After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 127: She chose to use "you"

   Chapter 127 She chose to use "you"

   Yes, how could you not like it.

   In her previous life, she bought more than 20 Triangels one after another, and put these angels of fate in the wedding room.

   Because Han Jifeng gave her a Triangel.

   In her heart, the Angel of Fate is their token of love.

   Later, she learned that Li Shengxia had a hobby of collecting fate angels.

   In Han Jifeng's study, in the safe locked with a password, there are dozens of fate angels, all of which Li Shengxia bought and collected after he got married and went abroad.

   As for why she also sent her an angel of fate.

   On that day, she went to visit Qin Yueru, and Han Jifeng was also at home. She helped to clean up the living room. Han Jifeng picked up the fate angel on the coffee table and handed it to her without any intentional explanation.

   At that time, she thought that this is how boys give away things.

   After a few years, when she broke the embrace between Han Jifeng and Li Shengxia in Han Jifeng's office, and recalled the past, she remembered that the day Han Jifeng gave her the angel of fate was the day when Li Shengxia and Qin Yansheng went abroad to settle down.

  So, that Triangel was not specially prepared for her.

   "You really don't want it?" Wu Xuehan asked again.

  Tang Li had already guessed that Qin Yueru was the one who came to the school to look for her.

   So when he heard Wu Xuehan's question, Tang Li nodded: "I said I would give it to you just now, so of course I will give it to you. I don't like this kind of doll."

   After confirming again and again, Wu Xuehan put the doll back into the gift box carefully: "Then I'm really welcome."

   "Okay." Tang Li smiled lightly.

   Washed up and lay down on the bed, it was already early morning.

  Tang Li lay on her side and looked at her phone. After a battle between heaven and man, it was getting late. At 0:25, she sent out the edited text message.

   "I'm bothering you so late. We arrived in the capital after 10 o'clock. I forgot to report safety just now, and I just remembered now."

  Between 'you' and 'you', Tang Li chose the latter.

   leaning against the pillow, running back and forth for two days, let her fall asleep without waiting for the text message.

   The next day, Tang Li was woken up by his phone.

   It shows 7:10 on the phone.

   When she saw that it was Song Boyan's text message, she instantly woke up. The text message was short: "Just arrive safely."

   Holding the phone, a smile slowly bloomed on Tang Li's lips.

   She wanted to reply.

   However, he immediately gave up the idea.

  Because he was still in the meeting, he was afraid that he would disturb him.

  Yu Sui took 6,000 yuan in cash to Wu Xuehan in English class on Wednesday.

   During recess, when Yu Sui appeared beside Tang Li and Wu Xuehan with a cold face, different from Wu Xuehan's embarrassment, Tang Li looked up at Yu Sui, no emotional fluctuations on his face or eyes.

   Put the envelope containing the money on the desk, Yu Sui's tone was a little stiff: "I just have cash at home, so I brought 6,000 yuan over."

   asked Wu Xuehan to collect the money, Tang Li got up and went to the bathroom.

   As a result, Yu Sui also followed her out.

   "Tang Li, I have something to ask you."

   was blocked, so Tang Li had to stop.

  Yu Sui hesitated before speaking, before saying, "You and Wu Xuehan live in Wentan Garden, that dormitory, I mean, can you live alone?"

  Tang Li: "..."

"I don't want to live with Jiang Yining anymore." Speaking of Jiang Yining, Yu Sui felt more and more uncomfortable, but she could only continue to say: "I look at her like eating flies now, but she refuses to move out, All the other classmates thought I was bullying her!"

   After being reborn, Tang Xiaoli: I'm empathetic and don't fall in love, hum! ╭(╯^╰)╮



   (end of this chapter)

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