After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1134: Let me also say two words [two more]

   Chapter 1134 Let me also say a few words [two more]

   After all, she has a grandfather who is good at refining.

   Therefore, it makes sense to inherit this talent.

   Li Ruan's meaning, Tang Li has understood: "You want me to go to Issa's side?"

  Li Ruan did not deny her speculation.

   After a while, he said again: "Hong Tai, the current Prime Minister of Siam, has some political views that coincide with Li Hao. In recent years, he has been working on solving the smuggling problem in the northern part of Siam."

  S country is also sweeping drugs, but it cannot sweep the territory of Siam.

  Tang Li doesn't watch international news very much, and he knows that Siam State has serious class contradictions, which makes it difficult for this country to be tied together.

Before seeing Tang Li's statement, Li Ruan continued: "Isa now has the protection of the local armed forces in Nanwa. In recent years, he has handed over the sale of white flour to a few subordinates. Except for the half-monthly audit, he hardly does anything. Get involved in this business again.”

   As the chief villain, Issa decided to retreat behind the scenes.

   apparently smelled some red flags.

"The more the economies of Southeast Asian countries develop, the less tolerance they have for Hailuo." Li Ruan explained: "Especially in country S, after Song Boyan came to power, he intends to help these poor countries, but the premise is that countries must not support Hailuo. Because of the sale."

   "Before the general election in country S, Kun mentioned that Issa asked them to keep a low profile for the next ten years, and they were not allowed to transport white noodles to country S again."

   After Issa left Tanbang, Kun became the de facto ruler of the village.

   Holding the 2,000 armed forces left to him by Isa, and the business is getting more and more gold, it can be said that Li Ruan has witnessed Kun's expansion step by step.

   Therefore, when Isa told him to act carefully, Kun not only did not feel relieved, but felt that Isa became afraid of death as soon as he got older, and he lost the courage to fight the world together.

   Li Ruan already knew the relationship between Tang Li and Song Boyan.

  Otherwise, I wouldn't have come here.

   If Kun hadn't leaked and revealed that Tang Li was married to the current president of State S, he would not have followed Hong Tai on a visit.

   When he went to the Great Hall as Hong Tai's security guard, and saw Song Boyan himself from a distance, at that moment, he recognized the other person, it was 'Wu Jing' who appeared in the village.

   Even if 'Wu Jing' was wearing a mask at that time and didn't show his full face, his eyes and the details of his behavior could not deceive anyone.

   He did not expect that Song Boyan would personally go to northern Myanmar to save people.

   Afraid of being recognized by Song Boyan, he ran away after he informed Hong Tai.

After   , it was time to find out where Tang Li was.

  Li Ruan looked at the revealing cousin in front of him, and his expression slowed down: "Your great grandfather really wants to see you."

   For Li Hao, Tang Li is his only close relative.

  Tang Li looked back at him: "It's just now, not the time, right?"

  Li Ruan was silent.

  Half an hour——

   "Reversing the verdict for Li Shen and Li Chengyu is his obsession for the rest of his life."

  Tang Li asked him again: "So, is it also his order to let you go to the Golden Triangle?"

   Li Ruan defaults.

   This is indeed the case.

  The Lee family, as a Chinese, has a huge wealth in Siam, relying on a strong family cohesion.

   When Li Hao proposed to let him go undercover with Kun, neither he nor his parents questioned the decision.

  As the Li family, since they enjoy the privileges of the family, they should also stand up when the family needs them.

   However, Tang Li never grew up in the Li family.

   So Tang Li is different from him.

   This sense of family honor, Tang Li may not be able to empathize.

  Because he couldn't empathize, Tang Li was able to hit the nail on the head so calmly.

   "Not me, but also other Li family members."

   Li Ruan replied to Tang Li: "The Li family has been infamous for 20 years, and there are 21 people who died unjustly. Someone should pay for their lives."

  Tang Shen was mentioned, and Tang Li fell into silence.

   Whether it is a previous life or this life, the issue of life experience is always a shackle on her body.

   Even these days, she is worried about how her life experience will be exposed.

   Now, she was told that her grandfather turned out to be a good person.

   And her grandfather's family has been trying to get rid of her grandfather's stigma.

  Tang Li said, "I don't know how to refine. Even if I get to Issa's side, I won't be able to deceive him for long."

  Li Ruan said: "It doesn't take too long, it only takes a month."

   "Isa is huddled in Nanwa, and the local armed forces are his amulet. To successfully capture Issa, he must be led out of Nanwa."

Li Ruan added: "Isa's parents lived in the southern part of Tanbang during their lifetime, and they were buried there after their death. The southern part of Tanbang just borders Siam and is also an area where various armed forces are mixed. Going to the grave, this year will be no exception."

   "One of the local armed forces has been subsidized by the Li family for more than ten years. They promised to cooperate with the relevant arrest operations on the day Issa went to visit his parents' graves."

   In his last life, Issa was extradited to S country.

   and a few years later.

   Then, Li Ruan's actions must have failed.

   "Isa has a mistress who is also from China. She has been with him for more than ten years. It is said that she is an accountant. She is in charge of many accounts of Issa's business."

  What Li Hao wanted Tang Li to do was to approach this mistress.

   Then, get the ledger in the other party's hand.

   When Isa was arrested, the ledger was the evidence of his conviction.

  Tang Li thought of another question——

   "If you don't catch Isa, will I be stuck in Nanwa?"

   "There won't be such an accident." Li Ruan assured: "I will personally participate in that operation, and Siam has also arranged the most elite arrest team."

   As soon as he finished speaking, his expression was slightly stern, and he turned off the hole lamp at the entrance.

  In an instant, there were no fingers in the guest room.

"somebody is coming."

  Li Ruan finished saying this and went to the balcony.

   In the blink of an eye, the two windows were opened, and Li Ruan had disappeared without a trace.

   Almost at the same time, there was a knock on the door of the guest room.

  Tang Li opened the door, and the person who came was Yuan Qin.

   Yuan Qin saw that she was safe and her demeanor was normal. She put away her hand behind her, then took out her mobile phone and made a call.

  Tang Li stood by the door, watching Yuan Qin report the situation to the person on the other end of the phone.

   The familiar male voice faintly leaked out from the receiver. Tang Li held the door frame and remembered the words Ruan Fang had just said.

   The original concerns in my heart have subsided.

   Just as Yuan Qin was about to hang up, she stretched out her hand: "Let me also say a few words."

   Yuan Qin: "..."

   (end of this chapter)

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