After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 223: Will they match Han Jifeng and that girl?

   Chapter 223 Will Han Jifeng and that girl be matched?

"Hu Haisheng has already sent things to my mailbox, and I will transfer them to you later." Having said that, Bai Yiqian still briefly described: "I took a cursory look, and literally can't see any problems, this Han Jifeng, who used to be at home He went into business, then went bankrupt and his father jumped off the building and now lives with his mother."

   "He graduated from the Capital University of Political Science and Law, and his performance in school was good. I asked people to investigate in private, but I really couldn't find the famous hall."

   Except for a father who jumped off a building, Han Jifeng's files are so clean that he can't pick out any thorns.

   Bai Yiqian remembered something, and said again: "But Han Jifeng can enter the Ministry of Justice, and he took the path of Li Wenyan."

   Song Boyan listened, put the remote control back on the coffee table for a while, then looked at Bai Yiqian: "Is he related to the Li family?"

   "Not a relative or a family friend."

   It is time for the change of office, and Song Boyan is not easy to intervene in some things.

   Only Bai Yiqian can check.

   "Find Han Jifeng's former roommate. The other party said that Han Jifeng's girlfriend in college was Li Shengxia, who was engaged to Qin Yansheng. It seems that because Han Jifeng's father jumped off the building, the relationship between Li Shengxia and Han Jifeng was lost."

   Bai Yiqian said here, the topic turned: "I think Li Wenyan should want to go further."

   However, this year's election may not be in time.

  Song Boyan nodded: "In the past few years, he intends to maintain his reputation in the political world, and with the Yue family as the backing, it is normal that he does not want to be an ordinary member of parliament."

   "It's also fortunate that he didn't marry Xia Zhengguo." Bai Yiqian sighed: "Otherwise, he should be sitting in the interrogation room of the Anti-Corruption Bureau now."

  Song Boyan got up and paced to the window, stood with his hands behind his back for a while, and said, "Your Excellency met Han Jifeng at Tan Palace at noon today."

  Bai Yiqian stopped pouring tea, looked up at Song Boyan, his eyes were surprised: "Even if Xia Zhengguo's case is taken seriously, a secretary of the Ministry of Justice will not be able to summon your Excellency in person."

"Your Excellency is probably trying to promote him." Song Boyan turned around and said his guess: "With Xia Zhengguo's current situation, it is impossible to return to the position of Minister of Justice, even if the election is about to start, wait until a new president is elected. Candidates are selected, and the handover work will be officially completed in March next year."

   During this period, there are still more than three months.

  Bai Yiqian frowned: "This Han Jifeng is not too old. Your Excellency asks him to be the Minister of Justice, and the people below will not be convinced."

   "It won't let him do it overnight."

  Song Boyan: "It's okay to be a director, just help him save his resume."

Speaking of this, Bai Yiqian couldn't help but mention another thing: "Although I don't have a deep friendship with Li Wenyan, I can probably see his personality. Last time, he was willing to marry his daughter with the Xia family. If Han Jifeng can really get up, the most urgent thing is It must be him."

   Li Wenyan really wants to run for election in the future, so he must win over some people.

  Han Jifeng was put into the Ministry of Justice by Li Wenyan, and he almost became his son-in-law, so he should be pulled over no matter what.

Bai Yiqian suddenly had an idea and thought it was absurd: "Li Wenyan has three daughters, the girl who stayed with you last night was not born by him and his wife Ouyang Qian, just like the Xia family, less worries, you said Li Will Wen Yan match Han Jifeng and that girl for his own future?"

   After all, if you really want to succeed, it sounds like a good talk.

   Hearing this, Song Boyan was slightly startled.

   Han Jifeng, the scumbag in the previous life, maybe in this can pick it up yourself~o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o



   (end of this chapter)

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