After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1144: He's my husband, not a tool

   Chapter 1144 He is my husband, not a tool

   In the video, Li Ruan hangs an arm, and in the background behind him is the aisle of the hospital. Tang Li also noticed the Siamese characters on the wall.

  Li Ruan said that Li Hao wanted to see her now, naturally it wasn't the kind of sitting together face to face.

   As Li Ruan’s voice fell, the camera of the mobile phone turned, and Tang Li saw a high-level single-patient ward.

   A lot of people gathered at the door of the ward.

   Tang Li's eyes can be described as black.

   The public chairs in the aisle are full, and people standing have also occupied half of the corridor.

   These people, some were bowing their heads to meditate, some were whispering, and some were calling not far away. Tang Li could feel the solemn atmosphere through the screen of his mobile phone.

   "Yesterday, the old man went into shock and was rescued in the early morning."

  Li Ruan explained off-camera: "When the old man was detained at the base, he suffered a lot of crimes, and his heart suffered from it. These years have been good and bad."

   "As for the people you saw, in addition to the Li family's offspring, there are also in-laws of the Li family."

   While talking, Li Ruan also entered the ward.

  The ward is divided into an inner and outer room.

  Through the glass wall, Tang Li saw the close relative who was related to her.

  Li Hao is an old man in his old age.

At this moment, Li Hao is leaning on the head of the bed. He is described as thin, but he is in high spirits. If Li Ruan said that he had only undergone a rescue last night, it would be difficult for Tang Li to connect Li Hao in such a good condition with the dying patient. .

  The nurse is standing in front of the hospital bed to adjust the speed of Li Hao's drip.

As soon as Li Hao raised his hand, Tang Li realized that his left **** was sandwiching the ECG monitor.

  From the looks of it, Li Hao is not a kind-hearted person. With just one glance, Tang Li is sure that this is not an old man who will be fooled by a few words.

  When Li Ruan pushed open the door of the inner room, Li Hao also turned his head and looked over.

   On the other end of the video, Tang Li did not rush to greet him.

   Knowing that there are relatives in the foreign family, her heart is not without waves.

   In the past few days, she has been checking the news about the Siam Li family on the Internet.

   Receiving a video call from Li Ruan was unexpected and unprepared for Tang Li. Now that he wants to meet Li Hao by video, why not catch a duck on the shelves.

   She didn't even think about the opening line.

  The phone was placed on the stand in front of Li Hao, and Li Hao spoke first to her: "Are you Li?"

   is not the hard tone she imagined.

   On the contrary, it also released a signal of intimacy.

   Tang Li looked at the old man on the other end of the video, whose face had become kind, and nodded, "Yes."

  Li Hao looked at her for a while, with a look of nostalgia: "Your eyes are very similar to your grandfather. You have the same spirit, and you look just as smart."

  Tang Li said truthfully: "My mother's eyes are the ones most like my grandfather's."

   Mentioning Tang Yin, Li Hao's smile was a little less, and then he said, "Ruan has already told me about your parents."

   In the version described by outsiders, Tang Yin and Li Wenyan are at best a good-natured trickster.

  No one would know that Li Wenyan's current wife and daughter had severely hurt this woman many years ago.

   "Back then, your grandfather told me that your mother had a crush on a young man who was the driver who originally drove him. At that time, I disagreed."

   Tang Li couldn't help but look at Li Hao when he heard the words.

Li Hao sighed and said, "I asked your grandfather to send his daughter back to his hometown, just talking about studying in Siam, there is no shortage of young talents among the Chinese in Qing Dynasty. Driver, but your grandfather can't spoil your mother, and insists on respecting your mother's own wishes."

  Tang Shen will let his daughter and Li Wenyan be together. In addition to Tang Yin's liking, there is also the most important premise - Li Wenyan has never really participated in the sale of Hailuoyin.

   In Tang Shen's eyes, Li Wenyan could be broken back.

   "At that time, your grandfather told me to send your mother and father abroad when the matter is over, and let them live a peaceful life abroad for a few years."

Li Hao said, his eyes returned to Tang Li's face: "When your grandfather went to develop in southern Yunnan, I gave him an antique, because your mother likes to paint, and he said later that he should give the antique to your parents, Let them open a gallery abroad."

   As a result, things are impermanent, and Li Wenyan swallowed these antiques.

   also took Tang Shen's life by the way.

   "Your father was kidnapped by Issa's men. I saw the news."

   In a word, Li Hao ended his memory.

   The look he looked at Tang Li was still cordial: "I think Ruan has already told you that Issa has a feud with our Li family."

Seeing that Tang Li did not deny it, Li Hao added: "Before I die, I can see you being brought back to your home, and I will finally be able to give him an explanation when I see your grandfather down below; besides, you now have one. Nice belonging."

The attribution of    naturally refers to Song Boyan.

   Hearing his relatives mention his husband, Tang Li said, "He treats me very well."

   The unexpected, but also to reassure the Li family.

Now that his relationship with the Li family has been confirmed, Tang Li was about to mention his trip to Siam, and Li Hao first said: "President Song is young, promising, and very courageous. The anti-drug operation in country S can be carried out smoothly, and President Song should There was a lot of pressure."

  Tang Li seldom inquired about Song Boyan's official affairs, but he paid attention to current affairs news in private——

   In the past few days, several smuggling interest chains have been paid on the southern border of Yunnan.

  The amount of smuggling is as high as one billion.

   "It is said to be anti-drug, but in fact it involves all aspects."

  Li Hao also gave an example: "During the anti-drug process, rhino horns were found to be smuggled, do you want to arrest or not arrest?"

   Legally speaking, they must be arrested.

However, before waiting for Tang Li to answer, Li Hao told her: "As far as I know, there are quite a few people in the Beijing circle of country S who have opened trading companies in the south, among them the former president of country S Bai Chongming. Teacher, the eldest son of Zuo Yuliang's family."

  Li Hao's remarks almost didn't make it clear that those trading companies were tricky.

  Song Boyan's anti-drug policy was implemented, which meant that the interests of this group of people were indirectly leveraged.

   What Li Hao understood, Song Boyan certainly knew too.

Li Hao's voice came out from the phone again: "Song Boyan's original intention to carry out this operation was to arrest Issa's gang, now, it's nothing more than Song Boyan's refusal to say this, once he names someone, it's Issa Also within reach.”

  Tang Li remembered his previous life——

  Song Boyan did catch Isa in just over a month.

"You are a smart child." Li Hao looked at her, without concealing the high hopes in his eyes: "Twenty years ago, I lost my dearest brother and my best son, and today, after all, I don't want to give it to me anymore. Ruan also got in."

  Tang Li understood what Li Hao meant.

  Li Hao knew very well that arresting Issa after a month would not necessarily succeed.

   Therefore, he hoped that she would ask Song Boyan for help.

   "Only by arresting Issa can your grandfather's grievances be cleared, and you can get rid of your current background. In the future, your marriage with President Song will be made public, and you will no longer have to be afraid of being revealed who your grandfather is."

   These words directly hit Tang Li's weakness.

   But she was not led by Li Hao's nose: "The matter of the Li family should be solved by the Li family."

   said, she looked back at Li Hao: "As for Song Boyan, he is my husband, but not a tool for me to gain privileges (rights)."


good night, see you tomorrow!

   (end of this chapter)

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