After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1152: Everyone hugs you, you can't escape if you want to

   Chapter 1152 You are all hugged, you can't escape if you want to escape

  Song Boyan hugged her and asked, "What rescue method do you plan to give me?"

  Tang Li noticed the progress of the movie on the wall. He didn't want Song Boyan to see the scene of the heroine unbuttoning the shirt of the heroine. He raised his hands and covered Song Boyan's eyes.

   "If you think about it yourself, I'm afraid you can't think well."

  Song Boyan's voice was low: "In this situation, if you don't ask the Women's Federation for help, it's not a fairy dance or something."

  Tang Li: "..."

   "There's nothing you can do if the immortals jump." Tang Li simply changed the script on the spot: "You're all hugged, you can't escape if you want to!"

   As the words fell, a hand was pulled down.

  Song Boyan squeezed her little hand: "Since you can't escape, you should find a place for yourself to retire."

  ... This sounds like touching porcelain.

   However, who told her to lower the standard so low.

  Millionaire, these days, the public toilets in the sixth ring are more than this price.

  Tang Li suddenly discovered that according to the development of this script, it is really not certain who will save who.

  The millionaire in other people's movies was thirty years ago, and it is still measured in US dollars. Now, it should be at the level of sitting on a building in the inner ring of the capital.

   is still careless.

  Forgot to refer to the current price before changing the settings.

   Letting a demolition household to save himself is more profitable than a 'millionaire'.

  Tang Li said, "I suddenly remembered that my hair hasn't been blown yet."

   This is a preparation for a strike.

  Song Boyan saw what she was thinking, but didn't let it go: "As soon as you say you are going to retire, you don't want me as a millionaire?"

   "..." Tang Li.

   "I am a vulnerable group, and it is difficult to beg for food by myself."

   In order to get out, you have to blow a few rainbow farts: "In the future, you will go to the orphanage to carry out condolence activities. If you meet me, you can give me a box of milk. I will miss you for a lifetime."

  Song Boyan was not bewitched by her: "If you really think about me, you won't hide in the orphanage."

   Seeing that he was about to take the 'criminal' of disrespecting the poor and loving the rich, Tang Li decided to overturn the script: "This movie also deceives little girls, how can a rich man like a street girl."

When the    voice fell, Song Boyan also loosened her waist.

   "I'm going to change the movie." Tang Li said, and went back to the imperial concubine's couch.

   When she was using the remote control to select a movie, the water droplets from the tips of her hair slipped over her collarbone. She was about to take a towel and wipe it again when Song Boyan went into the bathroom and came out again, with a hair dryer in her hand.

  The power is turned on, and the warm wind blows across the cheeks.

  Tang Li cooperated very well, letting Song Boyan blow his hair.

When    was dry at seven or eight minutes, Song Boyan turned off the hairdryer.

  Tang Li turned back and looked at Song Boyan who was sitting beside the couch. At this time, Song Boyan was still mature, but more fireworks, even if he was still the image of a big parent; however, at this moment, she was only her own parent.

   "Are you planning to watch a movie?"

   "Yeah." Tang Li responded verbally, but his attention was not on the wall.

  Song Boyan laughed and put down the hair dryer, "You can survive young, I don't have your good energy."

  Tang Li heard Song Boyan's voice, and he wasn't going to make trouble with her again.

  Thinking like this, her cheeks flushed.

  Song Boyan put his big hands on her shoulders, got up, and also warned: "This is facing the air-conditioning vent, don't sit for too long, and the same is true when you go to the bed."

   Waiting for Song Boyan to take a bath, Tang Li was still on the imperial concubine's couch.

   Unlike before he went to the bathroom, she rolled the quilt onto the couch

   At this moment, I am sitting under the quilt.

   is like a hill.

On the    projector, a cartoon is playing.

  Song Boyan charged the phone, and the man on the couch said, "I seem to have a fever."

   After a few seconds, the man stroked her forehead with a big hand.

   "It should be the cold downstairs just now." Tang Li showed a small face from under the covers: "It is estimated that an infusion will be required."

  Song Boyan's palm didn't feel hot, and when he saw Tang Li's blushing face, which was not the spirit a patient should have, he knew that this 'fever' had yet to be verified: "I still watch cartoons, which means I'm not completely burned out."

  Tang Li: "..."

   didn't burn stupid, so you don't have to lose 'missing your liquid'.

   has been dismantled, Tang Li is no longer pretending to be sick.

   Hearing Song Boyan asking if he was going to spend the night on the couch, she did not deny it.

  There is only one pillow left on the bed, it must be hard to sleep.

   Song Boyan didn't grab the quilt from her, but went to the cloakroom to get a blanket.

   In this way, each sleeps separately.

  Tang Li took the initiative to remind: "The lights in the cloakroom are not turned off."

  Song Boyan turned his head and saw that it was true.

   Watching Song Boyan step into the cloakroom, Tang Li lifted the quilt and went down, took the blanket from the bed, stuffed it into his own quilt, and then climbed back himself.

   Song Boyan came out again, and there was only one pillow left on the bed.

   As for Tang Li, he was still sitting cross-legged on the couch of the imperial concubine, just like the old monk entering the meditation.

  The blanket just disappeared.

   It is self-evident who hides it.

  Song Boyan didn't ask about the whereabouts of the blanket, but just walked over to the bedside to turn on the central air conditioner. Tang Li couldn't see how many degrees he set it to, but within half a minute, she felt hot under the quilt.

   She was sitting right at the air outlet.

   For a while, the dry hot air came over the face.

   It’s definitely not going to go on like this.

  Tang Li stayed in bed to adjust the temperature while Song Boyan turned around to go to the bathroom.

The    finger only touched the control panel, it was dark, and the entire master bedroom had no electricity.

  Tang Li: "..."

   (end of this chapter)

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