to prevent Kun and others from chasing after him.

  Tang Li saw the instructions on the cement bag. It was no longer in Burmese, but in the S language that she was familiar with. To return to her homeland so easily and smoothly was like a dream to her.

   I thought that I would experience nine deaths and a lifetime.

  Jiming took the mobile phone and walked to Song Boyan: "Sir, the phone number of the chief financial officer Bai."

  About ten minutes later—

   Five Dongfeng Mengshi off-road vehicles parked outside the factory one after another.

  Tang Lizheng was sitting with Song Jingtian, and when he looked up, he saw Bai Yiqian coming in with a handkerchief covering his nose. He was accompanied by a heavily armed school officer.

   "This is a terrible altitude." Bai Yiqian was also wearing a camouflage uniform, and complained as soon as he approached: "After two days, my nosebleeds flowed for two days!"

   As for the colonel, the moment he saw Song Boyan, he let go of his rifle and gave a military salute.

   Hearing the other party calling Song Boyan "Your Excellency", Tang Li became more and more certain that this was Song Boyan's rearguard here.

  If there is no such tunnel, Song Boyan may have planned to cross the border by force.

   Near the port, Song Boyan asked Ji Ming to call Bai Yiqian, thinking that he wanted to inform Bai Yiqian and tell them to stand by at any time. Once they were blocked from crossing the border, the border guards immediately stepped forward to grab people.

   With the national strength of S country, the local armed forces will not dare to easily commit crimes.

   When the time comes, just say that the group of them is illegally hiding drugs, and the border guard of S country can take them away.

"did you see it?"

  Tang Li turned his head at the sound, Song Jingtian was winking at her.

When they were taken to the car, the little guy said again: "It's a pity that the big brother doesn't listen to me, otherwise, I will change the presidential term to 20 or 30 years. In the future, the big brother will retire, and I will just pick it up. The Song family is a double president."

   "You think everyone is just like you, a refined egoist."

  Song Jingtian: "..."

Through the lowered car window, Tang Li looked at Song Boyan who was talking with Bai Yiqian and others not far away, and he said to the little guy: "Amending the constitution for the development of the country is to serve the people. small."

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   "Then you just wait for my eldest brother to become a homeless man."

   He was demoted to nothing, and the little guy was unconvinced: "bad luck, low voter support, my eldest brother can't be re-elected, and he should step down in five years."

   said, squinting at Tang Li: "By that time, my eldest brother will not be as beautiful as he is now."

   "It's good to be unknown." Tang Li was still looking out the window.

  In that case, even if she hides Song Boyan, no one will pay attention.

  I no longer have to worry about the influence of the Tang family on his career.

   In the evening of the same day, a special plane took off from southern Yunnan.

   The little baby soldier named Zhang Derus Nalai by Song Jingtian was also taken back to the capital. As soon as he got off the plane, Ji Ming took the child away.

"I heard that the drug rehab center now has three meals a day." Song Jingtian sighed as he watched Zhang Delus Nalai go away with his little chubby hand behind his back: "With our Nalai's robbery power, we will definitely become a newcomer. A generation dominates."

  Tang Li: "..."

   Back to Tan Palace, Tang Li saw the luggage she brought to record the show in the master bedroom.

   Including her phone is also in the box.

  Pengsha threw both her and Jiang Yunxi's phones into the dry well in the yard for fear that their phones would be tracked the night they kidnapped them.

  The screen of the mobile phone has been smashed to pieces.

   Fortunately, it does not affect the boot.

After    disappeared for four or five days, Tang Li received thousands of messages.

   She reported to Gao Wenlan and Feng Qi that they were safe, and then went to the #三花金花# group to show up.

The    group chat record stayed at 5 am today, and it was a coupon sharing link sent by Yu Sui.

  Further up, most of the historical news comes from [Yu Family Du Miao Miao].

   "Just let you go for me for two days, you can ignore people and return Tang Li to me!"

   "My A Li is still a child! The gangsters are so crazy!"

   "Tang Li is not here, who will get me a head coupon, Wu Xuehan, you must register a new account."

  Tang Li: "..."

   At this moment, someone was bubbling in the group.

  【Yu Family Du Miao Miao】: "It's another day to miss Tang Li!"

   After this perfunctory punch-in, I got to the point——

  【Yu Jia Du Miao Miao】: "@【吴发彩】The sharing link has been sent, remember to like me with two numbers. [Love you]"

  【Wu Facai】: "[ok][ok]"

   Thirty seconds passed.

  【Wu Facai】: "[Screenshot] I changed the number and said that there are enough people."

  【Yu Family Du Miao Miao】: "How is it possible, I will send it to you alone!"

   Before waiting for Tang Li to reply, someone Yu grabbed the lead—

   "Not good! Did something dirty get into the group?!"

  【Tang Li】: "..."

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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