Chapter 126 How could you not like it

  Song Ru was angry and laughed, knowing what Song Jingtian was thinking: "Don't think that if you say this, I won't train you again."

   Song Jingtian heard this and hid himself behind Tang Li again.

  Tang Li: "..."

   turned to look at Tang Li, Song Ru's face softened: "Bo Yan called me, the little guy has caused you a lot of trouble."

   "It's okay." Tang Li pursed his lips and smiled.

   Actually, she wanted to say hello just now, but she couldn't find a suitable title for a while.

Song Ru said: "The car is already outside. Boyan mentioned to me that you and Xiao Si are studying at the same university, and there is no direct bus back to school. Now it's so late, it's not safe for a girl to be outside, let us Take you back first."

  Tang Li did not refuse.

   She can take the subway and then transfer to the bus, but it is too troublesome, and it is very likely that she will miss the last bus, and even if you call a taxi, it is not 100% safe.

  Tang Li returned to Wentan Garden, it was almost 12 o'clock.

   thanked Song Ru and watched the car drive away for a while before she turned around and went upstairs.

   In the dormitory, Wu Xuehan hadn't slept yet.

   Hearing the door open, she turned her head to look at the door.

   Seeing Tang Li coming in, Wu Xuehan immediately got out of bed, picked up the delicate gift box on the desk and handed it to her, Tang Li raised his head and smiled: "You stay up so late, just to give me a gift?"

"I didn't send it, but an aunt came to the school to look for you this afternoon." Wu Xuehan explained: "She went to Puyuan, and her classmate said that you had moved to Wentanyuan, and she came here again. I want to call you. On the phone, she said no, she put down her things and left shortly after."

  Tang Li looked through the gift box, but couldn't see why.

   As for the aunt in Wu Xuehan's mouth——

   She did not remember that she had a female elder who could come to visit her at school in the capital.

   As soon as he put down his backpack, Wu Xuehan said next to him: "The aunt said that his son brought it back from a business trip in Italy."

   Tang Li's action of opening the gift box stopped.

   "It was specially explained to me that it was a ceramic product, so I placed it carefully."

   After Wu Xuehan finished speaking, he found that Tang Li put the gift box back on the desk again, and asked out of curiosity, "Why didn't you take it apart?"

   "If you want to take it apart, take it apart." Tang Li replied.

   Then, she went to the door to change her slippers.

When Tang Li came back, Wu Xuehan had already taken apart the gift box, looked at the contents and exclaimed, turned his head and urged Tang Li: "Ali, come and see, it's Triangel! It's the angel of fate in "Rush to the Sky", purely handmade Italian porcelain doll."

  Tang Li asked her, "Do you like it?"

   Wu Xuehan nodded his head with envy: "When I watch TV series, I want to buy it, but it's too expensive. The cheapest one costs seven or eight hundred yuan."

   "Then I'll send it to you."

   "...Give it to me again?"

  Wu Xuehan thought he heard it wrong: "Last time you went home and gave me a shawl and perfume. I checked online later and the prices were very expensive. I was planning to pay you back."

   "You don't need to return it to me." Tang Li sat down beside the bed: "If you return things to me, I will also leave them aside."

   Wu Xuehan: "Don't you like it?"

  Tang Li hummed.

"You really don't want this fate angel?" Wu Xuehan held up the ceramic doll in the gift box. The doll was dressed in a colorful European court dress and three pointed hats, with a strong Italian style: "Many girls like Triangel's dolls. , how could you not like it."

   (end of this chapter)

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