After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 119: The little girl who has grown up

   Chapter 119 The little girl who has grown up

  The sun room outside is crystal clear and transparent, and there are clusters of flowers on the long walnut table, reflecting the slightly drunken sunshine in the late autumn afternoon.

   Tang Li was standing at one end of the long table.

   She took a pair of scissors and gently cut the stem of the lily.

  The delicate stems fell among the bunches of bouquets on the table.

Tang Li had put the lilies in the wide and round glass bottle. When she lowered her head slightly, the hair that had been hooked behind her ears scattered a few strands, and the sun shone from behind her, illuminating the skin on her side face and neck. , is a lustrous white.

  Li Wenyan is from the north, Tang Li inherited his facial features and clear outlines.

   But in temperament, she resembles Tang Yin when she was very young.

  When Tang Li focuses on flower arrangement, his eyelashes are lowered, like a butterfly resting on a flower branch, stretching like a lotus in the quiet floating light.

  Song Boyan stopped in the corridor and looked at Tang Li like this. For the first time, he clearly realized that the girl who liked to run barefoot on the wet mud in southern Yunnan had really grown up.

  Eight years ago, the little girl who only reached his chest was already slim.

Now the gentle and quiet appearance is no longer like in the past, holding a bamboo basket in one hand and holding a black dog in the other, "threatening" him with a smile, and would not give him food unless she trained her domestic dog into a military dog. , On the small face of wheat color, the pair of water-like eyes, pure and clean, seems to be always so happy and happy.

   Many years later, when we met again at Li's house, Tang Li didn't recognize him, and the moment he saw him, there was no deja vu surprise in his eyes except for anxiety.

   It’s normal to think about it.

  Although they have been together for more than half a month, she was still young at that time, and not long after he left, their mother and daughter also moved out of the small village and went around for a few years, so it is not surprising that they forgot.

Beside Song Boyan, Wang Yangming patted him on the shoulder.

   The professor with the rank of major general made a "don't disturb" gesture.

   It would take a while to watch the flower arrangement, Song Boyan and Wang Yangming went back to the study, and they set up the chessboard and played another game.

  It took about 20 minutes, and Tang Li picked up all the flowers on the table.

   During this process, she briefly talked about the precautions for flower arrangement.

Gao Wenlan looked at the three bottles of beautiful flower arrangements, her mood was as if she saw the blue sky when she saw the clouds and mist, and then turned to look at Tang Li, she felt that this little girl was very pleasing to the eye, especially when she saw Tang Li tidying up the table top, her heart became more and more comfortable. : "Leave it alone. Auntie will come to clean it later."

   "It goes well anyway." Tang Li said as he threw the leftover leaves into the trash can.

   found that "Original Sin" was still on the windowsill, she took it over: "Where is this book?"

   Gao Wenlan pointed to a random place.

   Before putting the book down, Tang Li opened the title page and took a look.

   Then, she found out that it was a signed book.

   Gao Wenlan walked behind Tang Li at some point, saw Tang Li reading the autograph, and asked, "Want this autograph book?"

"You are a young person, you should know that "Original Sin" is already making a movie. This novel is a sample book of the new edition, but it is actually out of print. When 50,000 copies are sold out, there will be no more physical books of "Original Sin" on the market. "

Speaking of which, Gao Wenlan straightened her waist and raised her spectacle frame modestly: "I hate taking advantage of others the most, since you are not a florist from 'Li Yuan', if you like this book, bring it with you Let's go, it's your reward."

   Tang Xiaoli: Oh, I don't like reading novels...



   (end of this chapter)

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