After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1183: Jiang Yunxi, did you let Ming sell it?

   Chapter 1183 Jiang Yunxi, did you let Ming sell it?

  Tang Li was awakened by a dog's tail grass.

   On the helicopter that day, she fainted when Xue Ya covered her nose and mouth with a handkerchief.

   The dose of the drug has caused Tang Li to fall asleep for about twenty hours.

  Yuyou opened his eyes, his nose was itching constantly, Tang Li raised his hand subconsciously, just touched the furry thing, a happy childish voice sounded in his ear: "Are you awake?!"

   This voice is no stranger to Tang Li.

   As soon as he turned his head, he met Song Jingtian's **** eyes.

   The little guy was lying beside the bed, wrapped in a floral headscarf and dressed in local clothes, like a boy of two or five.

   "You—" Tang Li's head was still a little heavy, and his reaction was inevitably slow.

  Song Jingtian immediately helped Tang Li sit up, poured another cup of ancient tree tea, and watched Tang Li drink half of the cup before he spoke again: "Do you feel better?"

  Tang Li first looked around, it was a tropical arrangement, and finally, his eyes returned to Song Jingtian: "Why are you here?"

   "It's not." The little guy drank all the ancient tree tea at the bottom of the cup, his expression stained with melancholy: "I just went to the toilet, and they knocked me out and brought me here."

  Tang Li: "How come I heard that the septic tank exploded and blew your shoes off."

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   No matter how it was brought, at least the people are still fine.

Tang Li stretched out his hand and was about to touch the little guy, but Song Jingtian ducked numbly, walked over to the table with a teacup in hand, and said, "I have inquired about it, this is Kangsang, the capital of Namwa, the northern part of Myanmar, The place we are staying is the garrison of the South Wa coalition army, so don’t walk around and be careful to be treated as spies.”


   This place once appeared in Li Ruan's mouth.

   is Issa's hiding place.

  Tang Li did not expect that after a circle, he finally came here.

   was still taken captive.

   The little guy sat on the bench and sighed: "I just disappeared, and the family doesn't know how to worry."

   "Do you know who tied you up?" Tang Li asked him.

   "I know." Song Jingtian turned around, and the little meat hand was still peeling the peanuts: "At noon today, we have dinner together."

  Looking at the look of the little guy, he seemed to be enjoying the meal.

  Tang Li thought about the relationship between 'Qinwenwa' and him, and seeing how big he was, he couldn't help but ask, "She didn't tell you anything?"

   "I said yes."

  Song Jingtian replied while working: "She said you should wake up in the afternoon, let us have dinner together at night."

   said, the little guy did not forget to appease people: "This place is much better than the village, I can come and go as I want, tell them what I want to eat, and they will buy it for me."

   "It's just... I miss my tiger whip a little bit again."

   No matter how good it is outside, it is not your home after all.

   And, it’s not really that good.

   The mosquitoes here are bigger than the southern cockroaches of S country.

   He was already a bit anemic, and if he lived here for a long time, his blood would not have been drained.

   In the evening, someone came to call them to eat.

  Tang Li took a shower after waking up. Song Jingtian also went to borrow a hairdryer for her and brought back a set of clothes. When the door opened, he could still hear the faint sound of training.

   Seeing that Song Jingtian was adapting well, Tang Li also decided to be an obedient hostage.

   Whenever and wherever, the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie.

  Since it has already fallen into the hands of others, if you don’t cooperate with the toss, the one who suffers will be yourself.

   Arrived at the dining hall, Tang Li met 'Qinwenwa'.

   This is a very well maintained woman.

   Tight facial skin, you can't tell the age of being a grandma.

   is also a pure S country.

Like her at the moment, 'Chin Winwa' is also wearing Burmese clothes, a dark green cardigan, a Temin tube skirt that goes past the ankles, and long tea-brown hair in a high plate. At this moment, he is kneeling on the futon to pay homage to the Buddhist shrine, with his hands folded together. , The golden bracelet between Haobai's wrist is graceful and luxurious.

  Only in this scene, Tang Li guessed that the other party's status by Issa's side was not low.

  Because women are not allowed to approach Buddha statues in Myanmar.

   But the movements of Chinwinwa's visit to the shrine are familiar and natural.

   "Come here?" Qin Wenwa got up after worshiping the Buddha, and saw Tang Li and Song Jingtian beside the door, their expressions were calm, even kind, but people couldn't equate her with desperados.

   On the table, the food has been set.

  Tang Li thought he would see Issa, but when they were seated, Issa did not show up.

   On the contrary, it was 'Qin Wenwa', who served Song Jingtian soup as soon as he sat down.

   "This is the local specialty fish soup powder in Myanmar, try it."

   The little guy took the soup bowl and glanced at Tang Li out of the corner of his eye. Jin Lihua caught his small movements and smiled: "Don't like eating fish?"

  Song Jingtian immediately retracted his gaze, took a sip from the venue, and praised: "The taste is very good, it would be great if I could drink it every day in Tan Palace in the future."

   Jin Lihua didn't answer.

   She said to Tang Li again: "I heard that you grew up in southern Yunnan, and you specially made them steam-pot chicken."

   Jin Lihua's eyebrows are quite similar to Song Jingtian.

   Especially when smiling.

   However, the **** image of the airport was still in his mind, so Tang Li naturally would not think that the woman in front of him was a kind person.

   After tearing his face with Li Hao, he successfully took Song Jingtian away from S country. It has already been explained that this woman's means can at least allow Issa to offend S country officials for her.

  Two bowls of glutinous rice bottomed out, and Tang Li put down the bowls and chopsticks.

  Song Jingtian immediately followed suit and put his rice bowl back on the table.

   Jin Lihua smiled: "It seems that Miss Tang likes sticky rice very much."

   "It's delicious." Tang Li said calmly.

   Jin Lihua took the towel handed by the servant, wiped his nails and said, "Miss Tang loves it. I'll ask them to make Babao glutinous rice tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, they will eat shiitake glutinous rice."

   "Mushroom glutinous rice, you can cook it for us when we come to Kangsang next time to see grandma." Song Jingtian interrupted suddenly.

   This is not the first time a child has hinted that he wants to leave.

   Jin Lihua stared at him, his smile faded: "Don't like Kang Sang here?"

   "No, it's just—"

   Before the little guy finished speaking, Jin Lihua interrupted him: "Since you like it, then stay and accompany grandma to dinner every day in the future."

   This is a decision.

   is the result of no bargaining.

  Song Jingtian has always been precocious, how could he not understand the meaning of the other party.

   Suddenly, the cantaloupe in my hand is not sweet.

   Just then, someone came in.

  Tang Li turned his head following the sound and saw an old acquaintance—Ming.

   Ming hung an arm, but he was no longer as arrogant as he was in the village.

  Tang Li watched him lean over to Jin Lihua and whisper a few words, and then Jin Lihua asked someone to take Song Jingtian down first.

  The little guy dawdled and wanted to call Tang Li away together.

   Jin Lihua looked at Tang Li with a smile: "Miss Tang wouldn't mind having a few words with me alone?"

  Tang Li said it was useless to mind.

   As soon as Song Jingtian left, the atmosphere in the dining hall changed.

   "You and Jiang Yunxi's personalities are very different."

  's endless evaluation made Tang Li look straight at the woman opposite, and then asked, "Jiang Yunxi, did you ask Ming to sell it to Snakehead?"

   For some reason, when she saw Ming, she had this guess in her heart.

   Jin Lihua put down the towel: "It's also her bad luck. I'm afraid it won't be easy now when she meets a pirate."

   This is an admission in disguise.

"I gave birth to a child in Yangyang in my life, and I invested no less effort in him than any mother." Jin Lihua said, slowly restraining his smile: "But later, when he met a woman, the woman lied to him. It killed his feelings and forced him to death."

   (end of this chapter)

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