After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1143: If you don't get bored and make trouble, you will also make trouble with you.

   Chapter 1143 If you don't get bored and make trouble, you will make trouble with you [two more]

  Fortunately, the side with the upper hand did not pursue the victory.

  As an adult, I still know how to control the proportions, and I don’t let the children down.

  Tang Li was wrapped in the quilt and felt that the bedside was sinking behind him. After a while, he heard Song Boyan mention the kidnapping case of Ouyang Qian and his wife.

   Involved in serious business, Tang Li did not screw up any more.

   She lifted the quilt and turned her head to look at Song Boyan.

  Since her cheap dad was kidnapped, she never took the initiative to ask Song Boyan about the progress of the case.

  'Harem interference' will lead to a lot of criticism and criticism.

   Even if her relationship with Song Boyan has not been made public, there are people everywhere in the Tan Palace, and it is hard not to be heard and publicized in the future, which will be a black spot for Song Boyan's political career.

   At this moment, Song Boyan took the initiative to mention it, but Tang Li didn't interrupt.

What    can tell her is definitely not confidential.

  Song Boyan met her eyes and smiled: "It seems that we still have to find an excuse to force people out, otherwise this little head still doesn't know what's wrong with it."

  Tang Li remembered that night again, and covered his mouth, nose and urn with a quilt and said, "If you don't get bored, you will cause problems."

  Xiao Tang's chief doctor is not self-medicating, so the day before yesterday's visit to the doctor can be said to be quite unsatisfactory.

   Almost, my fame was completely destroyed.

   Hearing the 'scar' in the patient's mouth as '68' made a lot of trouble.

   After a long time, the patient didn't say 6 and 8 at all.

   The responsible Director Xiao Tang had already completed his self-persuasion at that time.

   If there is a deviation in the communication between doctors and patients, the consequences can be big or small.

   In the end, Director Xiao Tang forced himself to justify himself and turned the situation around.

   Looking back now, I still feel that I have no face. In the final analysis, it was the patient's unclear expression, which made her misunderstood.

   However, she has always been clear about public and private.

  Although I still have a little emotion, I didn't bring it to the serious business.

   Knowing that the S country can only launch a joint rescue operation after negotiating with the Myanmar government, Tang Li did not show anxiety, only asked: "When saving people, will Kun and the others be arrested and brought to justice?"

   "Theoretically so." Song Boyan didn't hide her on this: "In practice, the possibility of the kidnappers breaking through the siege and escaping is not ruled out." Although this possibility is minimal.

  Tang Li thought about the number of armed men in the village.

   In order to successfully rescue the hostages, a detailed and careful deployment must be carried out.

   Moreover, we have to prevent internal leaks.

  The chaos in Myanmar is reflected in the collusion between the army and the bandits.

   In Tang Li's view, saving people or not is the second and most important thing is to arrest Kun and others.

   Once Kun and Ming were arrested, it was also a blow to Issa.

   Compared with Li Wenyan and Ouyang Qian, she was more worried about the safety of the members of the action team: "It really doesn't matter if we can't save it, it doesn't matter if we don't."

   As he spoke, he also realized that his words were inappropriate: "I'm still saved. A president who doesn't care whether the people live or die is not a good president and will be impeached."

  Song Boyan smiled and stroked her forehead: "At critical times, women don't allow men."

  Tang Li couldn't bear such praise.

   She wanted Li Wenyan and his wife to stay in northern Myanmar to grow sugarcane.

   But she knew in her heart that Li Wenyan and Ouyang Qian had to be rescued.

   Here, it is about the national prestige of S country.

   is also related to Song Boyan's ability to rule as president.

  Kun's subordinates kidnapped people from the capital, and they have slapped the [Zhengshuo] government severely, and they must not let it go.

   Song Boyan told her this, of course, to make her aware of it.

  Rescue hostages, full of countless accidents.

   No one can guarantee that the rescued must be a living person.

   Anyway, Li Wenyan was her biological father, Song Boyan obviously took this into consideration.

  Song Boyan finished explaining things and didn't stay in the master bedroom. When Tang Li got up and washed up, he also met Aunt Min outside the dining room.

  Tang Li noticed that the tea set that Aunt Min was holding was the one that Xiao Minglan used to entertain guests. Aunt Min didn't hide it, telling her that it was Meng Shu's mother, Mrs. Meng, who was here again.

   "It's also a sin." Aunt Min said, "This time it's for her daughter-in-law."

   Jiang Yunxi was sold to Africa, Tang Li did not forget this.

   "People haven't caught up yet?"

   "It's not that easy."

   Aunt Min's words were filled with a bit of sigh: "I heard that the ship encountered pirates in the Gulf of Aden, and even the people and the ship were hijacked."

  Tang Li: "..."

  Auntie Min handed Tang Li a biscuit, and said, "Mrs. Meng brought this news herself. Our old lady has never interfered in Mr.'s government affairs, so how could she know about it."

   The sale of Jiang Yunxi was suppressed at the time.

   Therefore, online public opinion has not fermented.

  Tang Li didn't expect that Jiang Yunxi's fate would be so turbulent. Drug lords, human traffickers, pirates, the most vicious beings in the world, all let her encounter them.

   "According to what Mrs. Meng said, Meng Shu made a lot of noise in the detention center, and they must let them rescue the person, saying that this was a quid pro quo for him to turn himself in."

   In other words, Meng Shu disagreed with Ming selling Jiang Yunxi.

   is purely Ming's own assertion.

   As for why Ming did this, the only thing Tang Li could think of was that he was not satisfied with this daughter-in-law.

  In the village at the time, Jiang Yunxi tried to take Song Jingtian away, saying that this was her son, and Song Jingtian's short figure was not Meng Shu's seed at first glance. Meng Shu would like to be a father, but his father obviously refused.

   When Aunt Min left, Tang Li also entered the restaurant.

  Since Xiao Minglan didn't ask her to see the guests, Tang Li used to go back to the master bedroom early before entering the door, and the phone rang.

   The incoming call is from a foreign number.

   The other party requests a Face/Time call.

   Because Tang Li had not responded for a long time, the other party then sent her a text message.

  【I am Ruan. 】

  Li Ruan soon sent another video invitation.

   This time, Tang Li did not refuse

   Just pressed the connect button, Li Ruan appeared on the screen, and was told that it was Li Hao who wanted to see her.



   Seeing everyone asking when it will end, I can only say that the ending will be the end of the story, and it should be possible this year.

   There is also a problem of intimacy between male and female protagonists.

As soon as I write a more intimate scene, it will be deleted and blocked. Readers who follow the article all the way know that my scale is so large, and the environment is also the same ~ Many of them are students, 'Qinghui' is not necessarily It's a bad thing. In order to keep the characters from falling, I don't want to write too explicit. I can only ask everyone to pick the candy by themselves~

   (end of this chapter)

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