After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1151: So what are you going to do tonight?

   Chapter 1151 What industry are you going to engage in tonight?

  Song Boyan is not clear about her affairs.

   Now that all social platforms have unified self-examination, it is a little coincidence.

   Although Song Boyan was busy with his official business, the approval documents for this kind of action to rectify the network environment would not normally be handed to his desk, but the matter was related to her, Song Boyan would inevitably ask him personally.

   got a negative answer, Tang Li did not continue to verify.

  Some things don’t have to be asked to the end.

   She came to the first floor for the kidnapping case.

   However, what she wanted to know was already told to her.

  Song Boyan hugged her and walked straight to the stairs.

   "Are you done?" Tang Li asked.

   If Song Boyan still has to work, she will go upstairs by herself, so that he will not come down again after sending him off.

   Her plan was seen through by Song Boyan: "It's already half past ten, so I'm not allowed to go back to my room to rest?"

  Tang Li listened to this joke, and wrapped his hands around Song Boyan's neck: "Then go to rest together."

   Soft words are undoubtedly pitiful.

   "Afterwards, it's night time, so stay upstairs obediently."

   This command made the mosquito bag on Tang Li's arms and legs itchy again.

   turned around the jogging platform before she said, "I'll go by myself."

   A person who weighs 100 pounds, no matter how good his arm strength is, he can't bear to be held horizontally all the time.

   However, Song Boyan didn't put her down, he just said slowly, "In a few years, I still don't know if I can hold her. I might as well hold her for a while while I still have strength."

   Hearing this, Tang Li tightened his arms around Song Boyan's shoulders and neck.

   Back to the bedroom, Tang Li went to take a bath first.

   After she wiped her hair and came out, she found that Song Boyan had turned on the projector in the room.

   On the wall, a foreign movie is playing.

  Tang Li has seen this film, "Pretty Woman" starring Julia Roberts.

   She didn't expect Song Boyan to watch romance movies.

   In her perception, Song Boyan should like "Mank" and "Nowhere to Be".

  Looking around the bedroom, he didn't see Song Boyan, guessing that someone was in the cloakroom, Tang Li sat down on the couch of the imperial concubine, picked up the remote control and turned up the sound of the movie.

  The film has already played the heroine lying on the ground drinking and watching TV series.

   Next, it's about to be indescribable.

   Tang Li was about to fast forward when Song Boyan also came out of the cloakroom.

  Song Boyan had already torn off the belt and took off the cufflinks. There was not much embellishment on a white shirt, and Tang Li missed the best time to press the fast-forward button.

   In the movie, the male protagonist has already sat down on the sofa next to the female protagonist.

   At the moment, he is watching the heroine with his chin up.

   The atmosphere reflected in the film is undoubtedly ambiguous.

Tang Li pressed down the hem of the nightgown with his hands, but Song Boyan only watched the movie for a while, and then he planned to wash up. Tang Li saw this and jumped up, transitioning from the imperial concubine's couch to the big bed, barefooted. and a pair of calves, rushing straight towards Song Boyan.

   In the next second, the person successfully landed.

  Song Boyan hugged her: "Is the movie bad?"

  Tang Li said: "You look better."

   After saying that, a pair of deer eyes stared at the man in front of him.

   The white bathrobe on her body was loose and loose, and her long wet hair was clearly facing the sky. Because she was young, under the soft yellow light, her skin could not find any flaws.

   "Do you want room service?"

  Tang Li's tricks, Song Boyan has long been taught.

   Big hand held the girl's waist lightly, "Director Xiao Tang has changed careers again."

  Tang Li: "Isn't it okay to have multiple jobs?"

   "Then what industry are you going to engage in tonight?" Song Boyan was cooperative.

  Tang Li glanced at the wall, and a pair of white forearms slipped out of the sleeves of the bathrobe: "A woman who has a miserable fate and is waiting for a billionaire to save her."

   "Billionaire, I'm afraid this person is not easy to save."

   This sentence made Tang Li step back: "That's a millionaire."

   By the light of the projector, she saw her own shadow in Song Boyan's eyes, and also caught the faint smile in the corner of Song Boyan's eyes, and said again: "No less, no more bargaining, the market will be destroyed."

   (end of this chapter)

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