Chapter 120 Really not running around?

   Hearing this, Tang Li raised his eyes to look at the other party.

"I also have this one." Gao Wenlan glanced at the original "Original Sin" with a bit of reluctance, and noticed that Tang Li was going to speak, she raised her hand to stop it: "It's no use begging me, I can't get more."

   Seeing that the other party misunderstood, Tang Li put the book back on the long table.

   "You don't want this book anymore?" Gao Wenlan was surprised.

   "Since it's out of print, you'd better keep it for yourself." Tang Li didn't have the hobby of being loved, and there was a novel "Original Sin" that she picked up in her dormitory.

   " really don't want it?"

  Gao Wenlan couldn't help reminding: "There are only 50 signed copies in total. If you don't get it now, don't regret it when the movie is released."

   "You keep it." Tang Li finished speaking, ready to go downstairs.

   "Many people begged me for this book, but I didn't give it. Why did I come to you, but you are so disgusted by it, or do you think this book is not well written?"

   As soon as these words came out, Gao Wenlan was a little unhappy.

  Tang Li had to tell the truth: "Actually, I have a copy myself."

   Gao Wenlan's eyes lit up: "You bought it?"

   "I picked it up."


   "The content of the novel and the out-of-print should not be much different from the one I found last time at the First Film Auditorium."

   "Why not big, big!"

Tang Li's words were exchanged for staring at the other party, she didn't know why, just like when she beat the cockroach, the other party shoved the book into her hand: "Take it back and compare it carefully, draw out the different parts of the two books, and then take a photo. Pass the photo to me."

   "..." Tang Li.

   Then, she found that the other party was in a better mood.

  Gao Wenlan took out her mobile phone: "Tell me your MSN account, let's add a friend."


   Seeing that she didn't respond, Gao Wenlan raised her head: "Don't understand? It's messenger (chat software)."

   "If there is no messenger, what about LINE?"

   Finally, Tang Li reported his MSN account.

While adding friends, Gao Wenlan said, "I will find you on MSN when I encounter problems with flower arrangements in the future, as well as the novel "Original Sin", you go back and read it carefully, don't be slack, I will also ask you It’s not high, just read it after a thousand words, and send it to my email when the time comes.”

   For Tang Li, the last time I wrote about the aftermath was in high school.

   Besides, she never takes notes while reading, let alone the afterthought of a long speech.

  Tang Li felt like he had fallen into a big pit.

   Gao Wenlan suddenly raised her head and asked, "Are you a student of First Film?"

   "No, my school is across from Shouying." Tang Li didn't feel ashamed when he mentioned his school. Although he couldn't compare with Shouying, he was not ashamed to say anything.

  Gao Wenlan asked her again: "It's also an art school?"

   "That's right."

  Tang Li saw that it was about the same time, so he didn't stay upstairs.

   Gao Wenlan didn't keep anyone else this time.

   Walking around the corner of the stairs, Tang Li saw Song Jingtian coming out of the bathroom.

   The little guy found that she didn't open the door for himself, and was a little unhappy, "educated" her a few words, and then reconciled with her.

   Leaving the Xiaoyang Building, the two returned to the car.

Not long after   , Song Boyan also came out of Wang's house.

   When Song Boyan opened the door to get into the car, Song Jingtian lay on the driver's seat and complained, "We've been sitting in the car for so long, waiting for you, and the flowers are all thankful!"

  Song Boyan pulled his seat belt: "Really didn't you run around?"

   "...I also went to the toilet." Afraid that the elder brother would not believe it, Song Jingtian tugged at Tang Li: "If you don't believe me, ask Tang Li, she can testify for me."

   Four shifts~



   (end of this chapter)

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