Chapter 130 The story of the farmer and the snake

   Listening to the other classmates' harsh condemnation of Yu Sui, Wu Xuehan subconsciously hid behind Tang Li.

   She didn't expect the girls in the class to hate Yu Sui so much.

   Obviously it wasn’t like this before.

  Tang Li looked at Jiang Yining who was surrounded by everyone, and guessed in his heart that Jiang Yining was just here to borrow their anger to gain goodwill, and by the way, let other classmates reject Yu Sui, the unruly and willful eldest lady.

  Tang Li didn't stay in the classroom anymore, and took Wu Xuehan to leave first.

   After coming out of the teaching building, Wu Xuehan still had lingering fears: "It's a little scary that they arranged Yu Sui like that just now."

   "It can only be said that Yu Sui's number of paragraphs is not as good as others."

  Tang Li answered.

  Has a father who is the head of the bank, and an uncle who is the leader of the hospital. Yu Sui is used to bossing around, raising his chin when he walks.

   Yu Sui like this is in contrast to Jiang Yining's helpfulness.

   Therefore, when there is a problem between them, as long as Jiang Yining sheds a few tears, most people choose to trust her instead of Yu Sui.

   These two are now like a play between the farmer and the snake.

   It was almost the end of the month, and Wu Xuehan had not finished reviewing the high mathematics that Wu Xuehan was going to make up for. As a student with a final score of 95 in high mathematics, Tang Li had to go out in person and accompany Wu Xuehan to the library in the afternoon to give her key examples.

  As a result, as soon as they walked up to the second floor, they met Fu Si.

   That poke yellow hair is particularly eye-catching in the crowd.

Fu Si and the other students were sitting at the long table, holding pens like the others, spreading a book in front of him, and a pile of books beside him. The only difference was that everyone was immersed in their studies. Like a nail.

   "Last time I saw him, I thought he was a scumbag." Wu Xuehan sighed in Tang Li's ear: "So he's still in the library!"

   They looked around, only the table behind Fu Si had three vacancies.

   Fu Si has already seen them.

   As soon as Tang Li sat down, he heard the sound of "pipi" twice.

She looked up, and at the table in front, Fu Si was turning his head and raising his chin at her. Tang Li didn't understand what he meant. A man in the sofa area next to him stood up, put down the book in his hand, and walked over. The body went to Fu Si with a pestle.

  Fushi settled down immediately.

  ...Dare to come to the library to study under pressure.

  Tang Li realized this, so he stopped worrying about Fu Si, and opened the textbook of the second volume of Gaoshu to help Wu Xuehan review.

   In less than five minutes, the vacant seat next to her was occupied.

   Tang Li after seeing who it was: "..."

   The man who had just sat back on the sofa and read came over again. When Fu Si saw him, he hurriedly dragged his chair close to Tang Li. He pointed at Tang Li and said, "She has good grades. I asked her to tutor me."

   Afraid that the man would not believe it, Fu Sichao clenched his chin to Wu Xuehan: "Tell him, is Tang Li a scholar?"

   Wu Xuehan nodded like pounding garlic, not forgetting to give a thumbs up: "First place in our academy!"

   "..." Tang Li.

   After making sure that Fu Si didn't lie, the man left, but paid attention to this side from time to time.

  Tang Li just finished an example problem for Wu Xuehan, and Fu Si took the book and put it together: "I don't understand here, tell me about it."

   Seeing the high number book in his hand, Tang Li's psychological shadow was slightly larger.

   He is clearly a junior.

   Then Tang Li discovered that the stack of books he was carrying were all basic textbooks for freshmen and sophomores.

   Fu Si has already urged: "I have to make up 15 exams next month, time is precious, don't be stupid, hurry up!"

   (end of this chapter)

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