Chapter 158 What did I discredit you for?

  What is Jiang Yining thinking? Tang Li has lived for two lifetimes, and she can see through it almost at a glance. She doesn't stop it because she has no position.

  If Fu Si was her younger brother, she would not hesitate to separate Jiang Yining.


   Jiang Yining is also a recipient of a scholarship, and there are more than enough teachers.

   In this way, Tang Li can't say anything.

   Jiang Yining spoke earnestly, but Fu Si couldn't listen at all, just getting more and more impatient.

   "Do you understand?" Jiang Yining asked him.

   Fu Si responded indiscriminately.

   Jiang Yining shoved the pen into his hand, but did not walk away as he wished, but instead said: "Then do it again, I see if there is something wrong."

  "..." This is the first time I've seen such a woman who is so far-fetched.

  Fu Si couldn't bear it any longer, he crumpled the piece of paper Jiang Yining had done the question on, and threw it out directly: "There's no end to it! I'm doing the question well myself, I want you to compare it!"

   Unrestrained voice resounded through the classroom.

   For a while, countless students turned their heads and looked over.

   Jiang Yining's face turned pale, and this result was unexpected.

   She kindly offered to help him with counseling, even if he didn't remember it well, he still had such an attitude.

   "Tang Li is the number one student in our academy. As long as his brain is fine, he knows who to look for for tutoring." Yu Sui sneered and squinted at Jiang Yining.

Before   , she would definitely not maliciously speculate on Jiang Yining.

--but now.

   Since Jiang Yining can't see that others are better than her, how can she help others with kindness, unless it is profitable.

   Thinking of Jiang Yining's diligence just now, Yu Sui had already guessed her intention, and sneered: "I really think that all men eat your way."

   Hearing this, Jiang Yining was embarrassed to be exposed.

Her eyes were slightly red: "Sui Sui, I don't understand what you mean, I just saw that A Li wanted to tutor Xuehan and help her friend with tutoring, so I wanted to help, but now, I should be helping Busy."

   In a few words, Jiang Yining successfully turned himself into a victim of "being treated as a donkey's liver and lungs by good intentions".

  Tang Li didn't want to hear their tongue fight, so he packed up and greeted Wu Xuehan to change positions.

   Wu Xuehan picked up the schoolbag and sat down to the vacant seat next to him.

   Seeing this, Fu Si was not far behind.

   found that Jiang Yining was blocking his way, his face was even worse: "I want to go out, get out of here!"

   As a girl, it's a shame to be called "go away" by boys in public.

   Jiang Yining's face suddenly flushed.

   In the class, she is the goddess in the eyes of many boys.

   Now being insulted by Fu Si like this, it's because she is making fun of herself, which instantly reduces her image.

   As for why Fu Si hates himself, Jiang Yining can only think of one reason.

   During class, Tang Li was blocked outside the boiling water room.

  Jiang Yining asked straight to the point: "Did you deliberately smear me in front of Fu Si? Tang Li, I didn't expect you to be such a rude person!"

  Tang Li couldn't walk, so he looked at her seriously: "What am I smearing you for?"

   "You know it in your own mind!" Jiang Yining sneered with red eyes: "If it wasn't for you to instigate discord, why did Si Fu exclude me from tutoring him? Or are you afraid that I will **** this tall branch that you finally climbed to?"

   "I just don't have time, you want to teach him so much, I can't ask for it."

   At this time, the linear algebra teacher came out of the men's room: "Why are you standing here?"

   glanced at Jiang Yining, Tang Li replied: "Yining said she wanted to tutor the seniors and sisters who took the linear algebra exam this semester, and was looking for a teacher to discuss this matter."

   Jiang Yining: "..."

   (end of this chapter)

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