After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1148: Are you afraid of being pointed at by others?

   Chapter 1148 Are you afraid of being pointed at by others?

   "You're not afraid, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

  Xiao Minglan herself is not in politics, but she is also in this big environment, "I heard that a few days ago, Bai Chongming's guards came to Tan Palace at night?"

  Song Boyan did not deny it.

"I don't know about your [Zhengzang] governance, so I won't make any comments, just let Bai Chongming come to you. Apart from the Zuo family, I can't think of a second family." Xiao Minglan looked at her son: "The words Zuo Bin said in Recalling Jiangnan were obviously aimed at you."

Song Baiyan took the water bottle on the round table and poured a cup for Xiao Minglan: "Zuo Hong's international trading company in Yun Province, two batches of tobacco were detained at the customs office. Because of the suspected smuggling and the huge amount of money, the people below did not dare to release it. , the local customs office has been harassed several times, I am afraid that it is not dead yet."

   Xiao Minglan understood what his son meant.

   This Zuo Bin is the **** of his elder brother Zuo Hong.

   Zuo Bin said that kind of words, it is impossible to guarantee that it was not Zuo Hong's inspiration.

  Song Boyan handed the water cup to Xiao Minglan: "The Zuo family's business in the border is getting more and more over and over, and it should be beaten."

   "Then how are you going to beat?" Xiao Minglan asked.

   "Coincidentally, if we want to rectify the frequent smuggling chaos in the south, we still have to establish a model."

   Zuojia is the most suitable model.

   After having lunch, Tang Li did not go to the living room with Song Jingtian, but wandered on the corridor leading to Xiao Minglan's bedroom.

   Not long after, she waited for Song Boyan.

  Song Boyan closed the door with his backhand, noticing a sneaky figure not far away, standing behind a flower stand, as if he wanted to hide his tracks, and at the same time as if he wanted to be discovered.

  Tang Li did not dare to get too close, for fear that Xiao Minglan would also come out of the room.

   waited sideways, but did not wait for the sound of footsteps.

   She couldn't help but turn her head to look, and through the potted branches and leaves, she found that the door of Xiao Minglan's room was empty.

  ... She clearly saw Song Boyan come out.

   is certainly not a hallucination.

  Tang Li walked forward for a while after he stopped hiding in the flower stand.

   After passing by the door of Xiao Minglan's room, he paused for a moment. Could it be that Song Boyan has entered again?

   If so, why is there no sound of opening and closing the door?

  Tang Li stopped by the door, not slamming the door as vulgarly as Song Jingtian did, he just held his breath and listened to the movement inside.

   After listening for two or three minutes, I couldn't hear why.

   Out of the corner of her eyes, she glanced at the front aisle again.

  The corridor on the second floor is open no matter which direction you go.

  So, did you go this way?

   But he is a big living person, how could Song Boyan not see it?

  Tang Li couldn't help but look back at the flower stand, he couldn't hide it too well.

  People have missed it, and it is useless to care about these.

  Tang Li didn't go back the same way, he just walked forward, about to make a half-circle and then go back to the living room, he came to the corner, but he saw the person he was waiting for.

Song Boyan was standing behind the wall at the corner, holding a lighter in his left hand and a cigarette in his right hand. , In addition to being interested, she was more fond of it, and asked her, "Why did you come here?"

   "Walk after dinner." Tang Li touched his stomach.

   After answering, his cheeks were also hot.

   Because she found that there was a fire hydrant at the corner.

   The glass on the fire hydrant just reflected Xiao Minglan's door.

   That is to say—

   The way he looked at his head just now...

   But she didn't believe that Song Boyan was such a boring person that he would hide here to see his embarrassment, so it should be a coincidence, right?

   Comforting herself, she relieved herself again: "I ate too much, I just stood there for a while."

   said, and pointed to Xiao Minglan's room.

  Song Boyan smiled, still holding a cigarette in his right hand: "It's time to stand for a while, so as not to break it."

   "..." Tang Li.

   She continued to caress her lower abdomen with both hands, but her eyes were fixed on Song Boyan's hand: "Actually, you don't need to carry me on your back, it's just second-hand smoke, it's no big deal, at most you have lung cancer."

  Song Boyan: "..."

   These words are thoughtful, but they are actually heart-wrenching.

   It was almost impossible to kill him directly to kill her.

   Just put away the cigarette, the lighter was taken away by Tang Li: "I'll keep this for you."

   This safekeeping is to never want to come back.

   "I'll keep the cigarettes for you too!" Tang Li said again.

  Song Boyan allowed her to search his trouser pockets. The two got close, and Tang Li's little hand reached into his trousers pocket and searched for a while.

   Actually, there are not many things in men's trouser pockets.

   Tang Li just touched the cigarette case when he heard Song Boyan's low voice: "Where are you touching?"

  Tang Li: "..."

Realizing that her fingertips had crossed the line, she took the cigarette case and retracted her hand, pretending that the embarrassment of the previous second had never happened, and just turned her back with the booty: "I'll keep it for now, you will come to me after you smoke it. take."

   Immediately remembered that she had a 'purpose' to wait for Song Boyan outside Xiao Minglan's door.

  Tang Li turned around and said, "Li Yuan'er, tell the Zuo family all about my life experience."

  Xiao Minglan called Song Boyan over and said that it was to discuss the ancestor worship in her hometown. She would definitely tell Song Boyan what she said in the living room in the morning, so she simply went straight to the point and reported the confirmed results.

   "Li Yuan'er also recognized the second master of the Zuo family as her godfather."

   She didn't know the Zuo family members, but Song Boyan knew.

as predicted--

   Song Boyan was not surprised after hearing this, and only asked her, "Are you afraid of being pointed at me?"

   Before Li Ruan arrived, Tang Li was afraid. Now that she knew that Tang Shen was an undercover agent from Siam, the identity of the "descendant of drug lords" that kept her bound for many years no longer existed.

   met Song Boyan's indulgent gaze, and she shook her head.

   She is not afraid of questioning or abuse, the only thing she is afraid of is affecting him.

   "Since you are not afraid, there is nothing to worry about."

The easiest way to deal with Tang Li's life experience is to ask the Cyberspace Administration of China to let major online platforms block relevant entries, but this means that Tang Li's acting career will be brought to an end. As free as it is now.

  A strong heart is more important than any measure.

  Tang Li returned to the master bedroom, and in his mind, there was the sentence Song Boyan asked her later.

  Song Boyan asked her if she still wanted to continue filming.

   She didn't answer immediately.

   Tang Li knew his answer, which represented two completely different outcomes.

   However, even if Song Boyan orders the entire network to ban her from talking about her life experience, it does not mean that netizens will not know about it.

   If her life experience is allowed to spread on the Internet, it will also have the most direct impact on Song Boyan.

   seems to be all wrong.


   Before she could speak, Song Boyan said he knew.

  Song Boyan put his palm lightly on top of her head, "Then it's the same as before, just do whatever you want."

   (end of this chapter)

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