After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 194: i don't like you with her

   Chapter 194 I don't like you with her

  Song Boyan sat in the car, looked at the distant back in the right side mirror, then unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car.

  Tang Li walked ten meters away and kicked a brick without noticing.

   would not fall, but made her stop abruptly.

   Then, her shoulders were held, and she turned around with her body.

Tang Li looked at the man's shirt and the slightly raised cuffs of his suit, the emotions in his heart had not completely calmed down, just like a child wandering alone in the middle of the night, his expression was filled with hesitation and helplessness, but it showed A bit childishly stubborn.

   "It's almost 12 o'clock, and no one will send it off. Are you planning to walk back to school like this?"

  Song Boyan's words seemed to contain a faint sigh.

   As if she was just a rebellious junior.

   This kind of knowledge made Tang Li not want to accept his feelings again: "I can go back."

   is the worst, you can always walk back to school after walking all night.

   "Fengyun Mountain is located in the suburbs, and the late night in the suburbs is not necessarily safe." Song Boyan seemed to know what she was thinking, and what she said again was more like a kind of comfort: "Girls need to know how to protect themselves when they go out."

After   , Song Boyan withdrew the big hand on her shoulder: "If you have anything to do with me, talk to me on the way."

   "...Are you going to marry Miss Bo?"

Tang Li's sudden speech made Song Boyan stop his steps, and made him look at her again, like a broken jar, she asked again: "Fu Si told me that they all want you to be with Miss Bo... ...will you marry her?"

   She can live a new life, and things in her past life may also change.

  Song Boyan's eyes are very dark, deep and quiet, so she doesn't want to beat around the bush: "Since it's all a blind date, why don't you find someone you like?"

Knowing his rashness, Tang Li no longer looked at him, and only whispered: "I mean, if you like Miss Bo, it's quite suitable for you to be together. Find one you like."

  Song Boyan laughed when he heard the words: "I didn't sleep in the middle of the night, I came to the wilderness, just to remind me that the twisted melon is not sweet?"

  Tang Li was silent.

  ...because I don't like you with her.

   she answered in her heart.

   Later, she heard Song Boyan say: "Tonight is just an ordinary family banquet, nothing else, as for that Miss Bo, she's just a guest of the Fu family."

   This explanation sounds ordinary, but Tang Li slightly tightened the straps of the backpack.

   Suddenly raindrops fell on her face.

  Song Boyan said again: "I'll take you back to school first."

   "No." Tang Li refused again: "I have an umbrella in my bag, this is the highway around the mountain, and now it's raining again, and the view of driving at night is even worse. I can go down the mountain and try to call a car."

   "Don't trust my driving skills?"

   Song Boyan asked her.

  Tang Li was holding a backpack, but the rain was getting heavier.

   opened the car door, and seeing that she didn't follow, Song Boyan smiled and said, "Are you so afraid that I will let you fall down the mountain tonight?"

  "..." Tang Li's face was slightly hot.

   At this time, someone came out from the iron gate with an umbrella.

  Ji Ming was stunned when he saw Tang Li standing beside the road. He didn't know why she appeared outside the villa. Obviously it wasn't brought by the finance minister. Thinking like this, he turned to look at the finance minister.

  Song Boyan has already said: "I'm afraid the view is not good, then go back when the rain stops."

   (end of this chapter)

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