Chapter 1130 Are you still a human being if you die?

   In the video call, Li Wenyan's scolding was vaguely heard.

  Although Tang Li didn't have a good relationship with this father, he was also his grandfather.

   As a grandson, is he still a human being if he sees death and does not save him? !

  So, Kun was about to hang up, but the child on the other end yelled to wait.

   "Do you want white flour?" the child asked him.

  Kun stared at the child's tender white face, his eyes were sullen, he suddenly guessed something, and smiled, "Yes, I want white noodles, do you know where to hide?"

  Song Jingtian held the phone in both hands, rolled his eyes, hesitantly said, "I'll give you the white face, the person you took away..."

   "Of course I put it back!" Kun understood the meaning of the little guy, and readily promised: "When the batch of white noodles is back in my hands, there is no need for these two to stay in the village."

  Song Jingtian just wanted to redeem one person.

   For two people, the flour would have to be doubled.

   I heard that the price of flour has risen again recently, and it has reached 2 yuan and 81 jin.

   In the end, he didn't talk to Kun. Kun said that the two would not be foreclosed and must be packed together.

   He can have one, but the price has to be two.

  Kun also learned from the child's words that he and Tang Li did not go to Country R, ​​but returned to Country S.

   Up to now, Kun also guessed that the group of people surnamed Wu came to rescue Tang Li!

  My own dollar bills, I guess they also stole them!

No matter how much    hatred in his heart, Kun didn't show it to the face yet, and only asked the child to see the goods.

   has suffered a dull loss, and now he has to be more cautious.

  Song Jingtian put down the word 'wait', put down the phone and ran out of the study. Within two minutes, he ran back again, carrying a bag of household wheat flour from Jinshawan.

   climbed onto the swivel chair that my eldest brother used to sit on, and he opened the seal of the wheat flour bag.

  Song Jingtian grabbed a handful of flour and said to Kun on the other end of the phone, "Isn't it particularly white? First-class, bit-class is a little bit worse. If you are optimistic, I have to put it back."

   First class.

   In their industry slang, it is the No. 4 product.

  No.5 is a premium grade.

  Kun did not expect that the white noodles that he had been searching for to no avail were actually in Tang Li's hands.

   Moreover, Tang Li cunningly put it in a flour bag to confuse people!

  Who would associate white flour with wheat flour?

   As expected of Tang Shen's granddaughter, she is just as treacherous!

Now that he has determined who owns the white noodles, Kun doesn't want to delay any longer. Twenty years later, the quality of this batch of white noodles will inevitably be damaged, but it is better than nothing. The only thing he did not expect is to find the breakthrough of this billion goods. on a child.

  It was not easy for Tang Li to hand over this batch of goods.

  If Tang Liken gave it, they wouldn't bring her father back.

  Kun turned his attention to the child who was playing with the white noodles, but did not show absolute confidence: "Two thousand catties of white noodles, you are a child, I am afraid you can't be the master."

  2,000 catties of flour, about 5,000 yuan.

   He still has this money.

  Song Jingtian had a plan and answered Kun, "It's not just two dozen bags of flour, I'll send it to you directly without telling Tang Li and the others."

   Things went a little too smoothly.

Kun squinted his eyes and looked at the eloquent little fat man across from him: "You gave me something without permission, so you are not afraid of Tang Li's punishment? With so much white noodles, you sent it from country S to northern Myanmar, how did you go through customs? I'm afraid you will be arrested at the port. Stop it."

   Underestimate you, Second Master Song, right?

  Song Jingtian pouted.

   He has some connections in the capital anyway.

   is not just two thousand catties of flour.

Tomorrow, he called Lao Bai and said that he wanted to send some flour to his friends in northern Myanmar, and asked Lao Bai to say hello to the customs. He didn't go to northern Myanmar for dumping. How difficult would it be to get through a port? .

  Song Jingtian leaned back on the swivel chair, holding his mobile phone, and said in a pretentious manner: "I have my own way, our Song family never fights uncertain battles!"

   Song family.

  Kun looked at the child again, his eyes changed.

   Tang Li's husband in country S, Ming had told him.

  The reason why he dared to tie Tang Li to northern Burma was first because of his home-court advantage and with Issa's approval; second, because Tang Li's unclean life experience, he forgave her husband's family and dared not publicize it.

   He didn't expect that the kid who bought one, got one free last time was actually from the Song family.

   This explains why people surnamed Wu came to the village to rob people.

   The surnamed Wu is probably just a pseudonym.

   No wonder Tang Li was so anxious when Ming took the child away.

   Realizing that the child's identity is unusual, Kun smiled again: "After chatting for so long, I still don't know what to call it."

  When negotiating, the most important thing to lose is momentum.

   The little guy is not at all worried: "If you can't change your name, you can't change your surname when you sit down, the capital is Song Jingtian!"

Of course Kun didn't know who Song Jingtian was, but it didn't prevent him from making commercial touts, "It turns out that it's Young Master Song, and he is considered a famous name!" After speaking, he returned the topic to the batch of goods: "If Young Master Song can really give the goods to I shipped it here, and in the future, Young Master Song will come back to northern Myanmar and be a good friend of my village!"

  Song Jingtian didn't want to go back to that ghost place at all.

   You have to bring a pole every time you poop, and there is a risk of falling into it at any time.

   As he sat on the pole, there was a swarm of flies biting his ass.

   However, he didn't put his disgust on his face, and only asked Kun for a contact number.

   The two made an appointment and joined in Gong County.

   As for Kun received 2,000 catties of wheat flour, it was still inferior wheat flour with worms. He was furious and hung Li Wenyan and his wife upside down on a tree overnight.

  Tang Li blew the cat's hair, and when he came back to the study, he saw Song Jingtian.

  The little guy is putting down her phone.

   "What are you doing with my phone?"

  Tang Li suddenly made a sound, startling Song Jingtian, the little guy got off the swivel chair: "I'll just see what your new phone looks like."

  Tang Li picked up the phone and unlocked it. While she was looking at the phone, the little guy had slipped out of the study.

   Half an hour later, Tang Li swiped his Moments and found that Song Jingtian had shared a purchase link of "Chop a knife".

   is a wheat flour, which is being promoted.

  The original price is 3 yuan and 61 jin, and the current price is 17 yuan. If you get ten friends to help bargain, you only need 1 yuan and 2 yuan, and you can get free shipping when you reach 10 jin.

   Without Tang Li's help, someone rushed to help cut a knife.

   For example, a great guide [High Mountains and Flowing Water].

   That night, Tang Licai received another text message from Song Boyan.

  [The day after tomorrow, why are you going to pick up the little guy to go to school, and by the way, bring the cat back to Tan Palace. ]

   Tang Li's original intention was not to send the cat away.

   After a while, she replied: "This cat didn't cause trouble this afternoon. I think it likes the villa very much, so I'd better stay here first."

   This time, Song Boyan replied soon after.

   is only one word.

[it is good]

   Knowing that a man of Song Boyan's age would not type as many words as a young man, Tang Li's mood was still affected by this text message.

   was her proposal for a temporary separation, but it was the other party that carried it through to the end.

   is a bit outrageous.

   The next day, Song Jingtian was watching "Uncle Enthusiastic" on the first floor. When he saw Tang Li coming downstairs, he specially informed her. Don't forget to get up early tomorrow and take him to school.

  Because he lived on the mountain, Tang Li was silent for a few seconds when he learned that he would be up at five o'clock: "Why don't you go back to Tan Gong tonight?"

   The little guy glared at her.

I can't say it. The next day, Tang Li got up early and took Song Jingtian to the school gate. When she took Agent He's car back to the villa, she noticed the leather shoes at the entrance. It was Song Boyan. of.


See you tomorrow.

   Note: The price of flour is based on the prices of certain treasures and certain Dongshang.



   (end of this chapter)

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