Chapter 222 I want love, or death

   "The ending of the movie is not very good, but the whole story is pretty good." Tang Li said here, and his grip on the phone tightened.

   The killer's neighbor is a 12-year-old girl, and the relationship between the two who run through the whole movie is detached. She didn't mention a single word on the phone about the content of the plot.

   Here, she admits she was playing a bit of a trick.

   She was afraid that Song Boyan might not watch the film after she made it clear.

Tang Li added: "The film's female lead Natalie/Portman won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress, and is also an Oscar-winning actress. If the male lead is a well-known French actor, I like this movie very much. I've seen it several times."

   Yunqi Villa.

   Hearing Tang Li's words, Song Boyang just sat down on the sofa in the living room.

   He undid another button on the collar of his shirt with his right hand, and he still held the phone in his left hand. The dinner was over early, so that it would not be too late for him to return to his residence.

   When Tang Li sent the text message, Song Boyan was already on his way back to the villa.

  On the other end of the phone, Tang Li's quiet voice came: "You must be busy with work recently, I won't disturb you, rest early."

   After the call was over, she thought of her mentality of "getting away after cheating people", and she was a little childish. Song Boyan thought it was funny, but he didn't really care about her.

   Wherever your heart goes—

   He took the remote control from the coffee table and turned on the TV.

   Enter the title of "This killer is not too cold" in the search field, and a French film made in 1994 will appear on the LCD screen.

  Bai Yiqian pushed open the door and came in. The lights were turned off in the room, and only the TV screen lit up with bright white light.

   When he approached, he found Song Boyan sitting there watching a movie.

   "I haven't seen you watching a movie for many years." Bai Yiqian sat next to him with a butt: "Why is there such a leisurely mood tonight?"

As he said that, he glanced at the big screen, and happened to see a certain scene, a girl with short ears and short hair, looking at the adult man sitting opposite her with sincere eyes, a tear slowly slid down her cheek, she continued: " I/want/to/love/or/death."

  —I want love, or death.

  If you can't give me love, I'd rather choose death.

It seems that only girls in their teens and twenties can express such a strong and numbing emotional appeal, and only they regard love as the most important thing in life.

  Bai Yiqian retracted his gaze and turned to look at Song Boyan: "This movie has been around for a long time, haven't you seen it a few years ago?"


   At that time, they did not study this movie as a romance.

  Song Boyan kept his original sitting position, picked up the remote control to turn off the TV, the light-controlled crystal lamp turned on, and the whole living room was suddenly bright as day.

   Seeing this, Bai Yiqian also began to mention the business: "Hu Haisheng called me."

   "Xia Zhengguo let go?"

   "That's right."

  Bai Yiqian shook his head: "It won't work if you don't let go. His secretary is well prepared. Hu Haisheng said that it was almost a nail in the coffin. Xia Zhengguo was determined to deny it, and the people over there would not believe him."

"Besides—" After Bai Yiqian paused, he said again, "Xia Zhengguo was found to have an affair with several women, and has a 7-year-old son with Li Fangting from the Bureau of Statistics. Before I came, Xia Zhengguo's wife already knew about it, even if it was for the sake of Neither myself nor my children will defend Xia Zhengguo."

  Song Boyan asked: "Xia Zhengguo's secretary, how's the background and identity check?"

   Crab and Crab everyone's reward and recommendation ticket, what about the group~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)

   The weather has turned cold recently, and the old problem of the cervical vertebrae has been committed. Everyone should also keep warm and take care of themselves~



   (end of this chapter)

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