After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1135: Mr. Song asked: When are you going to come back? 【three

   Chapter 1135 Mr. Song asked: When are you going to come back? 【Three more】

  Tang Li took the phone and put it to his ear.

   Before she could speak, Song Boyan spoke first, apparently overhearing her asking Yuan Qin for a phone call: "Why do you want to talk to me all of a sudden?"

  "..." Tang Li blushed because of her capriciousness, and the indulgence revealed in the man's calm words also made her more desire to talk.

   wanted to tell him about Li Ruan's arrival, but he swallowed the words again.

   She did not forget that Song Boyan would only meet the Prime Minister of Siam in the morning, so he must have been busy all day.

   If I talk about the Li family now, and tear it down, it is equivalent to occupying Song Boyan's rest time.

  So, she changed her mouth: "Are you in Tan Palace tomorrow?"

  Song Boyan said, "It's a cat and you're not obedient?"

  Tang Li: "..."

   Her little thought was clearly well thought out by the adults.

   But Song Boyan is willing to cooperate with her.

   Even if he sees through her tricks, he is willing to follow her.

   Only this time, she didn't want to repeat the old trick.

Tang Li recalled his overly deliberate performance a few days ago, the temperature on his face was even higher, he held the phone and glanced at Yuan Qin, turned his back: "The cat is very good, the persimmons at the back of the villa are ripe, I thought, Tomorrow morning, I will send Song Jingtian to school, and by the way, I will pick up two baskets and take them to Tan Palace."

   Thinking of the green persimmons in the back mountain, Yuan Qin: "…"

   Even if you pick them and ripen them overnight, I'm afraid it won't be too late.

  Although the persimmons are as red as fire in September, the "September" here refers to the September of the lunar calendar.

   And now, it is the late August of the lunar calendar.

  What he knows, Mr. naturally also knows.

   Originally thought that the husband would correct the wife, but instead he waited for the lady's "Then I will drop by the Tang Palace tomorrow".

   That is to say—

Mr.    also believed that the persimmons in Houshan were already ripe.

  Tang Li hung up the phone, turned around and handed the phone back to Yuan Qin.

  When Yuan Qin took the phone, Tang Li also told him, "Uncle Tan probably hasn't rested yet. After you go downstairs, tell him for me and ask him to send someone to pick two baskets of persimmons."

   "Those persimmons don't seem to be ripe yet." Yuan Qin reminded.

"I know."

  Tang Li took it for granted: "After putting the persimmons in the basket, put some bananas and apples, and they will ripen in a few days."

   Yuan Qin: "…"

   Waiting for Yuan Qin to leave, Tang Li closed the door.

After   , Li Ruan did not appear again.

   She lay in bed at night and continued to digest Ruan's words.

   As long as Issa is at large, her grandfather will never be seen.

   This is the message conveyed to her in Li Ruan’s words.

   I'm afraid it was also Li Hao's inspiration.

  Kun and those people believed that she knew how to refine, and it was also because her grandfather was a refining wizard.

   Then came to mind—

  Thirteen years ago, if Tang Shen was successfully rehabilitated, would Tang Yin be able to avoid that misfortune?

   However, on second thought, she was reluctant to make such an assumption.

  If their mother and daughter were taken to Siam by the Li family early, who would salvage Song Boyan who fell into a coma after a few years?

   Even if other villagers rescue him, there is no guarantee that he will not be handed over to the drug dealers who searched the village.


   The one who saved him was a young girl, wouldn't she have nothing to do with her?

   After all, in this world, everything cannot be accomplished.

   The next morning, when Tang Li got into the car with two fruit baskets, Song Jingtian saw about a dozen green persimmons and pouted secretly - these persimmons, he had planned to raise them to make persimmon cakes.

   At that time, there will be a wave of live broadcast sales, and there is no cost. It can be said to be a safe and profitable business.

   Unexpectedly, Tang Li was first stared at.

   Knowing that the persimmons were sent to Tan Palace, the little guy reached out and wanted to grab a banana: "My eldest brother and mother don't eat persimmons, so don't give them away in the future."

  Tang Li pushed his hand away and protected the fruit basket: "I'm happy to give it."

  Song Jingtian: "…"

  The two went back and forth, and Tang Li also found that something was wrong with the little guy today.

   She cast her eyes on Song Jingtian's lower face: "What kind of mask are you wearing in this weather?"

  "..." Song Jingtian choked out his eyes.

   Of course he wouldn't tell Tang Li that when he woke up in the morning, he looked in the mirror and found that he had a pig nose painted on, and he couldn't wash it off.

   At that time, he was so scared that he wanted to cry, and he didn't know who did the wicked thing.

   Later, he saw a sticker on the bedside.

   has a line of words on it.

  —Effective potion, disappears within seven days.

   Some scribbled handwriting, at first glance it is from the hand of a man.

   He changed his clothes and put on a mask. He took this piece of paper, and before Tang Li went downstairs, he asked all the men in the villa to write 'Special Potions for Seven Days', but he couldn't find the same handwriting.

   Uncle Tan also said that after ten o'clock last night, no one went upstairs at all.

   checked the monitoring and it is true.

   Therefore, he can only eat this dumb loss.

  Tang Li finished delivering Song Jingtian and arrived at Tan Palace at 7:30 in the morning.

   At this moment, Aunt Min was setting breakfast in the dining room. She put down two baskets of persimmons, and instead of going to the master bedroom, she went into the pantry to help squeeze orange juice.

  Aunt Min went to the kitchen to get the fritters that she forgot to take, and Tang Li also put a pot of orange juice on the table.

   As he was about to return to the pantry to get a few cups, Tang Li's shoulder was covered with just the right amount of strength, and out of the corner of the eye, he saw a steel watch that men used to wear.

  Tang Li pursed his lips and his cheeks were slightly hot.

   At the door of the restaurant, the voices of Xiao Minglan and Aunt Min ranged from far to near.

   Song Boyan put his hand on her shoulder and stayed for two or three seconds, but Tang Li seemed to have experienced a century.

  When Song Boyan spoke to Xiao Minglan, the warmth left on her shoulders made her delusional, as if Song Boyan's hand was still there.

   Xiao Minglan finished breakfast and called Aunt Min to the garden.

   For a while, there were only two people left in the restaurant.

  Tang Li stretched out his chopsticks and picked up a piece of potato cake. Song Boyan saw that she was eating with relish, and she was still a little bit of a bird pecking at it, but she was no longer as shy as she was a few days ago.

   Tang Li was nibbling on potato cakes, and Song Boyan also started talking: "I've lived in the villa for almost a week, when are you going to move back?"

   (end of this chapter)

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