After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1147: I can't wipe it off, I can't wipe it off

   Chapter 1147 If you can't erase it, you can't erase it

   "You don't care what I said!"

  Li Yuan'er sneered, "You're not afraid of anything, but you're afraid of what I'll tell people?"

  Tang Li calculated to succeed Ouyang Qian and Li Shengxia, but only overestimated Li Yuaner's IQ. Listening to Li Yuaner's strange yin and yang, he asked her, "You became the second child of the Zuo family as a lover?"

   This sentence annoyed Li Yuaner.

   "Tang, you don't have to spit your blood! Second Master Zuo and I are innocent. He saw that my parents were kidnapped, and that a girl was helpless in the capital before he recognized me as a godfather."

  Tang Li: "So, he is your godfather now?"

  Li Yuan'er: "..."

   "I even told the other party about my own private affairs. You are indeed a good daughter."

  Li Yuan'er sneered when she heard the words: "Don't pretend to be innocent here! The Li family is now falling apart, and it's all thanks to you! Do you really think that after killing our family like this, you can still marry Your Excellency at ease?"

  If Second Master Zuo hadn’t told her, she would have been kept in the dark—

  The relationship between Tang Li and Your Excellency is far closer than they thought.

  Second Master Zuo said that Song Boyan had long been bewitched by Tang Li's little gadget, and now he wants to take Tang Li wherever he goes. When Tang Li asks for something, Song Boyan never fails to nod his head.

  Tang Li is getting better and better, and he, the second lady of the Li family, is on the verge of becoming a 'beggar' in distress.

   Now the life and death of my parents are unknown, and I don’t know when they will be rescued.

   She lived in her grandfather's house, and her aunt sneered at her a lot.

   She went to the Ninth Academy to find a way to find a solution, but she was repeatedly stopped at the door.

   was also the time when she was pushed to the ground by the security guard, which made her meet the second master of the Zuo family.

"Do you think that if I don't say it, others won't know?" On the other end of the phone, Li Yuan'er's ridicule came: "You are my father's illegitimate daughter, and they have already inquired about it; Your Excellency wants you to marry you. , How many people in the circle are laughing at your skill in climbing the dragon bed in private."

  Tang Li heard the main point from her words.

   What Li Yuaner revealed to Zuo Bin was her relationship with Tang Shen.

   That's why there is the phrase 'If you want to sweep drugs, it's better to sweep your backyard first'.

   got the answer, Tang Li didn't plan to waste time with Li Yuaner.

   was about to hang up the phone when Li Yuaner said again: "If I were you, I would take the initiative to leave Your Excellency, and not let my unbearable life experience drag Your Excellency!"

  Tang Li replied lightly: "Even if I leave, it will not be your turn to be in the position."

   "You!" Li Yuan'er was ashamed and angry.

"What are you?" Tang Li interrupted her in a cold voice: "You are an unworthy girl who has forgotten her ancestors! My father is not dead yet, and now he is in dire straits in northern Myanmar. You are better, you have already recognized yourself as a new father, and even to please the new father. Dad, don't hesitate to step on your own father under your feet, your mother gave birth to two daughters for your father, it's yours!"

  Li Yuan'er: "..."

   Realizing that Tang Li was irritating herself, Li Yuaner laughed angrily: "After all, you are not afraid that your identity as Tang Shen's granddaughter will be made public!"

   "You said that I am Tang Shen's granddaughter, so I am?"

  Tang Li denied his own life experience, which Li Yuaner did not expect!

   "Your mother is obviously Tang Shen's daughter!"

   "Where's the evidence?"

  Li Yuan'er: "..."

Tang Li did not change his indifference: "Murder is no more than nodding your head, spreading rumors, refuting rumors and breaking your legs, if you say that I am Tang Shen's granddaughter, then can I also say that you are the second master Zuo and your mother after their lives were harmonious. product?"

  Li Yuaner refuted: "You fart!"

   "You are defending your new father, but it's a pity that the Zuo family doesn't make movies. Otherwise, you will be the star of the next "Loyal Dog Hachiko"."

   "Faithful Dog Hachiko" tells the story of a man and a dog.

  Tang Li said that when she asked her to star in "Hachiko, the loyal dog", of course she didn't ask her to play the man.

  The only thing she can play is that dog.


Li Yuaner was about to question, but Tang Li seized the opportunity: "You said that I am your father's daughter at one time, and then said that I am the child of Tang Shen's daughter. According to your logic, can I understand that back then? Your father killed Tang Shen, not for the country, but to give birth to you with your mother?"

   She wanted to scold Tang Li for talking nonsense, but Tang Li seemed to have expected: "Or do you want to say that your mother is actually Tang Shen's daughter?"


  Li Yuaner was furious.

   She knew that Tang Li was turning black and white, but she couldn't give a strong rebuttal.

  Tang Li's sophistry is only because Tang Shen has been in the past for many years!

  I can't find any samples for a paternity test!

"That's why your mother will raise the placenta until the age of nineteen." Tang Li's heartfelt words came again: "Otherwise, how could it be unclear, and how many troubles will there be if you let your family have a relationship with the drug lord publicly? "

  Li Yuaner heard the last, the blood on her face faded a little.

   However, before she could speak again, Tang Li on the other end ended the call.

  Tang Li held the phone and looked at the biscuits on the drawer. He was no longer in the mood to try them.

   Without Li Yuaner, who Ouyang Qian was watching, she could sell herself clean if someone gave her a piece of candy. The result of being so well protected by her family was that she could only do things for a while.

  Tang Li sent another message to Feng Qi.

  ——Inform the other party that her life experience may be exposed.

   In any case, it is always right to do a good PR plan.

   At that time, whether she admits it or not is one thing, and the guidance of public opinion is very important.

   Song Boyan went upstairs to eat at noon, and noticed that Tang Li was in a strange mood. He put down the wet wipes, and before he could ask, Xiao Minglan got up first and asked his eldest son to accompany her back to the room.

   Seeing Song Boyan being called away by Xiao Minglan, Tang Li didn't interrupt, thinking about something, and then put down his chopsticks.

   "Don't waste it." Song Jingtian took away the sweet and sour pork from her bowl.

  Tang Li asked the little guy, "Do you all go to worship your ancestors every year?"

   "Of course." Song Jingtian looked proud: "Our old Song family not only has an ancestral hall, but also a genealogy. The elder brother mentioned it last time. Next time you worship your ancestors, you should add your name to the genealogy."

   The little guy said and pursed his lips.

   The next time he changes his family tree, it should be the time when his life experience is revealed.

   On the other side, Xiao Minglan called her son into the house. The ancestor worship was an excuse. What she mentioned was the rumors about Tang Li's life experience.

   "How are you going to deal with this?" Xiao Minglan said straight to the point.

   "Since it is a rumor, if you take it too seriously, it will show the signs first."

  Song Boyan turned around from the floor-to-ceiling window, held the cufflinks on his left sleeve with his right hand, and sat down on the sofa: "The rumors and rumors spread later, that is, some exaggerated things."

   Seeing her son's heart is so wide, Xiao Minglan couldn't help reminding: "Her grandfather is Tang Shen, and it is a fact that cannot be erased after all."

  Song Boyan said: "If you can't wipe it off, you can't wipe it off."

   "If your son was afraid of rumors, he wouldn't be in the position he is now."

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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