Chapter 1129 Is it really a kitten?

   Tang Li, who was cold and violent, slept until dawn.

   When she went downstairs, Song Jingtian was already sitting at the dining table eating breakfast, and was using a tablet to make a video call. Tang Li approached the restaurant and heard a sweet little girl laugh, which came from the tablet.

   As soon as the little guy saw her, he quickly ended the call.

   Pointing at the tablet with a chubby finger, the screen switches to the game interface of Xiaoxiaole.

   "Did your mother and the others call you in the morning?" Tang Li asked as he sat down at the table.

  Song Jingtian glanced at her lightly, and continued to play his "Reconstruction of Homeland"-he wanted to build a luxurious mansion for Cindy in the game.

   As for who Cindy is.

Song Jingtian looked at Tang Li again. Since he found out about his life, he gave up Tang Li, a tree with a crooked neck. In the past two days, he joined the group of girls in the class after the transfer. After a day of diving observation, he finally chose Cindy. Be his 26th girlfriend.

  Cindy is a good girl, she gave him a set of electronic watch skins just after confirming the relationship.

   Unlike someone in Tang...

   Tang Li saw that the little guy kept squinting at him, and looked back: "Have your eyes cramped?"

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   The little guy took his eyes back and sent a message to Cindy with his electronic watch: "I'll send you the link to cut a knife, you remember to watch it."

   "What are you looking at?" Tang Li asked first.

  Song Jingtian was obviously unwilling to tell her: "It's nothing."

   Then, the little guy asked back, "You haven't been filming recently?"

   "Yes." Tang Li cut a poached egg with a table knife: "We'll talk about it later."

  Song Jingtian pursed his lips.

   He could remember that Tang Li was a pauper.

   Half of the money earned is donated, and half of the mortgage is paid off.

   Looking at Tang Li's current state of being slack at work, he can't help but be a little worried - the eldest brother will be unemployed in ten years, and he will seek a wife in the future. Will the couple not plan to give a dowry?

   After all, he is their own flesh and blood!

  Tang Li finished breakfast, and before going back upstairs to read, he asked the little guy again, "Why didn't your elder brother let you bring the tiger whip?"

   "It's not because of the cat." The little guy glanced at her: "I'm afraid it will be wronged. Our tiger **** is so honest and honest, we are bullied by it every day, and the elder brother also said that the tiger **** will bite it."

   Big brother's eccentric eyes are not once or twice, he has long been used to it.

   In the eyes of the eldest brother, Tang Li is weak and irresistible, and even her cat enjoys the same treatment.

   I feel sorry for his tiger **** and Axi...

   Tang Li went upstairs to read not a textbook for the third year, but a copy of the Constitution of the S country.

   She bought it at the bookstore the day before yesterday.

   Even if Song Boyan said that her grandfather's identity had little influence on him, she still wanted to verify it with her own eyes. Moreover, even if the constitution did not expressly stipulate it, once it was exposed, public opinion would have a great repercussions.

   This is why she desperately wants to 'separate'.

  Book watched, Tang Li's attention returned to the phone next to him.

   is almost forty-eight hours.

   said separation, there is really no news.

  If she took the initiative to send it, would it turn into a signal of reconciliation?

  I wanted to calm myself down, but I couldn't help but think about it.

  Song Boyan does not play chat software.

   She posted on Moments, but Song Boyan couldn't see it either.

  So, she picked up her mobile phone and sent a message on her Instagram account.

  【Tang Li V】: "Tutoring in progress. [Picture]"

   She spread out a copy of "Basic Skills of Actors' Artistic Language", took a photo of a certain page, and uploaded it to ins.

   Ten minutes later, the number of likes exceeded 1,000.

   With the end of "The Most Dazzling She" and the hit of "Our Little Bear Boy", Tang Li's popularity has increased day by day. Although he has not reached the quasi-first-tier level, he is considered to be squeezed into the second-tier ranks of domestic entertainment.

   At his feet, there was an itching.

  Tang Li lowered his head, an orange tail.

   was about to bend over to catch the cat, when the little guy jumped up one by one.

   Little meat claw stepped on the book, making a meow milky sound.

   Later, he jumped directly into Tang Li's arms.

   Watching the kitten lick its paws, Tang Li glanced at the fruit platter on the desk.

   Tan Palace.

  Song Boyan returned to the office with a file, the things were placed on the table and in the drawer, there was an inaudible vibration.

  Open the drawer and the phone is on.

   is a multimedia message.

   is from Tang Li.

   "This cat is not very good, can you come and pick it up? [Photo] [Photo]"

  Song Boyan clicked on photo one.

  A kitten was strangled by the back of the neck, carried in mid-air, its limbs drooping, and the color of dragon fruit around its mouth and stomach.

   As for the second photo, it is a messy desk.

   A textbook is sprinkled with fruit.

   Before Song Boyan could reply, Tang Li sent another message: "It's ok if you don't come to pick it up, I think it seems to know something is wrong."

  Tang Li finished posing and put the cat back on the desk. Just as he was about to wipe it with two tissues, a message sound came from his phone.

   She took the phone with her hand holding the tissue.

   is a text message from Song Boyan.

   Seeing the content, Tang Li's face became hot, a kind of embarrassment of being recognized.

  Song Boyan asked her, "Is it really a kitten?"

   She had already arranged the scene of the murder, and then she slapped herself in the face, so she simply followed the trend: "Besides it and Song Jingtian, there is no third person in the villa who is not sensible."

   After editing, press the send button.

   Waited for five minutes, but did not wait for a reply.

  Is this too lazy to care about her?

Tang Li remembered what Song Jingtian said last night, she was not in the Tan Palace, and Song Boyan was very comfortable by himself. At this moment, he had obtained the proof. He was a big man, so he would not really take a small shrimp like himself in his eyes. Of course, if you want to go back, you can go back, and if you don't want to go back, you won't go back.

   Seeing the orange cat rolling on the desk, Tang Li picked it up and went to the bathroom.

  Song Jingtian came upstairs when Tang Li was bathing the cat.

   The little guy went through the study where Tang Li was sitting for the fifth time, and he still couldn't see the door.

   As a result, there was no one inside at all.

   was about to go looking for someone when the phone on the desk rang.

  Song Jingtian went around the desk and reached for his mobile phone with a little tiptoe. On Tang Li's mobile phone, there was a FaceTime (video) call.

  Caller ID, an unfamiliar number.

   The little guy held the phone and pressed the answer button.

   The next second, a familiar house on stilts appeared on the phone screen.

  As the angle of view changed, he saw an old acquaintance, it was Kun in the far north of Myanmar.

  Song Jingtian consciously wanted to switch off the phone, but Kun on the other end laughed, "My niece isn't here? But don't worry, come, say hello to the two guests I invited first!"

  The video camera is another turn.

  Song Jingtian saw Li Wenyan and Ouyang Qian who were tied like silkworm chrysalis and hung upside down from a tree.

   Immediately afterwards, a dart was stuck in Li Wenyan's arm.

   Li Wenyan screamed like a pig!

  Ouyang Qian panicked, and her face flushed because of cerebral congestion, while begging: "I really don't know anything! I don't know anything, I really don't know anything!"

   Before he finished speaking, the whip slapped her on the back.

  In an instant, the skin opened and the flesh burst!

  Pengsha, the big golden chain, scooped a spoonful of salt water from the bucket and threw it directly on Ouyang Qian.

   Ouyang Qian's wailing overwhelmed Li Wenyan's curse.

Kun turned the camera back, looked at the ignorant child on the other end of the phone, and smiled even more coldly: "Tell Tang Li for me, I will call later, her father refused to admit that he took the batch of white noodles, and said yes. Her backbiting is really not good, so I have to invite her to come to northern Myanmar again!"

   White noodles.

  Song Jingtian thought of the bag of flour in the kitchen.

   He can be considered understandable.

   This Kun tied people all day long, actually for the sake of eating noodles!


Good night.

   (end of this chapter)

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