After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 201: I used to have a dog named Axi

   Chapter 201 The dog I used to keep was also named Axi

   Watching this scene, the heavy weight piled on Tang Li's chest disappeared.

   She couldn't help curling the corners of her lips.

  The past life is the past life, this life is not the same.

   At least the person she likes now is no longer Han Jifeng.

  Tang Li went downstairs with his bag and saw a middle-aged man at the entrance holding a Tibetan mastiff and wiping its feet.

   Looking at the laziness of the Tibetan Mastiff, Tang Li remembered the bra that it took away last night. She walked over, and at a safe distance of two meters, squatted down and asked, "What's its name?"

   The middle-aged man is Uncle Tan, the housekeeper of Yunqi Villa.

   Suddenly heard a female voice, he turned his head and looked over.

   The moment he saw Tang Li, Uncle Tan was slightly startled. He didn't expect a girl to stay in the villa, and then replied kindly, "It's called Axi."

   "Axi?" Tang Li read the name.

   Immediately, she pursed her lips and smiled: "The dog I used to raise was also called Axi."

Tang Li looked around, but couldn't find Song Boyan, so he had to ask the middle-aged man: "Do you know where Mr. Song is?" After saying this, she specifically explained: "I have something to do in the morning, I have to go now, leave I wanted to say hi to him before."

   Uncle Tan pointed to the outside of the house: "Sir is still outside."

  Thanks, Tang Li got up and went out.

   As soon as she walked out of the door, she saw Song Boyan not far away.

Song Baiyan was standing under the tree with his hands on his back, Tang Li checked the time on his phone, no longer delayed, trotted over to say goodbye to him, and as soon as he approached, he heard another male voice: "Xia Zhengguo was reported by his real name to accept a huge bribe, the report letter is early this morning. Found on the doorstep of the anti-corruption chief."

   Hearing this, Tang Li stopped.

   I don’t know how to advance or retreat for a while.

  There are some things she can't hear.

Song Boyan was standing beside a big tree with three people hugging each other, so Tang Li didn't notice that there were people behind the tree, and the man said, "The Anti-Corruption Bureau has already started action, and the movement is quite loud, if the content of the report is true , Xia Zhengguo will be planted nine times out of ten this time."

  Xia Zhengguo's corruption and bribery, it will take a few years before it will be revealed in the previous life.

   However, this life has advanced.

   Han Jifeng was implicated by Xia Zhengguo back then.

   Xia Zhengguo is Han Jifeng's direct boss. As a talent that Xia Zhengguo single-handedly promoted, Han Jifeng naturally could not escape being investigated or even detained.

  Tang Li was about to leave quietly when Song Boyan's voice came: "Do you know who reported it under his real name?"

   "Secretary Xia Zhengguo, Han Jifeng."

   This answer made Tang Li turn around for a while. could it be Han Jifeng.

   At this time, Han Jifeng had no idea that Xia Zhengguo was taking bribes.

  If he knew it, the Anti-Corruption Bureau in the previous life would not let him go. Even if he confiscated the bribe himself, he would be regarded as an accomplice for not reporting his knowledge.

   "Yo, where's the little girl?"

   A frivolous male voice suddenly sounded behind her.

  Tang Li had to turn around again.

   She looked at the man standing with Song Boyan, who was the "white game" in Ji Ming's words earlier, and the other party was looking at her with a smile.

   Bai Yiqian turned to look at Song Boyan again: "Dare I come at the wrong time?"

   There seems to be some kind of deep meaning hidden in this sentence.

   Noticing that the corner of the other party's mouth was about to smile or not, Tang Li turned his eyes to Song Boyan, temporarily suppressed the strange emotions in his heart, and said actively, "I have to go to the crew in the morning to come and say goodbye to you."

   The implication is that I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your official business.

  Song Boyan's expression was as usual, and it did not change because of Bai Yiqian's teasing.

   (end of this chapter)

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