Chapter 214 Li Yuan'er

  Feng Qi's description of the heroine's character is not the same as what Tang Li knew.

In the previous life, Tang Jing, the heroine of "Operation Mi Suo River", was the top of the army where the hero Xing Xiao was in. There was an emotional scene between the two in the last few minutes of the end of the film, and it was only Xing Xiao who knelt down in public to show her love to Tang Jing. , this move won applause.

but now--

  Tang Li flipped through a few pages of the script and found that the heroine's name was Maratha, a Myanmar-Vietnamese-Chinese girl.

   In her memory, the actress who played Tang Jing was Xi He, who won the Berlin Best Actress Award.

  Xi He happens to be a long-time friend of the actor Zhang Qifeng.

After the release of "Operation Mi Suo River", the director publicly thanked Xi He for saving the scene, and mentioned that the actress who had signed the contract withdrew temporarily, which caused serious losses to the crew. Finally, Zhang Qifeng called and asked Xi He to take over the film. .

   When this report came out, there was speculation on the Internet about the identity of the actress who broke the contract.

   But the director never named him.

  Tang Li didn't expect that the arrogant little flower that the public couldn't guess in the previous life turned out to be Li Yuan'er, and the crew even changed the script for this, and the character of the big nun's protagonist.

   After all, at Xi He's age, he definitely couldn't play a 17-year-old girl.

  According to time estimates, "Operation Mi Sao River" will not be released until the spring of the next year.

   It's a full year from now.

At that time, Li Yuaner had already won the most influential Hundred Pigeon Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as "Ying Xuan'er", and her popularity increased rapidly. Even if the market response of "Martial God" was mediocre, it did not affect her receiving international endorsements and awards. The piece was about to receive a soft hand.

When "Operation Mi Sao River" was released in the Spring Festival, and the total box office exceeded 3 billion, Li Yuaner still forwarded her congratulations on the Internet, and even Amway fans went to the cinema to cheer, saying that she went to the cinema to watch it twice, and posted it at the same time. Two ticket stubs from different dates.

   With such behavior, it is completely impossible to see that she had been breaking up with the team who made this movie behind her back.

  Perhaps also because of Li Yuaner's "showing good" and "knowing wrong", and the relationship between Li Wenyan and Ouyang Qian, the director and producer of "Misuohe Action" did not reveal her name to media reporters after all.

   In the two years after that, Li Yuaner's career really reached its peak.

  Now, Tang Li continued to read the script.

   Except for the heroine's role, the story told in the whole movie is not too different from the previous life.

   "Misuo River Action" is based on the accident that a passenger ship in S country sank after being hijacked by the Misu River a few years ago. The beginning of the film is that the Ministry of Security of S country established an investigation team and sent an action team to the border to investigate the real situation.

   Tang Li saw this movie in his last life.

During the Spring Festival that year, Qin Yueru gave her two movie tickets and asked her to go to the two-person world with Han Jifeng. Han Jifeng promised her on the phone, but she stood at the entrance of the movie theater until her body was cold. Han Jifeng still didn't show up, so she called him again. , is already turned off.

   The next day, she learned that Han Jifeng went abroad overnight to the place where Li Shengxia settled.

   But she thought he was temporarily dispatched on a business trip.

   No matter when, Han Jifeng has been playing the role of the knight who guards the princess. As long as Li Shengxia makes a phone call and there is a slight hesitation in his words, he will cross the ocean just to see if she lives well.

  Feng Qi's voice came from the side: "The current domestic film market situation is not like it was a few years ago."

   (end of this chapter)

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