After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1128: Mr. Song's 'cold violence'

   Chapter 1128 Mr. Song's 'cold violence'

   "Very good." He Wei answered truthfully: "It's just that the dark circles are a little heavy."

   "I have dark circles under my eyes, I guess I stayed up late playing with my phone again."

Mr.   's eyes became more and more gentle, and he also picked up the pen and signed the document at the bottom left, "She lives alone in Yunqi Villa, and no one cares about her. After a long time, her work and rest will become irregular."

  Why understand.

   So, Mr. will send the second master over there?

   After all, there is a child here, so Mrs. should set an example.

   Of course, it is not ruled out that the wife will stay up late with the second master.

My wife has finished filming "The Most Dazzling She". It was when she was free that her husband took them to northern Myanmar, which shows that he attached great importance to his wife. Now he brought his wife back, but the two were separated. This is because he did not. want to understand the place.

  Bewildered, He Wei also asked, "Mr. cares about his wife, why doesn't he let his wife live in Tan Palace?"

Mr.   's answer is—

  Not everyone can hold their breath and stop thinking.

have a bee in one's bonnet.

Why did he immediately think of a too young lady, which seemed to be incompatible with the word, and then he heard the husband say, "It's better to go there and live there, I'll be busy here, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of her. God is with her, so she won't be too lonely."

Mr.    is ready to carry out anti-drug operations across the country and even the border. What is it?

   In addition, Mr. personally supervised the implementation.

   In this way, the strength of the action can be imagined.

   I heard that the entire Ministry of Public Security was working overtime last night.

   The action team to rescue the hostages was all the elites of the Municipal Bureau.

   Not to mention the Drug Enforcement Administrations everywhere.

   On the conference call, Mr. stressed the importance of action.

  S country did not sweep drugs in previous years, however, it is the first time that such a sweeping sweep has occurred.

  Why quit the office, Song Boyan also closed the documents.

  The concerns in Tang Li's heart, he didn't know that, no matter how much she solved it, it was better for her to figure it out by herself.

   Twenty is a good age.

   is also the most repeatable stage of life.

   As the older person, from the moment he decided to face this relationship, whether it was good or bad, he had done the most thorough consideration.

  ——Will it be worth it? Will there be any worries? If Tang Li's life experience is exposed, it will have a negative impact on his career.

   All this, Song Boyan has not thought about it.

   St. Paul's Cathedral, the girl put on a veil on his lap and said the oath in the most sincere tone. At that moment, Tang Li, bathed in the morning sun, was heartwarming.

  For men, making a decision is sometimes just a thought.

  When he decided to take on Tang Li's second half of his life, he was willing to go even if the road ahead was rough.

   Even this kind of 'trip' is no longer in line with his age and experience, and it is also contrary to his current status.

   Xiang Yu set fire to the Epang Palace for Concubine Yu, and when he came to him, in Bai Chongming's view, he became a beauty and devoted all the police force across the country to sweep down a small drug lord.

   It’s okay to make a big deal out of it, or use it to play it.

The document for the    operation has been issued, which means that there is no room for manoeuvre in this matter.

  Thinking about it this way, a temporary separation is not necessarily a bad thing.

   If you stay by his side all day, but you are on guard against Issa and the others, and then see his daily interventions and actions, I am afraid that you will always be 'frightened', and it will not be good for your physical and mental health for a long time.

  Song Jingtian's arrival did not change Tang Li's life in Yunqi Villa.

   That night, the little guy came to Tang Li's room wearing a gray bathrobe, a mouthwash cup in his left hand, and a towel on his right shoulder.

   When asked by Tang Li what the visitor meant, the little guy entered the inner guard on his own, turned on the faucet to collect water from the mouthwash cup, and answered her: "My room has no water."

  In the villa, water is connected.

  It doesn't make sense that she has water here, and the little guy's room is running out of water.

   Watching the little guy speak nonsense confidently, Tang Li rarely pierced him, only told him not to get the ground wet.

Song Jingtian brushed his teeth, but followed Tang Li's eyes. Seeing Tang Li threw his pajamas into the dirty clothes basket, he spat out a mouthful of toothpaste foam and said aloud, "The mountains are deserted and it's not convenient to go out to buy groceries. It can't be compared to Tan Gong at all."

   "How about I ask the driver to take you back tomorrow?"

  Tang Li asked for his opinion.

  Song Jingtian was dumbfounded.

  It was only when he was using it for splattering and rolling that he asked his mother to let him go and let him live here.

   After staying for one night, he was sent back to ask his mother and Aunt Min to think of him?

   He glanced at Tang Li, and said again with seriousness: "Big brother called me just now and asked me how I was doing here."

   Tang Li slowed down when he straightened up.

   "I just said, it's good, my sister-in-law takes good care of me too."

  Tang Li asked the little guy, "Did your elder brother contact you just now?"

   "That's right." Song Jingtian turned on the faucet on tiptoe and rinsed the foam on his toothbrush: "Big brother also said that next Monday, he will have Agent He pick me up to and from school."

   "Did your elder brother say anything else?"

   "Yes, tell me not to play the tablet at night."

"anything else?"

   "It's gone."

  Tang Li: "..."

   The little guy flicked the gargle cup: "I see big brother alone, it's very comfortable." Speaking of which, he quietly swept Tang Li out of the corner of his eye: "Without that little goblin beside me, I must have a few headaches."

   As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Li stood by the door and urged, "Brush your teeth, just brush your teeth. You talk a lot, hurry up, I'm still waiting for a shower."

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   Sure enough.

  Some people are not born to be mothers.

   Don't care about your child at all!

   Tang Li packed the bed, and Song Jingtian also walked out of the bathroom.

  The little guy took the bedside remote control, turned on the TV, and said, "Take this opportunity, I have to recommend a TV series to you. Some time ago, my eldest brother liked to watch it."

   "What drama?" Tang Li was a little curious.

   Just after the question, a heart-pounding opening song came like a drum.

   The bittersweet drama BMG is all too familiar.

  Tang Li turned to look at the TV, and sure enough——

   Two large characters appear on the LCD screen.

  ——"Mother's Way".

   Five minutes later, Song Jingtian was kicked out of the guest room.

  The door closed and opened, and his mouthwash cup and towel were thrown out.

  Song Jingtian: "..."

  Tang Li returned to the room from the entrance, turned off the TV with the remote control, and then looked at the mobile phone. There was new news, which was in the #三花金花# group.

   In addition, there are no other missed calls or unread text messages.

   will call Song Jingtian to explain that he should be free now.


   After all, they were temporarily separated.

  In marriage law, this is called a cooling-off period.

   In fact, it's better not to contact her. In the future, when her life experience is revealed, she can still say that Song Boyan is cold and violent to her.

   Knowing that he cares about his younger brother, but ignoring her, is not cold and violent.


Good night.

   has been updated recently, because the number 4 will be updated, and the manuscript is being collected. . . .

   (end of this chapter)

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