Chapter 195 Raise your left foot

   On the car window, the rain smashed down.

  Tang Li sits in the back row of the car. The dense century-old trees along the way are towering, with winding branches and leaves. In such a rainy night, there is no leisure and fun.

   Looking out of the car window, her hands slightly grabbed the backpack on her legs.

   The first time he set foot in this villa, Tang Li was not without a trace of nervousness.

   Not only because this is where Song Boyan lives and lives.

   When entering the villa, Ji Ming was in charge of driving.

   "When did you get hurt on your foot?"

   Hearing Song Boyan's question next to him, Tang Li looked away from the window. The street lights occasionally illuminated the inside of the car. She glanced at her left foot and explained in a low voice, "I accidentally stepped on a bush on the road just now."

   A few minutes later, the Lexus stopped in front of the gate of the residence.

  It was a manor-style building.

   After Tang Li got off the car, he followed Song Boyan into the house.

Maybe it was late at night, and there were no servants in the huge room. Song Boyan took off his suit jacket and put it on the back of the sofa. The exhaustion that came up late at night made him light a cigarette to refresh himself. Ji Ming, who came in the good car, went upstairs to get the medicine box.

   After a while, Ji Ming put the medicine box on the coffee table.

Song Boyan had already sat down on the sofa, looked up and saw Tang Li still standing outside, he pursed his lips and smiled, under the hanging crystal lights in the living room, the man's deep eyes seemed to have a shallow smile: "I've never seen this before. kind of house?"

  Don't want to be seen as a joke, Tang Li hummed: "I saw it on TV."

  Song Boyan didn't answer her words, only let Ji Ming go to rest first, and then looked at Tang Li again: "Are you going to stand there forever?"

  Tang Li: "...I want to go to the bathroom."

   "Go straight in and then turn right." Song Boyan showed her the way: "No one else lives in this building, if you really can't find it, open the door and take a look."

  Tang Li stayed in the bathroom for two minutes.

   When she came back, Song Boyan was reading the instructions with a bottle of potion in his cigarette hand.

   This time, Tang Li didn't stand outside the living room.

   She chose the one-seater sofa on the side.

   Just as soon as she sat down, Song Boyan said in a warm voice, "Sit down here and take care of the injury on your foot first."

  Tang Li hesitated, and finally sat down.

   "Raise your left foot."

  "..." Tang Li raised his feet in coordination and rested on the edge of the sofa.

Song Boyan opened the box of cotton balls, unscrewed the bottle of iodophor, turned his head to look at her fair feet, but did not see the socks that were taken off, and then looked at her other foot, also without socks: "It's the end of November, Wear shoes and socks?"

  Tang Li didn't expect Song Boyan to care about this, and then explained: "I need to change clothes for filming, so it's inconvenient to wear socks."

   "And..." She added: "It's popular to wear sneakers with bare feet."

   said, her eyes glanced at Song Boyan's feet, wearing black cotton socks.

  Many men in formal attire wear dark socks.

  Song Boyan listened to Tang Li saying that it is fashionable not to wear socks, he couldn't help but smile slightly. He really couldn't understand the thoughts of children nowadays: "Winter is coming soon, you still have to do a good job of keeping warm so that you don't freeze yourself."

  Tang Li didn't sing the opposite: "Last year's socks were not very good. I'll wear them when I buy a few new pairs."

   Then, Song Boyan asked her to stretch out her feet.

  Tang Li put his hands on the sofa behind him, his left foot rested on Song Boyan's leg, his eyes fell on his right hand holding the tweezers, the joints were clear, and he was wiping the wound on her ankle for her.

   (end of this chapter)

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