Chapter 203 Uncle I Love You

Bai Yiqian put down the spoon: "You are willing to let her stay here, but you still don't allow me to say a few words? You are only allowing the state officials to set fire and not allow the people to light the lights. If you want me to say, if you really have no idea about her, it's best Make it clear earlier, the little girl is fierce now, and you won't be responsible when the mud is deep, be careful that she will slap the bow on your overlord and imprison you."

   "The more you talk, the more outrageous she is. She is still in the room, so don't let people see you as a rascal."

   "..." Bai Yiqian.

Tang Li came back from the bathroom, and when he walked around the corner, he heard Bai Yiqian's voice: "If I tell the truth, I will become a hooligan? Okay, you are a gentleman, you continue to hold it, and one day someone will take the meat off your mouth. Enough to make you feel uncomfortable."

  Tang Li didn't hear Song Boyan take this sentence.

   Bai Yiqian said again: "I just found a song, it's pretty good."

   He put his phone on the dining table.

   Then, cheerful and festive singing sounded in the restaurant.

[Uncle, uncle, I love you, and I will never regret it in my life. Uncle, uncle, I miss you, and I cry when I think of you. Uncle, uncle, I love you, and my love is absolutely infatuation. , as long as you can love me and love me, everything doesn't matter...]

   Listening to the lyrics, Tang Li felt his cheeks get hot.

   Even if she felt bloody, she still felt embarrassed by what was being said.

  In the restaurant, the music stopped abruptly.

   "Why do you turn it off?" Bai Yiqian was too late to stop it: "The lyrics don't quite fit the situation. That girl's thoughts on you are not much different from this song. I'm here to help her sing her heart out."

   "She's still a little girl."

Tang Li finally heard Song Boyan speak, his voice was low and generous: "I'm a lot older than her, and the decision she makes now, I can't guarantee that she won't regret it in the future, if I really want to talk about it, I'm also her elder, the more this At times, the more I should look at certain issues rationally.”

   "Too rational and easy to lack fun in life." Bai Yiqian snorted: "You think about her like this, be careful that she won't accept your love."

   Hearing this, Tang Li's left hand holding the wall tightened slightly.

   Song Boyan said again: "It's okay if you don't appreciate it, it's better than she regrets it later."

   "After you said that, I remembered that the person you were engaged to earlier was not Li Wenyan's mother's niece. If it wasn't for that Fang Qi who died early, the little girl would really call you cousin now."

   Speaking of this, Bai Yiqian asked reluctantly, "Maybe that girl really likes you?"

   Tang Li suddenly didn't want to know the answer anymore.

She walked out of the corner, looking down at her backpack: "Where did the crew pass go? Why can't I find it all of a sudden." Before she finished speaking, she looked up at the two men in the restaurant: "I seem to have left the pass in the guest room. Here, go upstairs and have a look first."

   After saying that, Tang Li walked to the stairs.

  Bai Yiqian retracted his gaze and turned to Song Boyan: "Maybe I heard it."

  After breakfast, Tang Li left with Bai Yiqian.

  Song Boyan watched Bai Yiqian's car drive into the dense forest, turned around and was about to go upstairs, but his phone vibrated in his trouser pocket. It was a message from Tang Li.

   She said, "I will prove it."

  ——Prove that I am not short-term dependent on you.

   After getting off Fengyun Mountain, Tang Li never received a reply from Song Boyan.

   Bai Yiqian, who was driving, glanced at the rear-view mirror and said, "The end of the year will come soon, and the general election will start in the middle of this month."

   That's how Mr. Song's character is set up. He's not the type who would **** a little girl when he sees it. Well, in fact, Mr. Song still likes Ali...



   (end of this chapter)

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