After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 139: This little girl must like you

   Chapter 139 This little girl definitely likes you

   When he came out of the bathroom, Tang Li had already finished his draft.

In the office, two men were sitting on the sofa talking about something, she set her eyes on Song Boyan, just about to leave, Song Boyan raised her head with awareness, looked at her with gentle eyes and a calm and magnetic voice: "Go back to school now? "

   "Yes." Tang Li didn't go to see the other person, looked back at Song Boyan and said, "Mr. Gao has something to go back to Yuanhai Road, I can take a taxi back by myself."

  Song Boyan has already stood up: "I'll have someone take you back to school."

After   , he walked to the executive desk, picked up the landline and made a call.

Tang Li's words of rejection were choked in his throat, looking at Song Boyan's generous and straight back, he realized once again that as long as he was in front of him, he was always clumsy, and he couldn't tell whether it was the effect of the age gap or other reasons... …

   Five minutes later, Tang Li entered the elevator that opened.

   When she turned to look outside the elevator, Song Boyan stood there with his hands behind his back, watching her, but she didn't say a word until the elevator door closed.

   Watching the elevator reach the first floor, Song Boyan went back to the office.

   As soon as the door was closed, Bai Yiqian couldn't wait to ask, "Has the person been sent away?"

  Song Boyan picked up his teacup, found that the tea was cold, poured it into the trash can, and brewed another cup in a purple clay pot.

"Is this the girl who called you last time?" Seeing Song Boyan pouring tea unhurriedly, Bai Yiqian couldn't help but said, "The little girl is pretty, but she looks a little smaller, but it's a little bit smaller. The advantage of it is that it is more like a bird and a person, and it will not check your whereabouts at every turn."

  Song Boyan understood what he meant, put the teapot back and said, "You don't speak up, you're just a junior I met in southern Yunnan in my early years."

   "Junior?" Bai Yiqian teased: "I don't think she is too young, she can already look at you with the eyes of a woman looking at a man."

   "You think of her as a junior, she doesn't know what to think of you in her heart. Aren't the little girls now obsessed with uncles? At her age, she just likes 'Azaxi' (uncle) your age."

   "The more you talk, the more outrageous it is." Song Boyan began to order the eviction: "If you have nothing else to do, go back first."

"Don't say that you really don't know what to do." Bai Yiqian leaned forward and said in a tight-lipped manner: "You must have done something to make her think crooked, there are so many things between men and women, if you want me to say... It's good. Yes, this age is still relatively young, so what is a fourteen-five-year-old in love?"

   "If you're also a bit interesting, next time you see her, you can hint that a little girl of this age can't stand the hook. You don't need to take the initiative, she will dive into your arms by herself."

  Song Boyan lit a cigarette and threw the lighter back to the coffee table.

Bai Yiqian said tirelessly: "You really should find a woman, sitting in the position of Minister of Finance, but living like a monk, you know how others passed on you before, saying that you were too injured in southern Yunnan. Much, leading to there..."

   said, his eyes looked at Song Boyan's crotch of his trousers.

   Song Boyan not only didn't get angry, but smiled and lit ash in the ashtray: "They can spread it like this, naturally it won't be groundless."

   "..." Bai Yiqian.

  Song Boyan looked up at him: "Do you want me to take it off for you?"

   "No, no." Bai Yiqian waved his hand hurriedly, while holding a teacup to drink water, he couldn't hold back after all, and looked at Song Boyan worriedly: "Then do you want to go to the hospital?"

   Then, he was kicked out.

   (end of this chapter)

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