After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1195: Sorry, Song Boyan wants you by name

   Chapter 1195 Sorry, Song Boyan wants you by name

  Song Jingtian ran back to the station by himself.

   Seeing that the situation was not right, he slipped away from the birthday party.

  Others are small, so he ran out of Yan's house while taking advantage of the chaos, which can be said to have slipped through the net.

   As for Chinwinwa, who knows.

   He saw rocket launchers and armored vehicles with his own eyes!

"It was just a few school officials who suddenly broke into Yan's house and said that the 775th brigade of the Nanwa Allied Forces had a different heart and had entered the Bangkang realm. They wanted to capture their top commander alive." Song Jingtian described to Tang Li while carrying fruits and cakes in his arms. The scene at the time: "Outside Yan's house, there are more than a dozen armored vehicles with large-caliber machine guns, absolutely in a state of preparation."

   When he was at home, he watched many military programs, and he smelled danger signals on the spot.

   If you don’t run away now, when will you wait?

  Tang Li did not doubt the authenticity of the little guy's words.

  The armed forces from all over Myanmar are constantly fighting, and mutiny is not uncommon.

  If there is a real mutiny, the garrison will not be safe.

   Even if they can’t get out now, they can’t sit still.

  Tang Li didn't dare to delay any longer, he immediately changed his clothes, and was about to take the little guy to find a place to hide when the door banged and was pushed open.

  The person here is Jin Lihua.

   Jin Lihua was surrounded by two bodyguards in a hurry.

  Tang Li noticed that their guns didn't leave their hands.

   When Jin Lihua saw Song Jingtian with a bundle around his neck, he sighed in relief and his expression softened. He didn't blame the child for leaving Yan's house without permission, but was glad for the child's ingenuity, and immediately ordered a bodyguard: "Take the child, let's go."

   I didn't look at Tang Li much the whole time.

   At this moment, Tang Li was even more certain that the mutiny was true.

   Jin Lihua's attitude was as if he was about to leave Nanwa.

  Song Jingtian was forcibly picked up and hurriedly stretched out his hand: "Tang Li!"

   Jin Lihua had already walked outside the door. Hearing this, he shared the corner of his eye with Tang Li. Tang Li was not stupid, he could see at a glance—Jin Lihua probably didn't plan to take her with her.

  If Nanwa is really in chaos, the military will have to transfer him to leave safely.

   This kind of transfer is bound to have quotas.

  When Song Jingtian insisted on 'to be held by Tang Li', Jin Lihua made concessions for his grandson after all.

  Tang Li took Song Jingtian from the bodyguard and almost flashed to his waist.

   Jin Lihua said 'keep up', depriving Tang Li of any chance to dawdle.

   Outside, the assembly whistle came one after another.

  A military truck full of people drove out of the station.

Wherever    passes, dust is flying.

  Jin Lihua didn't take people out of the station, but went to his and Issa's residence, let the bodyguards and Tang Li stay outside the house, and walked upstairs by himself.

   When she came down again, she had a tall spittoon in her hand.

   "Yan Yingcheng has sent someone to pick up Issa, and we are going to join them now."

  This spittoon is for Issa.

  Tang Li understood Jin Lihua's explanation.

  Isa suffered hemiplegia due to a stroke and was inconvenient to move. She brought a spittoon to meet her physical needs on the road.

   Outside the station, there are already vehicles waiting.

  The jeep drove away from the station, and Song Jingtian also grabbed Tang Li's thumb.

   Jin Lihua didn't say where they were going, Tang Li guessed that it might be back to the Golden Triangle.

   There is Issa's territory.

   No matter how hard the coalition fought, it couldn't reach that far.

  The jeep had only driven a kilometer or two when gunshots came from afar.

   This indicates that there is an exchange of fire ahead.

   Jin Lihua just told the driver to take a detour, the headlights turned on, an off-road vehicle blocked the way, the co-pilot door opened, and a middle-aged man in a coalition uniform came down.

   Jin Lihua raised his hand and stopped the bodyguard from shooting.

  Tang Li looked at Jin Lihua's expression, and the two clearly knew each other.

   Moreover, the rank of the opponent is probably not low.

The middle-aged man had a solemn expression, and as soon as he got to the jeep, he said to Jin Lihua: "The bridge in front was blown up. After Mr. Issa and the others passed, the people from the 775th Brigade arrived. A battalion was guarding the bridge and fired to show the Police, don't allow people to pass through again."

   "What's going on?" Jin Lihua couldn't help asking.

   "Brigade 775 may have contacted official people."

   Just this sentence made Jin Lihua's face look ugly.

The middle-aged man said again: "You must have heard that Wu Jiamin of the 775th Brigade has always been dissatisfied with the commander's control of the coalition forces, and has repeatedly proposed the implementation of a consultation system in the military. ."

   For example, the future dominion of the South Wa coalition.

   As for why the official did this...

   Jin Lihua had a bad premonition.

The next notification from the middle-aged man confirmed her conjecture: "Just at noon today, Binzhou had a phone call with the commander, saying that Country S was dissatisfied with our handling of the issue of handing over drug dealers."

   Binzhou is the capital of Myanmar.

   also refers to the official Burmese state.

  Tang Li couldn't help clenching Song Jingtian's little fleshy hand.

   "They still want Issa?" Jin Lihua had already guessed the attitude of S country.


  The middle-aged man nodded: "The 775th Brigade blew up the bridge because it thought that Mr. Issa was still stationed; the commander has arranged for a helicopter, which is also what Mr. Issa requested. First, let you leave Nanwa and go to a safe place."

   When the words fell, the sound of the propeller turning came from overhead.

   Tang Li looked out of the car window, and a helicopter slowly landed not far away.

   Even at night, the weeds are still blown.

The    South Wa coalition army has a total of five brigades, and the 775th and 762th brigades are stationed near Bangkang.

   A few dozen kilometers away from Bangkang, there is Brigade 741.

   The 741 Brigade is a powerful heavy armored brigade.

   As long as the 762 brigade defends Bangkang tonight, the people from the 741 brigade should also arrive tomorrow morning...

  Isa and Yan Yingcheng were together, so they would not be captured by the 775th brigade.

   Now the most dangerous one is the station.

   Wanting to understand this, Jin Lihua made a decisive decision, took his grandson and Tang Li, the fuel oil bottle, and followed the middle-aged man to the helicopter.

  The helicopter flew away from the Nanwa Territory, and Jin Lihua landed with a hanging heart.

When she saw Song Jingtian lying in Tang Li's arms, the worry about Issa dissipated. Even if Issa really fell into the hands of S country, it would not lead to a complete collapse of the Golden Triangle's business. At most, she lost some of her old customers. , as long as she continues to support the coalition, Yan Ying's achievements will support her to secure Issa's current position.

   With a calculation in mind, Jin Lihua admired the night outside.

   The next moment, she was a little restless.

  As the helicopter descended, Jin Lihua also saw clearly below, this is not Cochin State, nor Tanbang, but Linban County, which is less than 20 kilometers away from the border of S country!

   The sudden coolness of the wrist is even more unexpected.

   Jin Lihua endured his anger and looked at the middle-aged man: "The surname is Tan, what do you mean?"

   "I'm sorry, Chinwinwa."

  The middle-aged man tied the other end of the handcuffs to the seat: "President Song of country S named you to extradite you. In order to keep Issa, the commander had to do it."

   (end of this chapter)

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