After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1196: Sir is waiting for you in the capital

   Chapter 1196 Mr. is waiting for you in the capital

   Jin Lihua did not expect such a result.

  S country wants to extradite her...

   They didn't arrest Issa, the drug lord, but they asked Yan Yingcheng for her.

   Therefore, the mutiny of the 775th brigade tonight is a drama.

   A big play specially directed for her!

  Yan Yingcheng wants to protect Issa, so does he know that Issa is no different from a **** now? In recent years, the billions spent by the coalition forces, every penny is earned by her? !

  On the helicopter, Jin Lihua thought this scene was absurd.

  Tang Li never imagined that Jin Lihua, who thought everything was under her control, was actually planted in the hands of her trusted teammates.

  Yan Yingcheng sells Jin Lihua. It can be said that he sells it without hesitation, and sells it without any deceit!

   not only guarantees the quality and quantity, but also free delivery to your home.

   Jin Lihua knew that he could not go back to his country.

   In Myanmar, even if she is arrested, she can spend money to avoid prison; if it falls into the hands of S country, what awaits her is the death penalty or life imprisonment!

   Song Boyan asked her by name, so this matter could not be picked up high and put down gently.

  Song Boyan will definitely handle her strictly.

   She cannot go back to her country.

   Once this thought is formed, it is difficult to disperse!

   Jin Lihua grabbed the middle-aged man's military uniform and offered a condition: "I have 100 million US dollars in my personal account. As long as you send me back to Kachin State, the money will be yours."

  100 million US dollars is enough for a person and a family to achieve class leap, even immigrating to developed countries.

   As he was about to reach his door, Tang Li did not allow the helicopter to return.

Before the middle-aged man might be shaken, she interjected: "Mom, I can understand your current mood, but you can't open your eyes and talk nonsense. One hundred million US dollars, how can we get so much money, we can't get it back, the consequences Who's in charge?!"

   "...Who is your mother!"

   How could Jin Lihua not see through Tang Li's careful eyes.

   On this helicopter, Tang Li probably wanted her to be extradited to country S the most!

Afraid that Tan Zhongliang would believe this lazy nonsense, Jin Lihua immediately explained: "I have an account in a Swiss bank, and I have handled most of Issa's business in recent years. If you don't believe me, I can call now. Bank in Switzerland."

   The words fell, and another discordant voice came again——

   "At this point, the Swiss Bank is probably closed."


  Tang Li continued: "I know Mom, you want to save yourself, but you can't cheat Uncle Tan like this. You transfer Issa's money to Uncle Tan. When you turn back to Commander Yan and Issa, can you spare Uncle Tan?"

  If he hadn't been chained, Jin Lihua would have kicked Tang Li off the plane!

   restrained her emotions, she almost clarified through gritted teeth: "That money is mine, my own!"

   has nothing to do with Issa fart!

   "That's what you got from Issa's business." Tang Li ruthlessly spurned: "Thanks for Issa's trust in you, you are really not human!"

   Jin Lihua: "..."

  Tang Li said, the central idea remains the same.

  100 million dollars cannot be taken.

  ——This is not money for life, but money for death.

   If you break it down, the helicopter will also land!

Jin Lihua didn't try to bribe the surnamed Tan again, and instead said: "I hid people in the station, Yan Yingcheng doesn't know, in the eyes of the S country officials, he is an accomplice! You think that if you hand me over, the S country will give up. ? Maybe the next person to be extradited is your command!"

   This is ready to sink.

  Tan Zhongliang heard the threat in Jin Lihua's words.

   But his expression remained the same, "I don't need Laochenwenwa to worry about it."

   "Commander Jiang of the Southwest Theater of Country S, personally made a video call with the commander, and also brought President Song's words to him."

"Qinwenwa hid the hostages at the station. The commander only knew one of them, but he didn't know the second. He always thought that it was Qinwenwa who brought back his long-lost relatives. If he knew that it was the family of President Song, the commander would not condone Qinwenwa. to this day."

  A good excuse to shirk responsibility!

   Jin Lihua couldn't help sneering.

   Yan Yingcheng betrayed her, of course she would not give him any more face.

   "Director Yan must have gotten a lot of benefits this time."

   is a word to discuss Yan Yingcheng and beggars on the same level.

  Tan Zhongliang was not annoyed, but said: "The South Wa Army has never forgotten that its roots are in the S country, and President Song is also sympathetic and has reached some consensus with the commander."

   Jin Lihua understood it thoroughly.

   After a long time, Yan Yingcheng wants to go back to S country!

   Jin Lihua sneered: "In order to please the official of State S, Commander Yan did not hesitate to bear the reputation of treachery. In the future, who would be willing to give his back to him in the future high-level coalition forces?!"

   "Director Yan has always kept his promises, so how could he betray his promise?"

   Without waiting for Jin Lihua to refute, Tan Zhongliang said again: "In those days, Mr. Issa defected to the commander, and the commander made a pure land for him at the station without saying a word. Now, the commander still lives up to Mr. Issa's choice."

   As a bystander, Tang Li has figured out a series of operations of the coalition forces tonight.

Yan Yingcheng took Isa under the guise of the 775 brigade's mutiny, and Jin Lihua was a step behind because of Song Jingtian. Later, Jin Lihua was extradited to the S country. Yan Yingcheng should say that Jin Lihua fell into the hands of the 775 brigade in the chaos and was handed over by the 775 brigade. Myanmar official.

   In this way, Isa can't blame Yan Yingcheng.

   Even, in order to save Jin Lihua, he had to rely further on Yan Yingcheng.

   For Yan Yingcheng, it is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone.

   Jin Lihua obviously thought of it too, his face was pale, and he didn't talk too much.

   Tang Li looked at the armband of the middle-aged man, but fell into contemplation—perhaps, it was more than two eagles.

   Jin Lihua said that the expenses of the coalition army depended on the white flour business, so, in the future, when Issa dies, Yan Yingcheng is willing to support others in power?

  If she was Yan Yingcheng, she wouldn't do this.

   Wouldn’t it be nice to take over all the business yourself?

   However, in the last life, Jin Lihua did become the second Miss Lin San.

   The support of Yan Yingcheng is indispensable.

  Tang Li didn't believe that Yan Yingcheng never thought of annexing Issa's business. As for why she gave up in the end, the only thing she could guess was the age of the other party.

  Yan Yingcheng is no younger than Issa...

   Now the official request of country S to extradite Jin Lihua, apparently made Yan Yingcheng change his mind.

  The helicopter stopped, and the door was pulled open by the middle-aged man.

   "It's Ji Ming!" The little guy's eyes were sharp, and he could see the night scene outside.

  Ji Ming, in a camouflage uniform, stepped forward to shake hands with Tan Zhongliang.

Tang Li was sitting in the helicopter, and heard the middle-aged man's words "fortunately not to be humiliated", Jin Lihua realized that he could not escape, and he had been silent for a long time. Jin Lihua.

   Jin Lihua turned his head to look at Song Jingtian.

   Seeing that Jin Lihua had something to say, Tang Li spoke first: "Telling some truths will only cause trouble in life."

   Jin Lihua heard the words and looked at Tang Li.

   Tang Li looked at her and asked, "Isn't it?"

  Song Jingtian was next to Tang Li, and watched Jin Lihua get off the plane without saying a word. He sighed a little: "I should have asked her for her account number and password at the Swiss bank first."

  100 million dollars!

   Tears of envy flowed from the corner of the little guy's mouth.

  Jiming boarded the helicopter and brought coats for Tang Li and Song Jingtian.

   "Sir is waiting for you in the capital." Handing the jacket to Tang Li, Ji Ming also explained.

  Tang Li grabbed his jacket, and his emotions were bound to be turbulent.

The word    touched the bottom of her heart.

   put on his jacket and followed Ji Ming off the helicopter. Tang Li did not forget to help Song Jingtian, but when he turned around, he saw that Song Jingtian was holding a tall spittoon in his arms and trying to get down.

  Tang Li: "…………"

   Jin Lihua was taken away, but her spittoon was left here.

   Now, it is owned by Song Jingtian.

  Tang Li wanted him to throw it away, but was sternly refused.

   "This kind of spittoon costs 400 yuan each on Amazon!" The little guy held the spittoon like a treasure: "There is also toilet paper in it. I have seen it, and the unopened one is locally made in Myanmar."

   The group of small turtles in the class must have never been to Myanmar.

  Looking back he took the toilet paper to the school and opened their eyes!

   Thinking that this spittoon Isa might have used, Tang Li was no longer ready to deal with Song Jingtian.

  Jiming also used a helicopter to pick up people.

   It’s just that the helicopter stopped at the border of S country.

   Several off-road vehicles passed through the port, and Tang Li and Song Jingtian boarded the helicopter again.

  The helicopter landed at the airport on the outskirts of the capital, it was almost early morning.

   After getting off the plane, Tang Li saw the man.


   Mr. Song is here to pick up the little wife!


Good night.

   (end of this chapter)

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