Chapter 124 Can you hug me

   "Oh." Song Jingtian instantly turned into a fallen quail.

   Seeing him like this, Song Boyan no longer had a cold face.

   Discovering that the eldest brother was not really angry, Song Jingtian immediately flattered: "Brother, I will miss you."

  Song Boyan laughed and rubbed the little guy's head. Seeing that it was almost time, let them check the tickets and enter the waiting room.

  Tang Li led Song Jingtian to the rear of the team.

The    team moved forward slowly, and after about five minutes, they lined up at the gate.

  Tang Li finally couldn't help but look back.

   She found that Song Boyan was still there.

   was watching them enter the station.

  Tang Li's brain became dull, especially when she noticed that Song Boyan's eyes didn't have time to fade away the warmth and softness.

   Even because of Song Jingtian, her mood was still affected.

  Somehow, Tang Li left the team.

  Song Boyan was just about to turn around and leave, but out of the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of Tang Li who suddenly ran over.

In the open space where people came and went, the slender girl in a sweater and jeans rushed through the crowd, making Song Boyan pause, and his eyes were also on Tang Li. As she ran, her shoulder-length fluffy hair followed. The wind was flying, making her delicate and clean face and neck clearer.

   Her eyes were tense and a little erratic.

   Then, she stood in front of him.

  Tang Li's breathing was unsteady, and she felt her heart was about to jump out of her throat. Her gaze moved from Song Boyan's watch on his left wrist to his shirt, and then from his protruding Adam's apple to his face.

  Suddenly, all kinds of messy emotions were pulled away from her body.

   As if her world was clear.

   Her eyes were clear and bright, looking straight at the handsome facial features of the man, which was different from the maturity of the boy, and also attracted her inexplicably.

   At this moment, Tang Li faintly felt that this was not just the junior's admiration for the elder.

   She couldn't help but said, "Can you give me a hug?"

   When the words came out of his mouth, Tang Li realized his abruptness, even if Song Boyan and her mother were old acquaintances, even if he treated her with tolerance, but... After all, they are not blood relatives, and there is a difference between men and women.

   Resisting her heartbeat, she subconsciously remedied: "I mean—"

Before he could finish speaking, Song Boyan had already taken a half step forward. He stretched his arms around her shaved shoulders and gently took her into his arms. Tang Li was slightly startled, and the man patted her on the back with the other hand: "Go back to the capital. Study hard, and if you encounter something you can't solve, just like before, call me."

   The man's mellow voice sounded in her ear at the same time.

   was Song Boyan's advice to her.

  —just like he told Song Jingtian.

   Such a hug is more polite, as if it is just a way of saying goodbye to the elders and the younger.

  Tang Li approached tentatively, and put his arms around Song Boyan's waist, instantly making the embrace more real, instead of feeling distant.

   Song Boyan didn't move, letting the girl put her face on his shoulder.

   Because he felt the hesitation in Tang Li's heart.

   It was like being in the gym that day.

  Tang Li's situation in Li's family, Song Boyan already understood, compared to the carefree life in southern Yunnan, when she returned to Li Wenyan's side, she lived a more cautious life.

   He couldn't help but hug the girl's thin shoulders a little, like a silent comfort.

   After a few seconds, Tang Li let go of his hand.

   She stepped back and quietly hid her hands behind her.

When    looked at Song Boyan again, she pursed her lips and smiled, trying to pretend to be calm, but her twinkling eyes betrayed herself.

   Four shifts~



   (end of this chapter)

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