Chapter 159 Something out of reach

Teacher    looked at Jiang Yining in surprise: "Do you really want to make up for those juniors? It's not as easy as you think from last semester to this semester. Besides, you have already completed your self-study of linear algebra?"

   Jiang Yining pulled the corners of his lips.

   She taught herself linear algebra during the summer vacation, but asking her to teach people, except for wasting her time, won't do you any good.

Just as he was trying to find an excuse, Tang Li said next to him, "Since Yining has come to find a teacher, even if he is not very sure, he still has seven or eight points. Just now a third-year student came to our class to take a lesson. Yining also taught him to do an exercise."

   said, Tang Li turned to look at Jiang Yining, with a small smile on his lips: "Teacher, you may not know that Yining is known for being a warmhearted person in our class. If you reject her, she will have to cry at us when she turns back."

   "..." Jiang Yining's little face turned red and white.

The teacher nodded, and the eyes that fell on Jiang Yining were full of admiration: "It's a good thing to be helpful, so come to the office with me, I'll contact you, borrow a classroom for you, and you will help them every night. Wait until the make-up exam is over."

   Jiang Yining couldn't get down on a tiger, so he could only force a smile: "Then I will thank the teacher first."

  Tang Li returned to the classroom, and Yu Sui dawdled over.

   "Anything?" Tang Li asked her.

   "I couldn't hold back just now." After hesitating for a few seconds, Yu Sui promised, "I won't argue with Jiang Yining like this again in the future."

   "You don't have to promise me anything." Tang Li put the water glass on the table: "Everyone's way of doing things is different, it's just a question of whether it's suitable to coexist, people are divided into groups, that's what it means."

   Yu Sui bit her lip lightly and said with courage, "What if I want to be friends with you and Wu Xuehan?"

   Hearing this, Tang Li looked up at her.

   Fu Si urged: "Are you finished? I still have questions to ask, hurry up, the class will start soon!"

As soon as the    voice fell, the class bell rang.

  After Yu Sui left, Fu Si lightly touched Tang Li with his elbow: "Her mother didn't want to hit you last time, so why do you still care about her?"

  Tang Li said: "You still threaten me, I'm not still tutoring you."

   Fu Si was choked up.

   In the next week, in addition to helping Wu Xuehan and Fu Si with tutoring, Tang Li also began to take dance lessons arranged by the drama version of "Original Sin".

  Tang Li enrolled in an adult ballet class in his previous life and wanted to improve his temperament.

  Although she has no foundation in dancing, what she learned back then was pretty good, so now she is starting over and learning again, she still remembers some of the basic movements.

  The professional dance teacher invited by the crew started to teach her one-on-one from the second week.

  Tang Li's body flexibility is good, and her appearance and temperament are good. By mid-November, her dance training has achieved initial results.

   found that Yu Sui frequently went in and out of their dormitory, but Tang Li did not stop her.

  On November 19, the night before the opening ceremony of the TV series "Original Sin", Tang Li deleted Song Boyan's number on his mobile phone.

   Including Ji Ming's business card, she also threw it into the trash.

   She still has a lot to do, so she shouldn't think about these unreachable things.

  Tang Li did not attend the opening ceremony after obtaining the director's consent, and officially joined the group on November 23, with Wu Xuehan as an assistant.

   In addition to Fan Xin, there is another director who directed the drama version of "Original Sin".

   Therefore, in order to catch up with the schedule, the first two cases in the novel were shot at the same time.

   Ying Xuan'er's case was filmed in a high-end villa community.

When    arrived at the scene, Tang Li found that the film version of "Original Sin" was filmed next door.

   (end of this chapter)

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