After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 215: Bring mother's ashes back to southern Yunnan

  Chapter 215 Bringing Mother's Ashes Back to Southern Yunnan

"The audience's appreciation and taste are becoming more and more mature, resulting in a significant increase in the word-of-mouth effect of the film itself." Feng Qi analyzed: "Many films that were originally favored by investors, when they are released, the total box office makes them unable to even return the money, even if this film The film gathered seventy or eighty celebrities."

  Tang Li was deeply touched by this phenomenon.

   In the last few years, many big movie stars have turned to the small screen one after another to take up TV dramas with high pay, more or less because they no longer have the box-office appeal of "going high and tens of thousands of people".

   Compared with traffic, audiences pay more and more attention to the quality of the video itself.

   The 3.2 billion total box office of "Operation Mi Suo River" was a big upset in the Spring Festival that year, and it also gave a blow to those in the industry who sang it badly.

  Li Yuaner broke the contract at the beginning because she believed that this movie would be a hit.

It was at the end of last year that Le Wen helped Li Yuaner contact "Operation Mi Suo River". At that time, Li Yuaner was just a newcomer in the film industry. She wanted to use this film as a stepping stone. Who knew that Ningmang would start the "Original Sin" project, and Li Yuaner is strongly invited to join.

  Although Zhang Qifeng is an actor supported by "Misuohe Action", Zhang Qifeng's acting skills are indeed excellent, but his box office appeal is not high, and the films he has appeared in in the past are also based on word of mouth.

"Original Sin" is undoubtedly a better choice than "Operation Mi Suo River" with a "little plot" theme. Later, Fenghua Media asked Li Yuaner to star in the annual big IP "Martial God". Even Li Shengxia watched it. After finishing the script, she also asked Sister Wen to help Li Yuaner to reject "Operation Mi Suo River".

Feng Qi said again: "In this capital game market, this type of film does not give people confidence, the funds for the filming have not yet been received, and some people have begun to withdraw funds. The director recently mortgaged his house in the capital to the bank for a loan. "

After speaking, Feng Qi sat back on the sofa: "So, it is normal for actors to temporarily break their contracts. Qi Liang is not a first-line director in China, and the cast can only be said to be average. When "Operation Mi Sa River" is released in various theaters, It is very likely that the number of films will be crushed by other films of the same period.”

   No matter how good the reputation of the movie is, if the audience does not buy it, the cinema will not hesitate to compress the amount of films.

Tang Li remembered that "Operation Mi Suo River" had only 6% of the films at the beginning of its release. It was the "tap water" on the Internet that was constantly Amway films, which greatly increased the film's exposure. In addition, Dou Meow's score was as high as 8.6, and it was another Spring Festival viewing. During the peak period of filming, the box office of "Operation Mi Suo River" broke the domestic first-week box office record.

   "You want me to star in this movie?" Tang Li asked Feng Qi.

   "Although it's a main theme movie, if it's done well, it's no less enthusiastic than an American blockbuster. Besides, young people today have a very high patriotic awareness."

  Tang Li has put the script on the coffee table: "If you think I'm suitable, the producers will also like me. I have no opinion."

   "Aren't you afraid that this movie won't stir up any waves at the end?"

   "I'm really scared." Tang Li raised his head and smiled, "But some things need people to do after all. I like this story very much. The most important point—"

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, and then said: "I lived near the Mi Su River for several years, and then moved with my mother. After her death, I came to the capital for seven or eight years. Go back and have a look."

  If you can take over the "Misuo River Action"——

   Taking advantage of this time, she will bring Tang Yin's ashes back to southern Yunnan for burial.

   Chapter 213 There is a small bug. I changed the first day box office of "Operation Mi Sa River" to the first week. It doesn't affect reading, what is the group?



   (end of this chapter)

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