After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 132: What she should think about is to make herself stronger

   Chapter 132 What she should think about is to make herself stronger

  Don't think about it, don't think about it...

  Tang Li silently warned himself in his heart.

   She is only 19 years old now. She has more important things to do. What she should think about is how to make herself stronger, not entangled in certain emotions.

  Emotion is the most useless thing in the world.

   Whether it is her mother or her previous life, they are all lessons for her.

   Within a few days, the situation of disagreement between Yu Sui and Jiang Yining fermented.

   Early in the morning, the Youth League branch urgently asked for scald ointment in the class group.

  Yu Sui deliberately spilled a cup of hot water on Jiang Yining's arm in the dormitory, causing Jiang Yining to be injured.

   "My God, why is it so vicious..."

   "I used to think that Yu Sui was a bad person, self-righteous, if others didn't follow her, she would find someone to trouble her, a typical black face and a black heart!"

   "This kind of person should be fired..."

   Wu Xuehan peeked at the screen and read the news, and took the mobile phone to find Tang Li.

  Tang Li is washing his face in front of the washstand.

   "Yu Sui is likely to be punished like this." Wu Xuehan was a little worried.

   After all, everyone has been roommates, and she doesn't want each other to end up being merciless in the end.

   Hearing this, Tang Li's movement of catching the water with his hands stopped.

  Yu Sui looked at domineering, but he was not very courageous. If it was careless, it would make sense. If it was intentional, then the intentional person should be replaced.

   After one or two lessons, Tang Li received a call from the counselor.

   Walking into the counselor's office, Tang Li saw Yu Sui standing beside him.

   Seeing Tang Li's arrival, Gao Shengyan stepped into the topic.

The moment she saw Yu Sui, Tang Li already knew it, so she was not surprised when Gao Shengyan said that Yu Sui wanted to move to Wentanyuan to live with them.

   "In this situation, it is obviously not suitable for Yu Sui and Jiang Yining to continue living together. Yu Sui wants to move to Wentan Garden. What do you think of Tang Li?" Gao Shengyan valued Tang Li's opinion more.

   Yu Sui is Yu Guowen's niece. She asked Yu Guowen to live with Tang Li and the others. Yu Guowen came to her just now.

   There was no other way, she could only call Tang Li.

Tang Li didn't go to see Yu Sui, and only said after a few seconds: "If the school has already made a decision, my opinion is not important, if the school values ​​my personal opinion, then my answer has been told to Yu Sui a few days ago. ."

   Yu Sui heard this, her eyes blushing: "Can't stop, don't stop, you think I'm so rare!"

After   , he turned and ran out of the office.

   Gao Shengyan was too late to stop him.

  Tang Li explained: "I do this out of long-term considerations, whether it's for me, her, or another classmate in the dormitory, I hope you understand."

   Gao Shengyan can of course understand.

  Yu Sui's mother came to the school to yell at Tang Li before, and she ended up hitting Tang Li's roommate by mistake.

   Mud Bodhisattva has a third earth nature, not to mention a human being.

   As soon as he left the office, Tang Li's cell phone rang.

  ——It was an MSN message sent to her by Gao Wenlan.

   After returning to the capital from the commercial port, Gao Wenlan had approached her several times because she was learning flower arrangement. Tang Li already knew the other party's name and also knew that Gao Wenlan was a professor of the history department of the commercial port university.

   "Come over to the Coast Cafe on Yuanhai Road right now."

   Tang Li asked: "Are you in the capital?"

  Gao Wenlan replied faster: "Nonsense, don't be long-winded, you are limited to arrive within an hour, anyway, something good is waiting for you."

  Forty-five minutes later, Tang Li met the producer and director of the drama version of "Original Sin" at the Coast Cafe.

   (end of this chapter)

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