After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 140: I don't want to get his **** dirty

   Chapter 140 I don't want to put his viscera

   After the elevator doors closed, Tang Li took off the suit around his waist, and took off his sweater instead of the suit to hide behind him.

   Back to school, the first thing she did was get a hanger to hang up her suit.

   Wu Xuehan followed behind Tang Li with a ham sausage.

   found bloodstains on Tang Li's skirt, she guessed it was menstruation, Tang Li casually placed the sweater on the bed, and there was also a faint bloodstain on it.

   "Is it your father's suit?" Wu Xuehan asked.

   "No." Tang Li hung the suit in his closet: "I left the coffee shop and went to another place. I came to my aunt ahead of time. I met an elder and lent me a skirt to cover."

   "Then why are you useless?"

  Tang Li looked at the two men's suits in the wardrobe: "...because I don't want to get his outside dirty."

   "He has already lent it to you, which means he doesn't mind getting dirty." Wu Xuehan said beside him, "You come back in short sleeves. If you catch a cold, you will lose more than you gain."

   "..." Tang Li didn't answer this sentence.

   Some psychology, she doesn't want to tell anyone.

   I also faintly resisted.

Wu Xuehan was stunned for a minute when she learned that Tang Li was going to sign for the drama version of "Original Sin", and then she became a little tail behind Tang Li. Tang Li did not hide it from her, telling her that it was the audition video for the film version for the director and producer. People are satisfied, she has met the original author of the novel before, so she got this opportunity.

   found that Wu Xuehan seemed to want to say something, Tang Li took the initiative to ask: "What's wrong?"

   "It's nothing." Wu Xuehan was a little embarrassed, but he spoke again after a while: "Ali, if you go to play, will they arrange an assistant for you?"

"This is not under the management of the film and television company. The assistant is recruited by the agency or the artist. I didn't sign the agency, so naturally there won't be an assistant." Tang Liming said something, and turned his attention to Wu Xuehan: "You want to follow me. Group?"

  Two blushes climbed onto Wu Xuehan's small round face.

She lowered her head to her two fingers, raised her head and glanced at Tang Li: "I'm so grown up, I haven't really met an actor, but I actually like Guan Xiao very much. I heard that he was filming in Hengshan Film and Television City this summer, so I went to be an actor. I've been an extra for half a month, but I haven't seen him."

   "Tomorrow I'll go to Jiahua to sign a contract and ask for help. If the director and producer think it's OK, I'll bring you into the group."

   "Really?" Wu Xuehan almost turned into a monkey.

  Tang Li nodded and followed with a smile: "The filming location is in the capital, we can go back to school at night, and we don't have to worry about accommodation, I just said that you are my assistant, and there should be little chance of them objecting."

   For this reason, Wu Xuehan was so happy that he tossed and turned all night.

   The next morning, Tang Li had no class and went to Jiahua Film and Television to sign a contract.

   Zhang Hansheng knew that she did not have a brokerage company or an agent, so the contract was handed over to her for review.

When    signed the contract, Zhang Hansheng and Fan Xin were both present.

"Because you're a newcomer and don't have any acting experience, I won't pay you much." Before Tang Li opened the contract, Fan Xin informed her: "It's written in the contract that I can give you. The highest salary, and if you can't accept it, you don't have to sign this contract."

   As a director, Fan Xin has strong principles in filming, and Tang Li has already understood it through Internet searches.

   He is recognized as one of the best directors in China to control costs.

   In other words, he pays the actors low.

   Four shifts are over, good night~



   (end of this chapter)

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