After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 193: Can't help but want more

   Chapter 193 Can't help but want to have more

  The winding mountain road, like her mood at the moment, twists and turns, it is a confusion that makes her unable to see the end, as if standing at a triangular intersection, not sure whether to go left or right.

  The higher you go, the lower the temperature.

  Tang Li felt goosebumps on his arms from the cold.

   The dim street lights only allowed her to see just a few steps under her feet.

   No matter how far away, it is pitch black.

  There is no flashlight function on her phone.

   After walking for about half an hour, Tang Li vaguely saw two wrought iron gates.

  ——It should be Yunqi Villa.

   she thought so.

   stopped, she didn't go any further.

  There are probes with red dots on the side of the wrought iron gate.

   If she continues to approach, she will definitely appear within the surveillance range.

   There was a sudden pain in the left ankle. Tang Li looked down and found that the skin next to the ankle was cut at an unknown time, and the blood had congealed.

   She remembered with hindsight, and just passed a pile of bushes.

   The wound was not big, and she didn't bother to deal with it.

   After walking for too long, his body signaled that he was tired. Tang Li sat on the flower bed next to him and stretched out his legs.

   In the middle of the night, sitting alone halfway up the mountain, I felt more and more confused.

   is like a whim.

   Because she couldn't find a reason why she should be here.

  I don't know what I'm doing sitting here.

   is more like a bet with herself, whether she can meet the person she wants to meet.

   Her enthusiasm gradually faded with the colder fingers.

   "It should be invisible..."

   she told herself silently.

  ...She was just too greedy.

   After enjoying the warmth, you can't help but get closer, and you can't help but want to have more.

   Mingming has gone through so much, but now she is like a child who is eager to be cared for.

   At this moment, two car lights came from a distance.

  Tang Li forgot to get up.

   The two wrought iron doors in front slowly opened, and a black car drove in. She just watched silently, without making a sound from beginning to end.

  The car stopped not far away, and the red taillights were on.

   then rewinds.

   Tang Li recognized that it was the Lexus.

  ——Song Boyan's car.

  When the car turned off and stopped beside her, Tang Li just stood up, the passenger's window was lowered, and through the street light, she could clearly see the man in the driver's seat, it was Song Boyan.

   She stood beside the car, staring at Song Boyan who was also looking at herself.

   After a long while, Tang Li heard Song Boyan's question: "What are you doing here when you are not at school in the middle of the night?"

  【I'm coming to you. 】

   The answer could not be told to him.

  Tang Li covered his eyelids and looked at him again in less than three seconds.

   Looking at the girl's quiet eyes with countless emotions, Song Boyan sighed and said, "Get in the car, I'll take you back to school."

   "..." Tang Li didn't move.

   She just asked: "Does my presence here bother you?"

   After the words were finished, Tang Li felt the corners of his eyes warm.

No matter how much misfortune she suffered in her last life, she only cried twice, once when her mother died, and once when she found out that Han Jifeng and Li Shengxia were in bed. The reality made her realize early that tears can't help her get anything. What you want can only be obtained through hard work.

  But now...

   She felt that helplessness again.

  Tang Li whispered: "You don't need to send me, I will go back myself."

   After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked on the way she was going.

   (end of this chapter)

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