After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 229: I want to stay in the mountains for a few days

   Chapter 229 I want to stay on the mountain for a few days

  Song Boyan just smiled lightly after listening to the Zen speech given by the host. Buddhists emphasize that the mind is free of distracting thoughts and the four elements are empty. To truly achieve this step is equivalent to taking refuge in my Buddha.

   Buddha said: Floating life is suffering, and all appearances are originally non-existent.

  Humans have to suffer from birth. They are stumbling around in the world, experiencing joys and sorrows, joys, sorrows, joys, loves, hatreds, and infatuation. In the end, they realize that everything is just an illusion.

   And sentient beings are in reincarnation, wanting to get rid of the situation of "reversed delusion", the answer is ready to come out.

   - Nirvana.

   is what the Buddha wanted the world to pursue.

The old host also said: "Too much desire is suffering, life and death are exhausted, from greed and desire, less desire and inaction, body and mind are at ease. People who have less desires will not flatter people to seek people's opinions, and will not be led by various roots. Those who practice less desire, The mind is calm and fearless; there is more than enough to touch things, and there is always no shortage. Those who have few desires will have Nirvana.”

   "The mind is as calm as water, and there is no desire to be firm." Song Boyan said, "It's just that in this world, there are too many things that you can't help yourself."

  The old host sighed slowly: "All appearances are false. If you see appearances that are not appearances, you will see the Tathagata. All the dharmas that exist are like dream bubbles, dew and electricity, and you should view them like this."

   The implication is that you can’t help yourself, in the end, it’s just your own that you can’t let go.

"Those who believe in Buddha worship Buddha, it is a kind of refuge; those who do not believe in Buddha worship Buddha, at least it is a kind of respect." The cassock on the old host is slightly outdated, but the eyes of the elderly are not cloudy, but the eyebrows are kind: "Believe in If you don’t believe it, since the Minister of Finance has come to worship Buddha, he has been the same for many years, and all he asks for is peace of mind.”

   Hearing this, Song Boyan smiled with his hands behind his back. He was not unhappy because he was revealed by the old monk. Instead, he added: "A mere layman, dare not talk about scriptures and Dharma with the host."

   As soon as he finished speaking, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of that beautiful figure not far away.

As the sun was setting, Tang Li was standing beside the arch, wearing a fruit green jacket, a slightly larger black backpack on his right shoulder, a loose ponytail, and a small face without makeup. The deer eyes are also looking at him.

   Such a chance encounter seems too coincidental.

The old host turned his head and found a strange little girl in the temple. He looked at the middle-aged monk inquiringly. The middle-aged monk hurried over to explain and learned that he was here to store the urns of the elders. The old host showed kindness and then said: " My Buddha is merciful, and the filial piety of the donor is true, so naturally I should not be turned away."

   After some distance, Tang Li understood the meaning of the old host, and folded his hands to thank him.

   Then, she turned her attention to Song Boyan.

  The old host suddenly said: "This female donor seems to know Song Treasurer."

  Tang Li was still waiting in place.

  The old host and Song Boyan said a few more words and left with the middle-aged monk, only Song Boyan was still standing in front of the incense burner.

   About ten seconds later, Song Boyan walked towards her.

  Tang Li held the shoulder strap of the bag tightly.

   "I don't have to film and take classes recently, so why do you have time to come here?"

There were two bodyguards standing not far to the left. Tang Li calmed down a little, but it was the same remark she told the monks in the temple: "I just finished the work the day before yesterday, and I heard that Guangyuan Temple has a place to enshrine the relics of the ancestors. A few days just happened to be fine, so I sent my mother's urn over."

  Song Boyan nodded, his Adam's apple moved slightly as he spoke: "It's inconvenient to call a car here, I'll ask Ji Ming to take you back to the county seat."

   After hesitating for a moment, Tang Li looked up at him: "If possible, I would like to stay on the mountain for a few days."

   (end of this chapter)

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