After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 125: My big brother won't eat you

   Chapter 125 My Big Brother Won't Eat You Again

   "Sedum is still waiting for me, bye."

   The last two words, Tang Li said very quickly.

   After she finished speaking, she stopped looking at Song Boyan's expression and didn't dare to look him in the eyes. She took two steps back, then turned around and left.

  Tang Li didn't look back until he walked into the gate of the waiting room.

  Song Jingtian was carrying a schoolbag, standing next to the staff in charge of the security check, biting a straw to drink orange juice, seeing Tang Li coming back, especially her cheeks turning white, he looked at it and said, "Why are you running back?"

   "Nothing." Tang Li went to get the roasted sweet potato and orange juice in his hand.

   The little guy handed her the bag of sweet potatoes.

   As for the orange juice, he hesitated and gave Tang Li the glass that was almost finished.

   Seeing Tang Li take it over, he didn't seem to notice that he was stealing from him. Song Jingtian's dark eyes rolled. When it was their turn to check in, he suddenly asked, "Why did my eldest brother hug you just now?"

   Greeting the security guard's gaze, Tang Li only felt his cheeks get hot.

   "Goodbye, haven't you been hugged since you said goodbye to others?" After saying that, she took Song Jingtian through the security gate and went to pick up the schoolbag and backpack on the security slide.

  Song Jingtian gave full play to his spirit of getting to the bottom of things.

   When he got on the high-speed train, he turned his head and talked to Tang Li as he walked: "Then why did you run away? My elder brother won't eat you."

   Sitting in his seat, he glanced at Tang Li meaningfully: "My eldest brother didn't even hug me."

   A bit sour tone...

   "Next time, let him hold you." Tang Li put his schoolbag on the luggage rack.

   The little guy turned his head and hummed.

   Returning to his seat, Tang Li remembered the hug, and the scene outside the waiting room was all in his mind.

   The smell of tobacco that seemed to have just been exposed to the sun on the man's body was as warm as the winter sun shining on her body, making her want to get closer to him involuntarily, wanting to absorb more warmth.

  As the high-speed train runs, in the field of vision, the grassy hillsides gradually replace the icy marbles and beams.

   She recalled the picture of Song Boyan sitting by the window drinking coffee at noon.

  The man's sitting posture is very relaxed.

  Handsome facial features, clear outlines, straight nose bridge, thin lips, deep eyebrows and eyes, in the sunny afternoon, a little warmer in the grim.

   When Song Boyan looks at people, he doesn't have much sharpness.

  Tang Li recalled the previous conversations, and Song Boyan felt gentle to her.

   Her thoughts couldn't help flying. If Song Boyan had a wife, then the way he looked at his wife would definitely make people feel affectionate.

  If he has a daughter, he must also be a good father who is tolerant and reasonable.

   Thinking that Song Boyan was hugged by her but did not push her away, but slowly hugged her, knowing that what he did had nothing to do with love, just like an adult coaxing a disobedient child, the corners of Tang Li's lips still rose slightly.

   Back to the capital, it was early ten o’clock in the middle of the night.

   As soon as he came out of the ticket gate, Song Jingtian saw the woman waiting outside and immediately hid behind Tang Li.

   This is the first time Tang Li has met Song Ru himself.

  Song Ru has short hair that goes beyond the ears, which gives the impression of being capable, but has a gentle temperament. If you don't tell her age, you can't tell that her son is already in college.

   Seeing the figure of the villain, Song Ru has already walked over.

  Song Jingtian saw that his eldest sister had a serious face, and this time he did not use Tang Li to block the arrow: "I asked Tang Li to take me to the commercial port, don't blame her."

   Thanks to the fairies for their rewards, recommendation tickets and messages, Erjiang will definitely write it down and blow kisses~

   There are three more updates left, which will be served in the evening~

   Continue to ask for recommendation tickets~

   It is said that Mr. Song's popularity has been high recently...



   (end of this chapter)

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