Chapter 1164 What do you call her unworthy

  Tang Li pulled, but didn't move.

  Xiao Minglan has already spoken, trying to regain the century-old wild ginseng: "This is a great supplement, suitable for patients, young people are very angry, but it is not good to overdo it. If you like drinking ginseng tea, I will buy you some red ginseng later."

   Is Tang Li jealous of this wild ginseng?

of course not.

   She simply did not want to give ginseng to Li Hao.

   Even if they were blood relatives, Tang Li didn't forget Li Hao's calculations for Song Boyan.

Seeing that Xiao Minglan and herself were going to get into a standoff because of wild ginseng, Tang Li pretended to inadvertently mentioned: "In the future, when Bao grows up, I must tell him/her that grandma is afraid that he/she will not be able to make up for it, so she will leave the family dozens of Wan's wild ginseng was given to outsiders."

  Xiao Minglan: "..."

   Is this wild ginseng from her?

  It was obviously her son, Tang Li's husband, who added it to the gift list.

   Besides, is that an outsider?

   Realizing that Tang Li had prepared for this wild ginseng, Xiao Minglan had to do ideological work: "That is, a 100-year-old ginseng. If you really want it, I will ask someone to pay attention to it another day. If it's a big deal, let's buy another one."

   "I won't buy this ginseng anymore."

  Tang Li said: "Besides, is this just a ginseng?"

  Xiao Minglan glanced at the ginseng in the brocade box and saw no more flowers, but Tang Li said, "Some ginsengs appear to be supplements, but in fact, it is your pity for me and your love for your grandson."

   was placed on the high platform of morality, Xiao Minglan was about to explain, but his hand suddenly loosened.

  ——It was Tang Li who opened the brocade box.

   "If you don't give it, don't give it." Tang Li said: "Who made grandma only have other patients in her heart, and can't hold her own big fat golden grandson."

  Xiao Minglan: "..."

   This is a total sin of desire.

  I really have grandchildren, and she can't even hold it in the palm of her hand.

   How can you not love and care?

   Seeing that Tang Li got up and was about to leave, Xiao Minglan had to compromise and push the brocade box over: "Take it if you want."

  Tang Li stopped, but didn't reach out to pick it up right away.

   She turned her attention to Xiao Minglan: "I'm afraid I won't be able to harvest such an expensive wild ginseng."

  "..." Xiao Minglan twitched the corners of her mouth, took Tang Li's left hand, and put the brocade box in her arms: "I'll let you take it, and my family will treat you."

   "I don't think it's good." Tang Li licked his lips while pretending to shirk.

   As he spoke, his hands were already clasping the brocade box.

   "There's nothing wrong." Xiao Minglan settled down: "Just treat it as a gift from me to Jin Sun."

   A few minutes later, Tang Li left with a hundred-year-old ginseng.

Xiao Minglan watched her jumping away, and couldn't help but sigh with Aunt Min: "I was worried that after she returned to Li's house, whether she would not return to China because of Li Hao's retention, now it seems that I think too much. ."

  Aunt Min: "You mean?"

   "Knowing that the ginseng was given to her grandfather, she still rushes to ask for it. Do you think she has some kind of affection for the Li family?"

  Tang Li didn't have much affection for the Li family, which stemmed from Li Hao's use.

   Lee's wealthy, Li Hao naturally does not lack a ginseng.

  Tang Li just took the ginseng back to the master bedroom and was about to find a drawer in the cloakroom to put it in when the phone vibrated and received a message from Song Jingtian.

   The voice sent by the little guy said that there is good news and bad news, both of which should be told to her, and asked her which one to listen to first.

  Tang Li replied: "I don't want to hear any of them."

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   The little guy still told her the bad news.

   "I accidentally slipped my mouth and told Cindy and the others that you are my sister-in-law."

  Tang Li took the phone and pulled the drawer for a while. Does this count as one hundred secrets?

   She didn't expect that one day, the little guy would leak her relationship with Song Boyan.

   However, before she could reply, good news from Song Jingtian came in again.

   "But don't worry, they don't believe it."

   "They said, you don't deserve it."

  Tang Li: "…………"

  What does she call unworthy.

   Is she bad?

   A group of fart kids who don’t understand anything.

  Tang Li was bound to ask for an explanation for himself, and replied to the message: "Speak clearly, where is it not worthy?"

  Two minutes later, Song Jingtian sent a breathless voice——

   "I went to ask, and they said you were no match for anything."

  Tang Li: ...Indifferent face.

   (end of this chapter)

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