After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 200: You are the first man who made me confess

   Chapter 200 You are the first man who made me confess

   ended, Tang Li pressed the send button.

   When Song Boyan received the text message, he was standing on the balcony of his bedroom smoking a cigarette, and the dew was heavy and frosty, but it didn't make him feel much chill.

   In his ears, there seemed to be those words Tang Li said before going upstairs.

   The girl's firm and shy eyes also deeply penetrated into his brain.

   A 19 year old girl.

   She was only 11 when they first met.

   At that time, he was already a 23-year-old adult man.

   The little girl with wheat-colored skin and a bright smile, in his mind, gradually overlapped with Tang Li, who had medium-length hair in a shawl and a slender figure in a bathrobe tonight.

   Even after many years, the clear and firm eyes of the deer have not changed.

   Just like when she sat on the threshold with her chin in her hands.

   "I didn't tell you to hide the dagger. Anyway, I'll definitely be able to find it. I really won't return it to you then. There is an unwritten rule in our village. Whoever picks it up is responsible."

  Some little rascals, but equally persistent,

  Whatever you like, you will go all out to get it.

   Thinking that I have lived for almost thirty-two years, and now I am being chased by a little girl, I feel amused, and I feel a little helpless.

   When he got back to his bedroom, he found new text messages on his phone.

  Tang Li never received a reply, thinking that Song Boyan thought she was an impulsive act of a child again.

  Thinking like this, frustration inevitably arises in my heart.

   As soon as she lay on the bed, the phone vibrated.

  ——is a text message from Song Boyan.

  【Sleep well, don't play with your phone again. 】

  Tang Li looked at the word "Obey", the corners of her lips couldn't help rising, a very ordinary exhortation, but she tasted different tastes, it seemed that most of them were helpless, but also condoned.

   She typed while holding the phone in both hands, and replied faster: "You too."

   This time, Song Boyan didn't come back.

  Tang Li felt at ease and put down his mobile phone to sleep peacefully.

   However, in the middle of the night, she experienced the dream of arguing with Han Jifeng again.

In the dream, the glass and other china shattered, she saw that she smashed the remote control at the TV, and the LCD screen made a cracking sound. Going to the sofa, ignoring her red eyes and messy hair, she opened the door of the villa and went out.

   Before Han Jifeng left, the cruel words he said lingered in her ears.

   "Tang Li, stop acting like a mad woman, take care of yourself, what I want to do is my business, it's not your turn to interfere!"

  Tang Li woke up, it was already bright outside.

  Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, Tang Li looked at the corners of his red eyes, slightly absent-minded.

   In fact, even she herself hated the self in her dreams.

   loses self and also loses reason.

   She was very afraid that she would be like that again in this life.

   Outside the house, the barking of a dog was heard.

Tang Li followed the sound and opened the window of the guest room, just to see the iron-clad Tibetan mastiff jumping high, opening his mouth to catch the football thrown at it, then fluttering his big fluffy tail, running back and forth on the large lawn, and finally again. Return the ball.

   Turning slightly, she saw Song Boyan squatting under the tree.

  The Tibetan Mastiff circled around him happily, Song Boyan patted its head, probably tired of playing, the Tibetan Mastiff stuck its tongue out and slowly got down beside Song Boyan.

   When Song Boyan got up, the Tibetan Mastiff immediately followed, for fear that he would be abandoned by his master if he was too late.

   (end of this chapter)

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