After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 131: Someone gave my uncle a mediator

   Chapter 131 Someone gave my uncle a mediator

  Tang Li: "..."

   Wu Xuehan: "..."

Glancing at the exercise that Fu Si pointed to, Tang Li took his Advanced Mathematics Volume 1, turned a few pages forward, circled a certain example and the knowledge points above with a gel pen, and then returned the book to him. : "Look at the circled place first, and then ask me if you don't understand."

  Fu Si took over the high-level math book, and rarely started to concentrate on the problem.

   Wu Xuehan glared at him secretly.

   Just as he was about to look away, Tang Li stretched out his hand and tapped on her second volume of advanced mathematics: "Don't look at him, you scored 36 points in the final exam of the first volume of higher mathematics, so you are not much better than him."

   "..." Wu Xuehan felt an arrow in his chest.

   Not long after, Fu Si took the book and asked Tang Li again.

   Wu Xuehan stared at the opposite, because she had not finished the topic selected by Tang Li, so she could only watch her "tutor" being taken away.

  Tang Li did not drive away Fu Si.

  Teaching one is teaching, and teaching two is also teaching. It’s not bad for her.


   He is also Song Boyan's nephew.

  Tang Li found out some knowledge points to explain to him, and found an example problem, so he did not let him read the answer first, and used it as an exercise for him.

   "Is it reliable?" Fu Si asked her.

  Tang Li was copying the question on the white paper, and when he heard his question, he stopped writing: "If you don't believe me, you don't have to ask me."

"That's not good, I know you as a scholar, I don't ask you who." Fu Si looked back and made sure that the driver sent by his mother was not following him, and leaned on Tang Li's side: " I have to review this today, and tomorrow when my uncle returns to the capital and comes to my house for dinner, I have to go back."

   Hearing this, Tang Li turned his head to look at him.

   Fu Si said again: "Someone has provided my uncle with a mediator, and I will bring the woman over tomorrow night."

   After saying that, he glanced at Tang Li: "You should understand that when a man gets older, he will always be forced to marry and give birth to a child. My uncle is in his thirties, and my grandmother always wanted him to start a family and start a business."

  Tang Li looked at the exercise problem on the white paper, her thinking was a little blocked. The problem that she thought was easy at first, now has no clue.

   Then, she heard herself ask, "Who is the woman?"

"It seems to be the only daughter of real estate tycoon Bo Mingguang, Mint." Fu Si turned his head down and flipped through the high school textbook, and answered casually: "Actually, I don't really know. I heard my mother talk to my father last night and said it was Bo Mingguang. The daughter of Bo Mingguang is only one child, Miss Bo who works in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

   "My uncle is likely to go further in the future. There are a lot of women who want to marry him, but few really match him. In this way, the young lady of the Bo family is quite suitable for him, regardless of status or job."

   One afternoon, Tang Li couldn't remember how she was tutoring Fu Si and Wu Xuehan, and until she returned to the dormitory, what Fu Si said echoed in her mind.

  Someone wants to introduce Song Boyan to the media.

   Listening is a good thing.

  After Fu Si said, Song Boyan has passed his thirties.

   An elder who takes good care of her, if she wants to get married, she should be happy.

   In his last life, Song Boyan never got married at the age of 36.

   She wondered if anyone had introduced Miss Bo to him in her previous life.

   In those years, she only had Han Jifeng in her eyes, and she couldn't see other men at all, even if the other party was the head of a country, she naturally didn't know whether there were any women beside Song Boyan.

   Tang Li was lying on the bed at night, his thoughts were inexplicably confused.

   She took out her phone.

   Staring at the dark phone screen, after a long time, she put the phone back under the pillow.

   (end of this chapter)

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