Before Chapter 1182, let it go

  Song Boyan did not refute, which means he acquiesced to his words.

"Even if it is more than ten thousand people, it does not mean that the power of life and death is absolutely in his hands." Han Jifeng's eyes are almost aggressive: "What you have to do, whether it is medical reform or [0] poisoning, will not Everything is smooth sailing, and the people around you are going to be operated on, why is it that they are starting to release a signal of dissatisfaction."

   This time, Song Boyan said, "Tang Li is in Nanwa now. If I ask you to save people, how are you going to save them?"

  Han Jifeng slowly clenched his fists with his hands hanging by his side.

  Namwa, an autonomous state in Myanmar.

   is also the most chaotic area in Myanmar.

There is the largest Chinese gathering area there, and because 70% of the population are Wa people, it is very xenophobic, and the local army has more than 30,000 troops. If the Nanwa military forces participated in the kidnapping of the airport, then the situation will become abnormal. complex.

   One person, one team, is not enough to resist 30,000 people.

   In the S country, 30,000 people, equivalent to a Category B compendium army.

   It is not an exaggeration to describe Nanwa State as impregnable.

  There, once an outsider appears, he will be arrested soon.

   For ordinary people, it is no less than Longtan Tiger Den.

  Song Boyan didn't seem surprised by his silence, and said calmly: "A lot of things can be done with a thousand people, including how to save people when you are embarrassed now."

   This truth, how could Han Jifeng not be clear.

   It’s just that he deliberately ignored it at first.

   Even though he is already a local councillor, he still does not have a strong voice.

   Facing the Nanwa Army, Song Boyan's message might be worth a thousand words.

   As long as Song Boyan is still in this position, he will represent the entire S country.

  S country is not like country H and country D. The president not only has the executive power alone, but also has supreme power in the military circle. The more than 2 million active soldiers behind it are the reliance of Song Boyan and Nanwa State for dialogue.

   He didn't want to admit it, but he had to.

  Now, he cannot save Tang Li by himself.

  Song Boyan told him where Tang Li was, and asked him for a rescue plan, just to make him recognize himself, and to tell him in disguise that even if he would put Tang Li in danger, he could still protect her.

  ...even with the use of state power.

From the fact that Song Boyan knew that he might die of illness in a few years, but he did not draw a clear line with Tang Li, Han Jifeng could see that Song Boyan would not sacrifice himself for others, even if his life was short, he still refused to Let go.

  Maybe this is a common problem for men.

   is a high-level position again, and he is still not a little vague when he is stingy.

  Han Jifeng also guessed that Song Boyan was willing to see him because he wanted to get some news from him.

   In the past, Song Boyan would probably disdain to do such a thing.

  If Song Boyan believed in his dream, he would not stop looking for him after knowing that he would get sick; if he came to ask him now, he answered the sentence 'If you care, you will be in chaos'.

   It is meaningless to stay any longer.

  When Han Jifeng turned around, he said, "Although Your Excellency has the command of the three armies, if it is not an emergency war, if you want to mobilize the troops, you must obtain the consent of the Congress."

   However, the Congress is not Song Boyan's word.

   In Congress, there are a lot of people who criticize Song Boyan.

  The health care reform law advocated by Song Boyan has seriously violated the interests of domestic commercial institutions.

   Most of these institutions are privately linked with parliamentarians, and some insurance companies are even the properties of the parliamentarians' homes.

   The subsequent anti-drug operation [0] pulled out the border smuggling business, and not only Zuojia was affected.

   These people cannot see that everything goes well for Song Boyan.

   Once Song Boyan asks the Congress, I am afraid he will step on it one after another.

  Song Boyan's answer is-

   "They don't need consent."

  As soon as Han Jifeng left, Ji Ming entered the garden.

   There is news from the Siam Air Force that the helicopter that hijacked the wife did indeed enter the airspace of Myanmar.

   also confirmed that Xue Ya was indeed working for Jin Lihua.

Ji Ming happened to overhear the last words that Han Jifeng said just now, and he was already outside the garden at that time, "Speaking of the South Wa coalition army, it was only a former rebel army from S country who entered Burma, and has always been afraid of S country, this time Xue Ya Taking the lady away is not necessarily what the coalition means."

   In recent years, the coalition has never taken the initiative to open fire on the border between the two countries.

   Moreover, the top commander of the coalition forces, Yan Yingcheng, is almost in his old age, and he will not be unaware of the consequences of kidnapping a citizen of S country.


  Jiming suspects: the South Wa coalition forces do not know about the kidnapping.

   However, Mr. did not continue this topic, but asked about Zuojia.

   "Should still be doing funerals."

   In the Zuo family for the past two days, Ji Ming has paid attention.

   Although Zuo Yuliang retreated to the second line, his reputation still remained. His second son died unexpectedly, and many people from the military and political circles came to pay their respects.

   Because of his son's tragic death, Zuo Yuliang also asked to be suspended for seven days.

   This move is not necessarily to put pressure on Mr.

   As for why the second left died in the grove, the city bureau has found some clues. After the Zuo family heard the wind, they resolutely denied that the second left had given cover for the murderers to enter the capital.

But the case statement has been handed over to Mr.'s desk. Steinway's [fire] exploded, and the second from the left played a role in linking the previous and the next. He brought people into Beijing, and also arranged jobs in the sanitation department through connections. An accomplice cannot be washed away.

   Besides, the second from the left has openly criticized Mr.

   It was safe not to let his son go to the ground, Zuo Yuliang was just waiting for Mr.

   - He wanted his son to be buried innocently.

   has the meaning of relying on the old and selling the old.

   Therefore, Ji Ming was a little surprised to learn that Mr.

  Song Boyan went to Zuo's house without much pomp. Zuo Yuliang received the news, supported by his eldest son, and greeted him at the door in person.

   The funeral of the second from the left can be called a grand ceremony.

   When people in the courtyard saw Song Boyan, they were not only respectful but also surprised. They didn't expect that the second Zuo had such a big face, that he would be able to make your Excellency come to offer incense in your busy schedule.

  Song Boyan gave the incense to Ji Ming and went to the study with Zuo Yuliang.

   Zuo Da and Jiming were both left outside.

   On this day, Song Boyan stayed at Zuo's house until late at night before leaving.

   What he talked to Zuo Yuliang, no one knows.

  Only the next morning, Zuo Yuliang brought the Myanmar drug lord Issa to court with a complaint. As for the crime, it was naturally intentional homicide.

   That afternoon, Zuo Yuliang went to the Tan Palace, tearfully begged your Excellency to strictly investigate the border drug[0] trade, even if it was a citizen of S country of more than one billion, Isa and others should be brought to justice!

   That night, Tan Gong held another press conference, and characterized the "Steinway [Firestorm] bombing" as a revenge against the Golden Triangle drug lord.

   Only Zuo Yuliang knew that he was Song Boyan's pawn.

  In the study, Song Boyan handed over a USB flash drive, which contained evidence of his eldest smuggling all year round.

   Song Boyan said at that time——

   In the past, let it go.

  The matter of Zuojia ends with the cleaning operation.

   As for the death of the second left, there is no need to mention it again.

   This is Song Boyan's promise to him, and it is also his way of restraining him.


Good night.

   (end of this chapter)

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