Chapter 1165 The woman who makes people worry

   "They also said, even if you are a fresh and refined toad, you are a toad."

  Tang Toad Li: "..."

  She said that she was not worthy of Song Boyan, which was one thing.

   Others bury her, which is another matter.

   Moreover, she had reason to suspect that Song Jingtian was using this to connote herself.

   Put the wild ginseng in the drawer, and Tang Li replied, "Wait for you to come home from school. [smile.emioy]"

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   Received Tang Li's 'death threat', that evening, Song Jingtian returned to the Tan Palace. Instead of going straight to the living room as before, he carried his schoolbag and quietly returned to the bedroom.

  As a result, just after entering the house, Tang Li's ghostly voice floated outside: "You're back?"

   "..." Song Jingtian.

   turned around and was about to close the door, but was blocked by Tang Li.

   Finding that his strength was not as strong as Tang Li's, Song Jingtian immediately gave up his resistance, walked to the desk as if nothing had happened, put his schoolbag on the chair, and began to dig out his workbook.

   Tang Li came to find the little guy, not really wanting to teach him a lesson.

  I will go to Harbin in two days, and it is estimated that I will not see the little guy for a long time after that.

  So, she was going to stay with the little guy for a while, "I heard from Aunt Min, do you like to eat durian?"

  Song Jingtian squinted at her and raised his eyebrows.

   "I went back to Qingfu and sent you some dried durians."

  In terms of tropical fruits, Siam is the most authentic.

   The movement of the little guy holding the book slowed down.

  To say Tang Li's words, there is too much confidence.

   Seeing Tang Li flipping through his textbook and not talking anymore, Song Jingtian couldn't hold back and asked, "Why are you going to the Qing Palace?"

  Tang Li put the textbook back: "Go and recognize my grandfather's relatives."

  Song Jingtian remembered the phone call Tang Li received a few days ago: "Is that the Li family?"

   "Yes." Tang Li told him, still the same words: "An elder was seriously ill and said he wanted to see me."

   The little guy was holding the pencil case and couldn't help but ask, "Then do I want to go too?"

  Tang Li: "..."

   "But I've been very busy with my studies recently." Song Jingtian was a little distressed.

   Why did this all come together?

  The monthly exam is next week, and I am doing my best to prepare for the exam!

  Before being kidnapped, he delayed his studies, and thanks to his cleverness, he took two days of tutoring to keep up with the process.

  If you go to Qingfu, you must miss this monthly exam.

  Although he hesitated, he immediately made a choice——

   In fact, I don't really care about the title of first in the class.

  The old Song family already had a man who put his official duties first. If he didn't put his family first, he would not be able to live his life.

   The little guy did his ideological work and was about to speak, when Tang Li took the lead: "You don't have to go, I'll go by myself."

  Song Jingtian: "..."

  Tang Li added: "I heard that the Siam latex pillow is good, and I will bring you another children's pillow."

  I was going to inherit hundreds of millions of family properties, and I just bought him a latex pillow to pass away. Such a mother-son family relationship is simply chilling.

   A few days ago, I don't know who said they were not interested.

   glanced at this fickle woman, Song Jingtian still decided not to expose her: "Okay, this time you go over by yourself first, as for the family, you don't have to worry too much."

  Tang Li touched the little guy's head and was about to say "don't miss me too much" when the little guy looked at her suspiciously: "Have you passed the CET-4 test?"

  Tang Li: "..."

   "I heard that in Siam, foreigners rely on English to communicate." Before this man set off, Song Jingtian found that he was already worried.

   After all, not everyone is as smart as him.

   I am in a foreign land and I cannot speak the language. What should I do if I am abducted and sold?

   is like a trip to northern Myanmar.

   The most reliable way is to find a local translator.

  After dinner, Tang Li went to the living room to feed the cat, and Song Jingtian followed.

   The little guy poked her in the waist, holding a large tablet in his hand, and when she turned her head sideways, he said, "I will pull you into a group chat."

  Tang Li took out his phone from his trouser pocket.

   The group that Song Jingtian pulled her into was called Qingfu Travelling Alone.

In the    group, besides her and Song Jingtian, there were two other people.

  Tang Li looked up at Song Jingtian and asked with his eyes.

   "Wait a minute." The little guy reassured: "I'll pull another person in."

After   , the group members increased to five.

  [Serious little man]: "[ribbon] [ribbon] Welcome brother Bicha!"

  【Tang Li】: "???"

  Tang Li finished sending the symbols, and immediately asked the little guy beside him, "Who is Bicha?"

"Just the backer I found for you in the Qing Mansion." Song Jingtian explained: "Brother Bicha is also of Chinese descent. He knows the chief of the Qing Mansion Police Station and has also worshipped him. If you run into trouble in the Qing Mansion, you can go to him. He'll find a way to settle it for you."

  Tang Li: "...What about the other two?"

   "This poor guess is the driver. I have chartered his car for a month."

   "And this little king."

Song Jingtian introduced Tang Li one by one, "She is the tour guide of S Country Hotel, she can speak Siamese, and she is very familiar with Qingfu. I will let her go to Qingfu first, and when you get off the plane, she will pick you up with Cha Guai. ."

  Tang Li didn't know where he got it from.

   opened Xiao Wang's business card and found that the other party was indeed a tour guide.

  Tang Li went to Qing Mansion, and Li Ruanzi would pick her up at the airport.

   But, seeing the arrangement of the little guy, Tang Li did not reject his kindness after all.

  The big deal, let them take Li Ruan too.

  The day Supa arrived in Harbin, Li Ruanyou specially informed Tang Li.

   Because Supa will stay in Harbin for two days, Tang Li bought a plane ticket for the next morning.

   That night, she checked the luggage again, made sure nothing fell, and pulled the suitcase up.

  Considering that Tang Liming was about to leave, Song Boyan also spared one night. While Tang Li was sorting out her skin care products, she helped to fold two pieces of clothes, and then asked Tang Li if she had brought enough sunscreen.

  Tang Li took out two sunscreen lotions from her cosmetic bag and showed them to Song Boyan: "I brought them all."

   After checking, he pushed the trolley case to the wall, and Tang Li came out of the cloakroom.

   Seeing Song Boyan reading a travel guide under the lamp, it was given to her by Song Jingtian after school, Tang Li couldn't help but say, "The words are a bit ugly."


   It's a holiday, Happy National Day!

   (end of this chapter)

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