After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 204: He said he didn't like it, not necessarily he didn't like it

   Chapter 204 He said he didn't like it, not necessarily he really didn't like it

   "You know, Finance Minister Song is their party's candidate, so he may be busy recently, but no matter how busy he is, he probably has to make time to spend a few days in the mountains."

   Tang Li heard the words and looked up.

Bai Yiqian continued to talk, as if he had no idea what he was revealing: "Chairman Song was born in the army, and his hands were inevitably stained with blood. He suddenly retired back then because he was seriously injured. Since then, his health has not been as good as before. Later, he chose I'm in politics, but I go to the temple to live for a while every year, and I'm afraid this year will be no exception."

  Tang Li asked: "Is his health not good?"

   Even if he had seen it with his own eyes in his previous life, he still wanted to get confirmation from those close to him.

   "Have suffered a lot of gunshot wounds, especially the lungs, and the injuries were serious at the time."

   Bai Yiqian said, and looked at Tang Li in the back row from the rearview mirror: "Did he tell you that he was going to the mountain?"

  Tang Li shook his head absentmindedly.

"It's because you didn't stay here enough times." Bai Yiqian seemed to have endless things to say: "Chairman Song is relatively introverted, he doesn't like to tell others about anything, and the same goes for his feelings. If he says he doesn't like it, it's not necessarily the case. I really don't like it, women are not the only ones in this world who are duplicitous, especially men of a certain age who don't like to talk about love and love."

   "I haven't seen anyone around him in all these years. For things like relationships, age is not a problem, and status is not a problem. Mungdou and the **** are still in a cross-racial relationship, are you right?"

  "..." Tang Li just asked him, "When will Finance Minister Song go up the mountain?"

   "Maybe at the end of this month."

  Bai Yiqian said: "I went to Guangyuan Temple, about two hours' drive from the capital, at the boundary of Qingyang City."

  Tang Li wrote it down silently.

  Bai Yiqian parked his car 300 meters away from the shooting location.

   Arrived at the precinct, almost 9:20.

  Tang Li greeted the director and went to the dressing room to prepare.

  Her two scenes are scheduled for 11am.

   Sitting in front of the mirror in the dressing room, Tang Li was still thinking about what the white bureau said, saying that Song Boyan's health was not very good.

   Thinking that he died at the age of 36, she suddenly couldn't read the script.

   At this time, a staff member came in with a bunch of flowers.

   "Is it for Yang Ning again?" Zhuangniang asked.

   The staff sighed: "Yeah, it's already the fifth bunch today, and the flowers collected a few days ago are all piled up in the trash can. Yang Ning's popularity is too high. Fortunately, the class is not open, otherwise her fans will probably be crowded here."

   As soon as he finished speaking, there was the sound of high-heeled shoes walking at the door.

  Tang Li looked into the mirror.

  Who is Yang Ning who came in wearing sunglasses and a peaked cap?

  Yang Ning walked in, sat down on the chair next to Tang Li, handed the bag in his hand to the assistant, and let the make-up artist who came with him do the makeup on him.

"I didn't sleep much last night, and the dark circles under my eyes are a little heavy." Yang Ning leaned forward and pressed his fingers to the corner of his eyes. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Tang Li, no longer sloppy: "Feng Qi took a fancy to, and now I see Senior Lian Li. Did you forget about greetings?"

  Tang Li raised the corners of his lips, and then said, "I thought Teacher Yang didn't want to talk to me."

Yang Ning picked up the spray bottle and sprayed skin care lotion on his face: "The future that is obtained by improper means will eventually be defeated by your own means, don't think that you have signed IMG and have Feng Qi as your manager. Man, the future is really smooth sailing.”

   (end of this chapter)

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